47: Raise Your Enemy

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Ye Yin was aghast. "How could that be! I was certain you two would be together!"

"The world is fickle! She used to pursue me, while I, though in love with her, never said a word. In some ways, I became used to keeping my distance. Now that the thread has ripped, I feel a little disappointment. The disappearance is subtle, but is discomforting."

"Brother Du, if you feel depressed, I can go find Aman..."

Du Luo shook his head, stopping Ye Yin. "Little Qi, you don't have to waste energy worrying for me. When she said she would never like me again and would find a clansman even more brilliant than I, I did not feel sadness, only a little melancholy. It seems I did not hold strong enough feelings for her! Perhaps I was born unable to love. At the very least, I am unable to forsake my principles, my pursuits, for a woman. I can only be a wandering traveler."

Ye Yin pursed his lips, thinking to himself, I already knew this long ago. You're not the kind of person to look after his wife. He felt a little sympathy for Aman. But who would have thought that Aman would give up on Du Luo! She sure had resolution, able to cut off their relationship ruthlessly!

"Little Qi, Aman told me to pass along a message. She said she is still cooperating with you. If you need anything, as long as it does not hurt her clan, she is willing to help. She won't break off relations with you just because of me, so Little Qi, you don't need worry that I and Aman have broken up."

Ye Yin rolled his eyes. "Why would I be worried about that? I am worried about you, okay? Who will ever care for you as Aman did? Brother Du, I am worried about your future!"

He laughed. "Little Qi, your brother here can't live without women? I've lived quite fine without one all these years. You're making a big deal out of nothing."

Ye Yin pursed his lips. "You might not feel anything now, but when you're older? Just wait, you'll feel lonely."

"I'm not young now either, but why do I not feel lonely at all?" Seeing Ye Yin about to speak again, Du Luo waved offhandedly. "Enough, you don't need to keep nagging. I can take care of my own business. And don't I have you, my friend? Once I'm old, I'll visit all my friends, play with your children. I won't be lonely. You should be taking care of yourself. What about your own relationship problems?"

"Relationship problems? Since when did I have those?" Ye Yin was baffled.

"Dumb girl!" Du Luo flicked Ye Yin's forehead. He turned and exiting, leaving a dumbfounded Ye Yin behind.

Dumb girl, always keen about others, but not about herself....

The world is brilliant because of you, but also disturbed. Once the dust settles, whose will you be?


A group of riders galloped, heading to Fengyang pass without rest. Leading them was a luxuriously dressed man whose appearance was as beautiful as a woman's. His face was haggard, evidence of their long trek.

Once the mountain pass was in sight, the man raised his hand, indicating for everyone to take a break. He too sat down below a tree on the side of the road. Though it was autumn, the heat was strangely strong. The intense afternoon sun was unbearable.

Nangong Piaoran looked up at the sky, wiping away the sweat on his forehead silently.

Gong Wu silently passed his master a gourd of water and pieces of rations. Accepting the water, he drank a few gulps and wolfed down the rations. His mind wandered to Yue city. How was that little fellow doing?

He originally planned to be back in twelve, thirteen days, because the young only had fifteen days time, but due to unforeseen circumstances, he had been delayed. And he did not obtained the antidote, only a recipe. He had found seventy, eighty percent of the ingredients, but was still missing quite a few. He sent men searching everywhere, but... Time would not wait!

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