Chapter 7 Duellist Kingdom Round 2

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After walking with Yugi and the gang you start to hear tummies rumble.

Joey: Anyone bring something to eat? Coz I'm starving.

Y/N: I did but its not enough for all of us and we still have a long way to go to get the rest of our star chips. However show me to the nearest sea or river and I will catch us some food to eat.

Yugi: I'm sorry to say but they didn't give us a map when we got our glove and star chips.

Joey starts snipping the air.

Joey: I smell food, follow me and I will show you.

Joey takes off with everyone running after him. You choose not to follow them because you know that where they are going there is going to be food but also a duel after everyone is gone you get out your bag one of the food rashions and eat it to keep your strength up.

So you walk around searching for a duellist that will duel you and as you walk you have a strange feeling that you are being watched. Your eyes turn a light blue colour and you are surprised to see a camera.

Y/N: Pegasus you are pathetic and if you think that spying on me will work go right a head, but I very much doubt that your dragon capture jar will work on my chaos max, because if Yugi doesn't defeat you, which I sincerely doubt he won't then I and my dragons will take great pleasure in doing so.

Giving the camera a big smile and then walking away knowing you had just annoyed the very man hosting the tournament your in.

(Time Skip)

Your walking around the island by yourself but keeping in touch with Yugi and Joey, Yugi had duelled Mako Tsunami and won his star chips and Yugi messaged him saying that Joey was going to duel Rex because Mai Valentine had put him up to it.

Y/N: (I know what will happen here with the deck that I gave Joey, I just hope he doesn't get overconfident.)

But you rush over to where Yugi said the duel would be but as you reach the site you see Joey duelling Rex with Red-Eyes Darkness dragon and as you arrive you hear Joey give out the command to attack.

Joey: Red-Eyes attack infernal dark fire.

Joey's dragon destroys Rex's dragon and Rex loses the duel.

You watch as Rex gives his star chips over along with his Dragon, which he stupidly bet so he could get Joey's deck to beat Mai with.

You go up to Joey.

Y/N: I gave you that deck as a gift and you recklessly bet it on a duel. I couldn't be more disappointed though the cards really came through for you when you needed them but please don't do that again.

Joey: Sorry y/n I wanted to show Rex he couldn't push me around.

Y/N: I built your deck, it has the strongest cards I could bring to my deck although it was missing a fusion card. This one.

You hand him the fusion card. And he shows it to the others.

Red-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Joey: What da heck, I have never seen a card like this before where did you find it?

Y/N: In my deck box at the very back.

Joey: Thank you again y/n you've done a lot for me and I will honor your wish, no more bets when it comes to this deck as it's a part of me now.

Y/N: Good to hear now shall we get going?

Everyone: Yeah!

Just as you're about to go a ninja appears out of nowhere.

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