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           I pretended to be interested in the unnecessary needs for teaching, we were taking our finals this week, of course the teachers are hyping us up about it. I take them seriously but at the same time I don't , it's pointless. I'm content with the grade in my class, so a solid sixty wouldn't hurt me so much.

       "Hey Lamar" Katy, one of the school cheerleaders rubbed my thigh. I removed it putting by her side, the only thing she's useful for is giving head. Nothing about her appearance intrigues me besides the tricks her mouth can do in the bedroom. "Wassup Katy"

     "Lamar, I love your jacket" Amber gushed finding an excuse to talk to me. I gave her the dick one time and now I can't hardly breath without her standing behind me. I guess the saying is true that good dick can make you do crazy things. "Thanks" I replied shortly giving my attention back to the teacher.

      The bell rung and everyone ran out the classroom leaving a trail of dust. I gathered my books making my way out the class , Ms.Landra stopped me, pulling me back by the hem of my back pack. "Mr. Bills I'm not sure your aware of your current grade in my class. Right now your at a eighty percentage of you score low on that test, it's a chance you won't be graduating"

     My face dropped, If I flunk high school both of my parents are gonna kill me. "Is there any extra credit work I can do, anything"

      "I have a person that I recommend to help prepare you for the exam. She goes by the name of Javon, she should be here in a few minutes"

    "Hey Ms. Landra you never told me who you wanted me to tut-." Javon cut her sentence off pointing at me. "This is who I'm gonna be tutoring" she asked looking me up and down.

        "Yes he needs the help, your a straight A student and I'm sure you can help him study. To keep it a stack, the boy sucks at social studies" Javon and I laughed at her sudden use to language. Javon nodded side eyeing , still managing to keep that professional posture in the same instant. "I'm gonna do my best to tutor him"

Javon said her goodbyes before sighing dramatically , typing away on her phone. It was clear her having to tutor me wasn't something she's looking forward. If I would've known that my grade was so low, I could have made a better effort.

         I caught up behind her , grabbing her arm. Javon looked at me and her arm wondering why I was touching her. "When is it a good time to come over"

     "How about now, I could give you a ride to my house and then when we're done take you home" I offered, she was mentally debating with herself. "Isn't your brother good at social studies" she asked , her eyes sparked thinking a way out of doing this.

      "He is but the teacher didn't request him. You have to or you won't get your participation grade" she huffed folding her arms. "It'll give us sometime to hangout without having our friends to bother us"

       "Yea because I'd die to be alone with Lamar Bills" Javon sarcastically said pretending swoon over me.

      Amber and Katy talked amongst themselves but stopped when they saw us. Their eyes got dark , they seemed upset and I understood why. The girls at this school envied Javon for some reason, I never knew why, she's a pretty girl, smart, and has a popular reputation. After naming the reasons in my head I'm starting to understand why.

       Walking further down the hallway, Milan and Leon were against the lockers making out. I'm guessing they thought everyone they knew were home by now. Javon tripped over her shoe, I quickly grabbed her pulling her into the janitor's closet. We closed in tightly together, her ass up against my semi-hard on. She kept moving , only making matters worse.

We both knew that Milan and Leon had their secret situation-ship going on but they swore no one knew about it. Javon and I had caught them on plenty occasions caking up but we never address it. I'm just waiting on them to confess or at least give a heads up that their trying to form something.

"Maybe you should turn around , you keep rubbing your ass against me" I suggested hoping she would, I didn't want us to fuck in this type of circumstance.

"Their gone , we can go to your house now" Javon rushed to open the door, breathing from the lack of air in the closet.

"Someone's eager to get the dick" I joked humping her from the back. "I wanna hit from the back"

"I'm not eager to feel that shrimp but I'm sure Amber and Kate are open to it" Javon smiled climbing inside the passenger seat. I closed her door and headed over the driver's seat, starting up the car.

"Okay I have a quick question , that night of the party, did you get in trouble" I asked , I've been meaning to ask that question days ago, it just kept slipping my mind. Milan and Carlos aren't allowed to go anywhere besides school and home, I'm pretty sure they find away around that though.

"That night when my window wasn't open and the ladder moved, I knew they found out. Instead of having to go through the misery of going through the front door, I slept in Carlos's car, because I drove it home that night. The next morning I came to shower and stuff before I went to school, they still found a way to lecture me about sneaking out. My punishment is doing everyone's chores in the house, I'm still allowed to do whatever , because I'm already eighteen." Javon explained happily, her punishment was nothing compared to the others who snuck out that night. Her parents have trust in her not to do anything stupid but if they saw her twerking on me things would have ended bad.

"We're here, lets get started"

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