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       I called Milan's phone again not receiving a answer. She had been acting real weird lately and I'm bound to get to the bottom of it. The other day on our date, she threw up everything we ate. She told me she hadn't been feeling up to par prior to that day but I thoughts things would be different by now.

        Going back downstairs, I decided to join the rest of the crew. Lamar had invited some of our close buddies, Jhonna , Caleb, and Kaden. We've known each other since the ninth grade , been rocking ever since.

       "Still no answer" Jhonna asked going through the fridge. I shook my head rubbing a hand down my face.

     "You know how women are, give her sometime. In the meantime have fun" I nodded sitting down by Lamar.

     I drunk my pineapple Fanta soda as they talked bullshit. Of course the subject about Amber and Kate soon came up.

"The other day I saw Amber's Instagram name pop up in my DM's. I'm guessing neither of y'all fuck her no more" Caleb clarified looking between Lamar and I.

I shook my head in disgust. "I've only gotten head from the bitch, never have a stuck my dick in that infested pussy. Lamar use to have her over almost everyday, ask him"

I've never had interest in Amber nor Kate. Their lack of self respect for themselves turned me in the other direction. Lamar had his fair share of fun with the post of them but I wanted no parts. Plus they could never keep their mouth shut, once you fuck them, the whole campus magically knows your business.

           I stayed far away from that and ended up meeting my girlfriend , Milan. The only people who really know about our relationship is Lamar and Javon, because we're close to them. Other people assume we're together but don't officially know. We decided to keep it on the download because we didn't want the whole school in our relationship, that's how they end. Neither of us don't act like we're single, we let it be known that we're in a relationship. The whole situation is complicated but it works for us.

       "I've fucked Amber a few times but I would never put my dick in Kate. I let her give me top" Lamar mentioned turning up a carton of orange juice.

        "That girl is poison with a butt and a smile" Lawrence sung doing the dab.

       "She riding smooth like a Lexus and she coming with miillless" I finished off attempting to hit the high note, that song She For Everybody by Armon&Trey , will forever be the shit. In general I can just chill to their music without having to hear unnecessary curse words or them sounding like everybody else. They have their own style and they stick with it, I respect them for that.

"Bounce dat ass all in my face, yeah, yeah, yeah , yeah" Lamar sung pretending to hump the air.

"Do it good girl give me face" Jhonna dramatically sung trying to do Michael Jackson signature spin. I cracked up watching him fall over hitting his face on the hard floor.

        I shook my head, checking my phone once again for a call, text, something. The silence is killing but I don't wanna seem like a crazy boyfriend.

       "Hey do any of you know something that has to do with the symptoms of throwing up, nausea, sleeping a lot"

      Lamar and Jhonna nodded their heads. "Ain't that like a stomach virus" Lawrence turned his head to the side making a face. Him being the smart one out the group, I wanted to hear his opinion.

    "You want me to be honest, bro" he asked biting his tongue.

    I nodded, "of course"

        "Shawty is pregnant" Lawrence voiced bluntly causing all eyes to bug out. Lamar patted me on the back doing a silent prayer.

     "Carlos and her father , are gonna kill you bro.. what color you want us to wear at your funeral" Jhonna asked online picking out different color caskets. "They gotta cheap red casket for like two hundred dollars"

         I shook my head, ignoring him. "Before y'all dumbasses jump to conclusions, let's ask google"

      "What are common pregnancy symptoms"

   Morning Sickness

Throwing up at certain smells or fumes

Tired most of the day

Change of hormones

      I clicked out the screen appalled at how dumb I looked. I typed in red caskets looking for the cheapest one , that I could afford. Telling my mom and dad would be my death wish right then and there. She hasn't went to the doctor yet, it's not completely set in stone that she's pregnant.

        They all stared at me waiting for my next move. "Bro, you and Milan should just move away to Tokyo, no one would even know you escaped down there" Caleb finally said something, breaking the silence. "That way both of y'all are still gonna be alive to take care of your child"

       Lawrence shook his head sitting up in his chair. "Running away is not the smart decision. The logical thing to do is grow some balls and be around a support system. No doubt your parents gon' be upset but chu' gotta grow some balls."

        At the moment I'm really considering Caleb's plan, leaving country sounds ten times better. Sadly, I don't have the funds or even have actual proof she's even having a child. I can't even bare the thought of seeing my mom or dads face when I break the news. Fuck, even if we go break the news to her parents I would die inside, either way I'm dead. I'll ask Lamar to slowly start planning my funeral for later on in the future.

If Milan is pregnant I'll be the best father I can be. When the baby first born financially wise things might be rocky but we gone always be straight. I already have a job and I've been saving up plenty of moving for years now.

Is Milan pregnant?

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