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    I watched the video for the thousandth time seeing how bad Amber got beat, Kate looked even worse. The video has been spreading all around social media for the longest, it even featured on world star. They deserved it though, Amber shouldn't have came across like that. She always had beef with Javon but no one exactly knew why. Some say because Javon won prom queen, top of all her classes, and the cheer captain.

           "You still watching that video" Leon asked. "My baby beat the fuck outta Kate, but I gotta y'all to her about fighting. She to pretty to be doing all that"

"I can't stop watching it, it keeps popping up every where" I replayed it again seeing Amber head bang against the ground. I turned my head imagining the pain in my neck. "Aye where you going"

"Milan and I are going out, my baby hasn't been treated to a dinner date since last month. That unacceptable"

I put my finger on the tip of my tongue. "Get out with that sappy shit" I laughed waving him towards the door.

"You could be doing the same things if Javon ever gave you the time of day" Leon rushed out the door before I could say anything.

While he was gone, I let up the candles around the room. I dimmed the lights , wanting to have only a little amount of light. In the kitchen the aroma of spaghetti and garlic bread filled the room. Turning on the tv Chris Brown music played through the speakers.

I heard the doorbell ring and instantly ran over to the door, checking myself in the nearby mirror. My eyes roamed over her body, it fitted well in a t-shirt. Her face on full display while her hair combed neatly into a slick , high ponytail. Stepping out the way, Javon walked in looking around the room, by her expression she's impressed.

Turning around facing me, she gave me a strange look. "What are you up to" Javon smirked heading towards the kitchen. She opened the pot seeing spaghetti noodles boiling in the pan.

Ignoring her stare, I unzipped her jacket, helping her take it off. I left her in the kitchen , going to hang up her jacket on the rack. "I'm gonna be catering to you today, seat back , relax"

Javon still stared at me oddly but nodded sitting at the table. I sat out two plates putting scoops of spaghetti noodles on them. Next I added the sauce and spread parmesan cheese on top of it. I pulled of two wine glasses filling them with grape sparkling cider. Carrying the plates in my hands, I could hear her humming the lyrics to the current song playing.

I'm doing all this so we can get back like we use to be. Before our friendship blew up in flames, we were best friends, who clearly had feelings for each other. We told one another everything, good and bad, we know things that even our best friends would never think we would have did. When high school started the people we surrounded ourselves kind of tore the bond apart.

I wasn't in need of sex, I could get that anywhere. I'm feening for that connection, sparks, fireworks, I feel just talking to Javon. Even if we never get together, I just want another chance of her being in my life.

"This is really sweet, Lamar. You even cooked my favorite meal, whatcha want" she asked sipping some of the sparkling cider.

"I want us to go back like we use to be. I miss us staying up to the next morning talking for hours or you just telling me about you day. I'm tired of getting the usual cold shoulder."

        Javon held her head down, twisting her lips. Her bottom lip soon curved up in between her teeth. "I miss it to, sometimes I debate with myself on calling you about certain things. It's things that you know that I've never told Milan."

     "It hurt when you got some popularity and just acted brand new. I would call you and you would never pick up , talk to you in school always acted dry"

        I nodded but let my side be known. "Don't act innocent, cheerleading captain changed you. When I would text you, you would respond days later, even when I tried to talk to you in the hallways you would rush off. It's like you didn't have time for me anymore, shit hurts"  I voiced hating myself for sounding so sensitive. Only her could make me sound a total punk but I didn't care.

       "Because you did the same to me, I soon thought that's how things should be. I never hated you for it but I refuse to be in the background over someone new in the picture." Javon clasped her hands together shrugging. "Who's to say in the future , you won't switch up again? Save the fuckery for someone who puts up with it."

         I licked my lips scooting my chair closer to hers. I held my arms out asking for her hug, she rolled her eyes , but leaned in. Her soft arms wrapped around my chest, her head laying on my shoulder.

       Breaking away from the hug, I grabbed her hand leading her to the couch. We sat down discussing random things that came to mind.  "How have things been going"

        "I'm strictly focused on graduation right now, after I'll be set on getting my apartment. I'm proud of myself for saving and not spending my money on complete bullshit."

       "That's good, meanwhile my mom won't even let me move into an apartment. She thinks it's best for me to live here another year before I go venture out on my own" Javon laughed laying her head on my shoulder. Her hands trailed down my fresh tattoos, she slightly turned her body, tracing the lion tattoo with her fingers.

       I stared down at her and she soon met my gaze. Taking my chances, I lifted her head up, our lips meeting halfway. The sparks that felt from the last kiss came right back, my hands wandered down her waist , grabbing her plump ass. Javon traveled down to my neck, sucking, leaving passion marks. She soon straddled me, moving around to get in a comfortable position.


        The vibe just matched how we're feeling at the moment.

       Who knew grape cider could get you drunk off love?

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