'....I said I was through, but I'm dying inside...'

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Laney clutched her stomach as she cried laughing. She had been in Chris's trailer all morning where they had played with Dodger, who was on an extended visit to Atlanta to visit his owner. Chris never ceased to make her laugh and after snapping numerous hilarious, some unflattering, photos, Laney finally posted the sweet one of Chris cuddling Dodger and put it on Twitter so she could tag him. He responded by following up with his own tweet, a flash back of he and Laney. For the first time in months Laney wasn't thinking of Tom. Smiling at Chris Laney shifted on the leather couch she was sharing with him and Dodger. Her phone buzzed alerting her of a new tag on Twitter.

"Did you post another one?" She eyed Chris pulling it up on her screen.

When she saw the photo of herself that Hiddleston had posted, her heart dropped.

"I'll be back." Her smile disappeared as she jumped up and made her way out the trailer door.

"Ok..." Chris called looking at Dodger confused.

Laney slipped through the rows of trailers her eyes searching for Tom Holland.

"Laney Rae! Where you been?" Holland's voice called out from across the lot behind her.
"I was just coming to find you." Laney anxiously walked towards him.
"Why? Wait where were you?"
"With Evans." She smiled shyly. "He brought Dodger today."
"Oh with Evans huh?" Tom wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Laney blushed.
"Ok why are you looking for me?" He wanted to know.
"Is he on set today?"
"He....meaning Hiddleston?"
Laney gave him a look.
"I don't know. I don't have any scenes with Loki. Well that might change. They still don't tell me anything."
Laney shook her head with a laugh. "Look at this" She shoved her phone in Holland's face showing him the tweet of the flashback Friday photo Hiddleston had sent out.
"Whoa that's some deep shit right there. Where was that? How come I've never seen that picture?"
"Because it's on his camera roll on his phone. It was my brother's engagement party last summer. Why would he do that?"
"You're asking me?"
Laney shrugged helplessly. "You're the only one who I talk to about this."
"Yeah about that...what happened between you two?"
"He dumped me "
"No I mean what happened?"
"I don't know." Hugging her arms around herself she sighed. "I got home that night and he said we weren't right for each other anymore. I guess he just fell out of love with me. "
Tom frowned. "There's no way he fell out of love with you."
Laney shrugged again. "No other explanation"
"Laney I was at your little bbq he couldn't keep his hands off you. It was actually disgusting." Tom faked shuddered and Laney rolled her eyes. "And a month later I get a call from you crying your eyes out. "
"I don't know" Laney said again. She had replayed the last few weeks she and Tom had been together over in her head a million times. She had to admit it was strange. Holland was right when he said Hiddleston couldn't keep his hands off her. They were always affectionate, always kissing, always touching.....
"I'll find out." Tom's face lit up.
"I'll talk to him. See if I can get the dirt."
"You're going to ask him why he dumped me and you think he'll tell you? He didn't even tell me!"
"Yeah we're friends." Tom scratched his head.
"That's a bad idea. And even if he did tell you, which he won't, I don't want to know why."
"Yes you do."
"I don't." She shook her head.
"Well maybe I do. Laney when you called me after.....I don't ever want to hear you sound like that again. There had better be a reason he broke your heart. "
Laney looked at her friend.
"What are you gonna call him?" She finally asked.
"No I'll find out when he's on set again. I don't think he's here today. You can feel his presence when he is." Tom laughed.
Laney couldn't laugh because she agreed.
"This place is like Fort Knox. No one's gonna tell you when anyone is gonna be back on set. He could be done filming all his scenes already."
Tom shook his head, "Nah. Loki's gonna have a comeback."
"Tommy you know I love you. But you have the biggest mouth on set. No one's gonna tell you anything. And that includes Tom."
"Watch me work Delaney Rae." He gave her a confident grin as he started walking backwards away from her. "I got your back wifey!" He winked before taking off.
"Hey Hunter."
"Hey Renner!" Laney's face broke out in a smile to greet Jeremy Renner who had just walked up as Tom departed.
"What's your little boyfriend up to?"
Laney laughed loudly "You know he hates that. "
"He LOVES that. He's so crazy about you. "
Laney smiled shaking her head in disagreement "He's one of the best guys I know. Can't keep secrets very well but I do adore him. He's helped me a lot lately."
"How are you doing with all that?"
Laney shrugged "I'm ok."
"Liar. Do I have to kick Hiddleston's ass?"
She laughed. "No. I do kind of like how everyone is team Laney though." Her eyes gleamed.
"Well after what he did to you..." Jeremy trailed off.
"And just how do you know what he did to me?"
"We talk. We're like children stuck in the middle. Mom Dad stop fighting." He pretended to cry causing Laney to laugh again.

"I've missed you Jeremy." She slid her arm around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder she gave him a side hug.

"Missed you to kid. And I've been worried about you. You know I saw Tom in London a month or so after you split. I didn't even know it had happened yet and when I asked where you were he looked devastated."

"That's funny being as he dumped me."

Jeremy shrugged. "He's an idiot."

"Thank you." She said sincerely.

"And that offer stands. You say the word and Hiddleston's getting a size 11 up his butt."

Tom Hiddleston sat in the hotel room in Atlanta that would be his home for the next few weeks. He wasn't on set for the next 3 days. But Laney was and apparently she was with Evans. He had watched her tweet the photo of Evans with his dog. And then moments later a tweet from Chris a flashback of him and Laney. Tom's blood boiled with jealously. 'I can do better' he had thought. Not some lame photo from a premiere, but a real deal, straight from his phone. His camera roll was still filled with pictures of Laney. He scrolled until he found the one he was looking for. The night of her brother's engagement party. It was also the night they had stayed up all night in a penthouse suite having ridiculous sex. No one else knew that, but Laney did. And she would know the significance in him tweeting the photo. Yes, he was being unfair. He had broken up with her in a shameful way. 10 months ago when he had asked Laney to move in with him he had meant what he said when he told Laney he had never been more sure of anything in his life. But a few months after she moved in he started to feel suffocated. And it was nothing Laney had done, she was perfect. She was the love his life. She was his endgame as he claimed. He hoped he would just get over the feeling of suffocation, but it got worse. And though he loved her more than anything he broke up with her. It came out of his mouth so quickly. And he fled because he knew he couldn't watch her heart break. While he felt like a child now, fighting over a shiny toy with Evans, he couldn't stop himself from tweeting the photo. What made it worse was that he really liked Chris. He was one of the best guys Tom knew. The whole cast was. They all had become family. Tom and Laney had had most of the cast over for a BBQ right before Tom had left her. Now it felt like everyone was choosing sides....well no one had chosen his side. He hadn't even chosen his side. Laney didn't deserve what he had done to her. He didn't know if he could make it right or if it were to late.

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