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    A/N: I will be going out of town this week so updates will be seldom or probably none at all! I'm leaving in two more days so I'll definitely post tomorrow and before I go🙃

I chuckled listening to Javon over the phone. When she first answered the phone , she seemed shaken up, but now she's more calm. I wanted to ask her what's wrong , I decided against it, I'm just glad I could make her feel better. Instead of dampening the mood more , I did my best to uplift it.

"I'mma come see you tomorrow since you miss me so bad" Javon said smirking into the camera.

"That's fine or I could make moves to see you. It doesn't matter , I love seeing my chocolate drop" I made kissy faces in the camera and she gladly returned them. Her driving came to a halt and I assumed she made it to her destination.

Javon grabbed her phone off the stand putting her face more in the camera. She leaned back in her seat, crossing her leg over the other. "I'm your chocolate drop? How about you be my Hershey Bar"

"We'll see when you stop playing these games but your my chocolate drop, you taste like candy" I rubbed my stomach, licking my lips. "I haven't had my favorite desert lately" I bit my bottom lip laying back on my arm.

"How about I let you get a taste tomorrow" I nodded eagerly earning laugh from her. "You could get this Hershey dick to" I dirty talked as she closed her eyes. There was a loud knock on her window and she sighed looking out the window.

"Hold on Milan I'm coming" Javon pouted waving goodbye in the camera. "I'll hit you up later Lamar, she's in one of her moods"

"Bye love" I waved back waiting on her to hang up.

      "I'm over here and crying , your out here caking up on the phone" Milan yelled side eyeing me in the camera.

    "I wanted some happiness before I become depressed dealing with your issues" Javon jokes before hanging up the phone. I laughed putting it on the charger, my mom came into my room, sitting down on the bed.

     She gave me that familiar innocent smile, she usually gives when she wants something. "Your dad just got stationed in another army base and I think you need something to take your mind off that"

     I mentally groaned not wanting to have this conversation again. My mother always think I'm sad when my father is stationed further away from home. He's been in the military since I've became a toddler, the first part of my life he's been there, and then he joined to help save the country. I'm not sad about anything knowing he's not always in my life for important reasons, but my mom always assumed me or Leon is bothered by it.

      "I met one of my co-worker's daughters and thought she would be perfect match for you" my eyes widened not expecting this coming. Being on a blind date isn't something that I'm looking forward, I'm finally on good terms with Javon,'I'm good.

    "Yea , no. I'm talking to someone"

          My mom rolled her eyes in disgust. "It's that Javon chick, huh? Isn't she gay or sum , her name sounds like a dude. You need someone on your level"

    For some reason, my mom has never been a fan of Javon. Mother thinks she's this spoiled brat that works for nothing, wrong. Just because she's our age and able to afford the new brand shoes and clothes because she saves money to do so. You could never tell my mom that though , she swears up and down that Javon is no good.

I zoned out just watching her lips moved and I received nothing she said. Trying to prove my point would be pointless because she's gonna do whatever regardless. "You need to get ready because your date is tonight"

"Tonight, I'm to old for this shit man." I mumbled turning over in my bad. I closed my eyes hearing my door be slammed.

Leon soon came in taunting me about it. He sat on my bed shaking his head at me. "Dang , I hope you have fun on your date, the girl coming over in a few" I sat up holding back from cursing him out. "Perk up because it's no way you can get out of this"

"START PUTTING ON SOME CLOTHES" mom yelled from downstairs.

Hopping off the bed, I went in my closet trying to find something casual. My plan wasn't to be to nicely dressed but dress like a bum. I'm not feeling this date and I've met some of my mom's co-workers, I hate them. They always feel like it's okay to give out kid advice when their own kid is selling drugs on the street.

After throwing on some clothes, I went downstairs holding my phone. Mom looked back at me and smiled before opening the door. The girl walked in stomping, her blonde ombré hair in a high ponytail, and a fitted maxi dress to show off her curves. Not gonna lie, she's a pretty light skin, but besides nothing interest me about her. By her attitude I could tell this date is gonna be a big flop, I can see the spoiled tendencies already.

"Luna, this is my son, Lamar. I can already see a cute couple name prospering" mother gushed clapping her hands together.

Luna looked at me smirking while quickly saying goodbye to her mother. I looked at my mother and just walked outside heading towards the car. Luna followed behind me just standing outside the passenger door. "You wanna stay at the house, your mom hasn't left yet"

"You didn't open the door for me"she spoke , attitude laced clearly in her voice.

I scoffed starting the car. "Get in or get left, I ain't want do on this damn date anyway"

Luna smirked opening the car door. "I love a man who can put me in check" she ran her fingers down my chest. I quickly removed her hands , dusting off my shirt.

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