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       I sat in a nearby booth watching her smile turn south, her eyes glared even more when she saw me. It took weeks for her to even send me a text back and her own best friend had to lie just for her to come see me.  I've genuinely mean it when I say that I'm cutting my hoes off my Javon. Luna still came around often, by force because my mom knew I'm trying to steer clear of her. She's determined to have me that spoiled brat.

          She's lucky I'm serious about us because it took precise moves to sneak out without my mom knowing. Momma washed my tuxedo for me to go on this special dinner with Luna, something I purposely planned to skip. I don't understand why our parents can't see there's no chemistry.

     "I thought is was just us having dinner" Javon asked , attitude laced in her voice. Milan huffed sternly , glaring at Javon. "Get over there ,sit down and stop being stubborn" she pointed towards my booth before turning back around in her seat.

Javon slowly turned around towards the exit, making an attempt to tip toe out the room. Milan turned around checking to see if she was sitting in the seat, Javon sat on the other side defeated. I cleared my throat trying to cut the awkward tension, she didn't even hide the fact that she obviously didn't wanna see me. It low-key hurt my pride but I have to show her who's boss.

"You been showing out lately" I spoke up , my deep accent starting to slowly come out. Javon made eye contact, looking around trying to see who I'm talking to you. "I'm talking to Javon Williams, you know how many times I texted and called you. I was in my bed for days reminiscing on little stuff even you insulting me" I chuckled at how miserable I was the last few days.

       Javon's eyes widened leaning in more to the table. Her lips kept moving because she's trying not to smile. She might think that I don't know about her being into the kinky demanding stuff, that's a turn on for her. Me shutting down her attitude probably just flowed a puddle in her panties. "I know I've been  stubborn but I was mad. I don't like thinking my time is wasted"

      I nodded understanding her point. "I don't like mines being wasted either, but Luna is only around to please my mother" I notified her, she semi smiled immediately went away.

     "No disrespect to your mother but you need to grow some balls. Why the hell you with someone , your not happy with?"

     Before I could even utter a word, the waitress came over holding her notepad. "I'm Layla, I'll be serving you today." we nodded. "Would you like to start off with ordering drinks"

      "I'll have the blueberry , gummy bear, light slushee" Javon ordered excitedly. She loved them because she felt that they secretly had liquor in them. Only because when you drink it has this special kick to it. The waitress wrote it on her notepad looking at me for my order. She twirled her blond hair around her finger biting her bottom lip. Our the corner of my eye I could see Javon lowly chuckling at Layla.

"I'll take a sprite and for the appetizer we'll have spinach dip" I turned back facing Javon.

"Back to our conversation, that's my mother, I can't just go against her wishes" I explained hoping that'll she ease up on her final decision.

"That's would be okay if you were ten, nigga your eighteen going off to college soon. She won't even let you move out the house and now she's controlling who you date." She started going off , waving her hands around as she talked. "You wanna know why she does this type of stuff? News flash, you allow her to get away this bullshit"

While Javon talked I thought back to the plenty of times my mom punked me into whatever. She had a point but I couldn't end the relationship with Luna this early. I show her any time and effort , for us to suddenly break up would be to suspicious. Luna doesn't plan on ending our "relationship" anytime soon, she enjoys me acting like a asshole towards her.

Layla came back sitting the food down in the middle of the table. She sat my drink in front of me showing all her cleavage. I cringed at how much plastic is stuffed in though enormous jugs, they weren't even moving from a slight move.

"Your not gonna say anything about her being a thot in front of me" I asked surprised at her just letting Layla get away with that.

Javon laughed , scooping spinach onto the tortilla chip. "It's Luna job to check thots, your not my man" she jabbed making me catching a attitude.

I held another chip above leaning it towards her lips. She took it into her mouth slowly biting into it , I smirked. I watched her drink from her slushee picking out her mini gummy bears, she did a silent happy dance.

"You can come over and I can taste my chocolate drop" I smirked moving on her side of the booth. My hands rubbed her thigh, Javon fought hard to ignore the touch. She sipped on her drink back to back to keep from letting out a unwanted moan.

"Ha , Ha you won't be tasting anything of mine" Javon lightly tapped my leg, moving my hand off her thigh. I quickly replace it back touching her thigh higher and higher.

"You sure? It's always been hard for you to resist"

"It's easy to resist a boy in a relationship, I could dodge thousands of bullets. Besides your mom wouldn't like the thought of me in her house or even talking to you for that matter" Javon responded adding her pettiness , I loved that about her. Any other boy would've stop trying but me I love a challenge.

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