'I guess it's gonna take me longer than I thought to get over you'

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Sitting at a hole in the wall bar they had discovered while filming Civil war, Laney, Tommy, Chris, Mackie, Sebastian, and Scarlett ordered another pitcher of beer. They had been there for almost 45 mins which was enough time for Laney to have just the right amount of liquid courage to relax and flirt with Chris. Playing along with the nightly bar trivia, Laney and Chris had teamed up and were pretty much dominating the table.
"Got room for a few more?"
Laney looked up to smile at Jeremy who had just walked in. Before her mouth could even form a hello her eyes locked in on the 2 figures behind him. Hemsworth and Tom. Laney turned to Scarlett who was sitting on the other side of Tommy. Pushing Tom forward so Laney could whisper to her behind his back she tugged on Scarlett's shirt.
"What the hell Scar?"
"Hey! In my defense I only invited Renner. He brought the Aussie and the Brit!" She hissed back.
Everyone scooted to make room for the 3 at the circular table. It was a tight squeeze forcing Laney to be pushed in between Chris and Tommy and directly across from Tom.
"Well this is awkward." Tommy leaned over whispering in Laney's ear. He nudged her playfully.
Jamming her elbow in his side she scooted closer to Chris who grinned at her. Glancing up at Tom she swore she could feel the heat in his stare as he watched her next to Chris.
"We need shots." Laney spit out before she could stop herself.
"Here here!" Holland banged his beer mug on the table.
Laney raised her hand to signal the waitress.
A round of shots was ordered for the entire table. It went down Laney's throat smooth leaving a fiery pit in her stomach. Pushing herself up she went to the bar and ordered another, this time a double. Raising it to her lips it disappeared in one smooth sip. Within moments she felt the effect of the lemon vodka enough to go back to the table and face Tom, literally.
Tommy gave her a look as she squeezed back into her seat. "Did you just go have another shot?" He asked.

Laney nodded feeling almost instantly more at ease. It hadn't take long for the alcohol to work it's magic.

"Ah my trivia partner has returned!" Chris slid the electronic trivia device towards her on the table. "Ready for another round?"

"Of course!" She grinned at him turning her focus to the trivia.

After the round, which she and Chris won again, Laney finally let her eyes raise across the table to Tom. She quickly looked away realizing he was staring at her. They all had had another round of shots and Tom had switched from beer to whisky. He had a look in his eyes that Laney knew well. It was an intense, dark, lust-filled almost angry look. She was fairly certain it was a reaction from the whiskey. She had only seen it a handful of times in the 2 years they had dated. The last time being at her brother's engagement party. It was a complete contrast of how Tom normally was, sweet, caring, romantic. And sex with that Tom was amazing. How could it not be? Classically handsome with his strong jaw line and piercing blue eyes. His tall frame enclosed by the lean muscles of his back and abs, long, strong fingers, and that sexy accent whispering in her ear. But the whiskey, it inspired dark, dirty sex, and well, there was a reason why the last time Laney had seen it they were up all night.

He turned into this rough, take charge, borderline obsessive, passionate sex god. Seeing the look in his eyes this night Laney knew she'd have a hard time saying no. She had to do everything in her power to not end up alone with him.

Turning to Tommy she tried to discreetly whisper in his ear. "Don't let me go anywhere alone tonight."

He turned with a confused look on his face. "What about the loo?"

She shook her head. "Make sure Scarlett comes with me."

"You're being extremely odd right now, even for you."

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