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   Here y'all go😭, y'all were hella pressed in the comments yesterday. I felt bad for pulling that "to be continued..." I was ctfu Lamar
I mentally prayed that Luna wouldn't do anything crazy, she didn't need her ass beat, again. The magic not working fast enough , Luna threw the drink aiming directly at Javon's dress. I cringed refusing to see anything that's happening next, I could just imagine the rage on Javon's face.

Out of nowhere, Javon randomly started laughing wiping herself off. My eyes widened scared at her calm attitude and the random laughing. Javon threw her drink at Luna , not hesitantly to finish the job by hopping over the table. They fought rolling around on the floor trying to get the better upper hand.

"This is what you've been waiting for right? A good ass whooping? Take your childish ass on somewhere, tell mommy I said wassup" Javon spoke before backing away from her. I could tell she wanted to do more damage but she wasn't stupid. Everyone aware how Luna moves, snitching, and Javon didn't need those problems on her plate.

"Babe , you okay" BJ asks rubbing small circles on her back. He kissed her forehead , trying to calm her down some more.

Meanwhile Luna's sprawled out all over the floor ruining her makeup even more. She didn't wanna move because her blue track would've stayed on the floor, rather than her head. They were loose anyway but that fight finally made it depart. I looked down at her awkwardly , offering a hand to pick her up. "You should take my jacket, to save the embarrassment" I offered , she rolled her eyes before taking it. Snatching it out of my hand, she put it on quickly putting the hair inside the hoodie. Luna got up checking the floor for anymore of her loose hairs.

"I should've never agreed to this wack ass date" Javon vented angrily shaking her head. After all when Luna's around something always spiral into uncalled drama, that's all she's good for. "This shit is for the birds, yo" she held onto BJ's arm walking toward the exit with him.

"I'm sorry but we're gonna have to ask you to leave. We've been getting complaints from the other customers in regards to your loud arguing" the manager came out trying to reason with them. Javon slammed her hands down throwing up the middle finger.

"Do you not see us on the way out? You know what I'm leaving because all of this is straight bullshit" Javon complained at the point where she's ready to go home.

"She's bitchy about every little thing" Luna groaned throwing her head back and stomping her foot on the ground. Javon looked her up and down, she opened her mouth but decided against it.

Obviously, I didn't expect things to go peaches and cream, but the fight caught me way off guard. I knew majority of the night was gonna be full of throwing handfuls of shots back and forth. Not throwing drink and punches, getting kicked out of one of my favorite restaurants.

"Bye BJ" Javon kissed him on the cheek heading towards her car. I watched from a far instructing Luna that she should start doing the same. I purposely parked on the other side of the restaurant so that when Luna got in the car, I could have Javon alone. Following Javon to her car, I grabbed her arm, stopping her movements.

    "Can we talk"Javon loudly huffed turning around. She unlocked the car doors getting in and leaving me to decide to join. "What do you want" Javon asked laying her head against the head rest.

   "I was thinking that later on, you could stop by" I trailed off afraid to hear her answer. From the look on her face you could tell she wanted to curse me out. Javon clasped her hands together shrugging her shoulders up and down.

  "Nu uh, this is not the weekend type shit" Javon started doing different hand gestures. "I should've known when you ask to talk it's gonna be some bullshit. We haven't had sex in the last few months I don't know where that shit has been"

      I sighed trying to say something that would calm her down. "It's only be in and out of you, true shit" I spoke truthfully. I haven't had sex in months because I didn't wanna chance anything messing around with Luna. First off she's not even legal, second she's just not my cup of tea. "Besides I know you miss me" I caressed her thigh leaning in to kiss her neck. "Go ahead moan my name".

My hands traveled in between her legs, instantly finding an entrance. Kissing her cheek, I used my finger tips to spread her legs open more. Using my free arm, I made her straddle me, continuing my mission to form a hickey. Javon moaned breathless rubbing me through my jeans. "Keep playing and this dick will be inside you"

"Exactly , that's why I'm gonna stop" she smiled moving off my lap. She unlock the doors signaling me to get out. "Your in a relationship , baby boy and believe it or BJ isn't that bad"

I continued to stay in the car, embarrassed. It stung a little knowing that BJ is slowly starting to grow on her. "Your lying right? I'm the only one you give the time of day"

"Yea but it's time for me to start moving on. It's clear you won't be single anytime soon and BJ seems ready to be in a relationship. He never fails to make it known that he only has eyes for me"

"I'm planning to end it with Luna soon, please wait-".

"FOR HOW LONG LAMAR? WHY DONT YOU ADMIT YOUR AFRAID OF YOUR FUCKING MOTHER" Javon yelled tired of beating around the bush. "Open your fucking eyes , your not with Luna because you like her. Your forcing yourself to believe that dumbass lie because your trying to please your mom" Javon vented wiping the angry tears spilling from her eyes.

"Have you ever thought that maybe I'm tired of waiting? I'm tired of waiting for the day where you finally tell your mom that your doing your own thing. If she runs you like this now, she's gonna wreck the fuck outta you in the future." I stared at her understanding fully.

"Even if it's not me , don't let your mom come between your true love" I leaned in wiping her tears. "Bye Lamar, have a nice night" she kissed my cheek.

I opened the car door getting out, I stood on the side watching her car pull out the parking spot. Everything she said has been the sayings I've been trying to deny in my heart. The girl I have strong feelings for is slipping away all because I'm trying to please my mother.

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