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     "Hey it's me again, Milan, I'm sorry. Shit, your killing me. What do you want from me, head, food, what is it?" I hung up laying my phone back down on the dresser. Laying back in the bed, I felt literally how Lamar felt awhile back.

     I'm finally understood his reasons for not going out or wanting to have company, it's depressing. Touching the picture of Milan and I that sat on my nightstand, it hit me hard, that we could possibly be over. It only made things worst that mother kept trying to set me up on dates, that's not happening. Unlike Lamar, mom doesn't run me, especially when it comes to relationships.

     "You sure you don't wanna go on a date, look how your brother turned out" Mom convinced bringing up my brother's situation.

  "Exactly, he's a miserable ass boy, walking around with a girl he can't stand. Yea that's a bad comparison" she held her chest appalled at my outburst, I didn't care.

  "They seem pretty happy to me"

   "Yea to you, because he's trying to make you happy." I pointed at her. "He doesn't give a single fuck if Luna were to call saying she's over him. All your doing is making him miserable, he had a chance to be with the person he loves but you ruined it" I chuckled shaking my head. "It's not entirely your fault because he should've been a man and told you no.  Being the mommy's boy he is , he didn't have the guts to do that"

  "I'd be damn if I let you walk all over me and think it's okay. Your my mother and I dearly love you , just not that much to have you control my future for the worst."

     "I'm your mother, you still have to watch the way you talk to me" she sternly said, fuming. "Is this really how you and him feel"

   "Yes it is, he just hasn't told you. I'm tired of seeing my brother mop around because of a bad choice you and him accepting."

     Lamar came in, holding a confused expression on his face. Mother turned towards him, wiping her eyes. "Is that how you really feel, you think that Luna and you are a mistake. I'm making you miserable" she ranted gripping the ends of her sweater, the truth hurts, it needed to be said.

     He side-eyed me before sighing. "I love you, a lot. I'm thankful for all that you've done for me in the past years but this is the worst thing ever. Setting me up with Luna is a absolute fail, we will never work. Being around her takes to much work and I'm not happy. She's not the person I want to spend the rest of my life with"

      "WHOS A BETTER MATCH FOR YOU THAN LUNA" mother yelled waving her hands in the air.

      "IM IN LOVE WITH JAVON" Lamar yelled surprising hisself. He looked momma in the eye , preparing the save something else. "The better match for me is Javon."

I smirked grabbing my car keys, I had things I had to make right. "Y'all y'all thought, I have errands to run"

     Thing between Leon and I have been on ice lately, I don't know how to feel. It's weird not texting or calling him randomly. Not having him by my side to whisper sweet things in my ear and annoy me. I've been crying myself to sleep in Javon's room the past nights to get over everything that happened. It still shocks me that he never planned on telling me or even mentioning the shit.

    Maybe he had a few lose screws to cheat on me, but with Amber. That makes the situation ten times worse and hearing him fight to tell the truth, it hurt. The last few days, I've dodged all his calls with the help of Javon of course. It's been times where I though it responding , she has to take my phone away leaving me to only watch tv.

     Tugging on the ends of my sweatpants, I slid out of them being free. I hated laying in the bed or walking around the house fully clothed. Especially, when I'm alone in my room, butt naked at night cuddled under the covers. I've been sleeping like that since being a kid, a good habit.

     Throwing my shirt over the bed, I laid back down occupying my mind. My hand unintentionally touched my stomach just thinking of my broken relationship. Maybe Leon and I should just work on co-parenting, I mean soon he'll be going away to college. My fashion line is already taking off and soon I'll be traveling the world, designing clothes and doing makeup. This incident opened my eyes that maybe we moved to fast. After all , we're still young, that's not a excuse for his actions but whatever.

        Being pregnant has made me think about a lot of my decisions, would they be good for he or she. How could he or she benefit from me doing this or that? I'm concerned about the health of me and my child, the stress uncalled for.

       "Hey, I'm going out. Here's your phone, remember don't answer him unless it's something serious."

    "I promise, I'm not being weak minded" Javon gave me a thumbs up before leaving.

     Half an hour later, it was a lock on the door. I huffed, struggling off the sofa thinking it's Javon. "Why won't just use your house key" I mumbled opening the door. "And your not Javon, wow"

      "Nah, I'm Leon. Your boyfriend, the one you've been ignoring"

   "Really? You've probably been ignored because I'm single baby. Leon and boyfriend can't even go in the same sentence"

    "All I did, was get head, you act like I fucked the bitch or some shit"

  "That's besides the point, you still cheated. Not only did you cheat but you weren't planning on coming clean. Let's not forget you cheated with Amber. The same bitch who loves throwing dumb shit in my face on purpose" I punched him the chest causing him to step back. He held his hands up in surrender shaking his head.

"I admit I'm wrong, I've been calling, texting, no reply" , apart of me felt bad, should I? At the end of the day he cheated and attempted to lie about it. I know Leon like the back of my hand so lying is something he isn't good at. "You won't even let me know if you okay"

   "We're just co-parenting" I stated, breaking the news to him. Mentally us co-parenting had been the only thing buzzing through my mind. Getting back together isn't the move right now for me if I'm being honest. "Before you start begging for forgiveness, don't. I forgive you , I just don't want to be with you. I love you and I'm in love with you, I just need space for the time being"

     "Can we at least be friends" he asked grabbing my hands, he gently kissed my palms.

   "Always. We're friends before anything" I shyly smiled making eye contact with him. That same baby face from ninth grade still gave me chills.

"How have you been, I missed you" Leon sighed scooting closer to me.

    I shrugged. "Been cooling. I missed you to" I completely lied on the cooling part. I won't let him know that this effected me badly though, I can't. My strong ego, can't stand me saying that I've been crying like a bitch.

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