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  🎼 If anything imma grind, somebody tell em' that's it my time🎼
   My phone alarm clock sounded throughout the room waking me up from my power nap. After all the hoopla earlier this week, a nap is well needed. I'm all types of drained from trying to help hide Milan away from her parents and mine.

     Turning on my Spotify playlists, City Girls played on from my Bluetooth speaker. Locking my bedroom door, I sighed before making a effort to get ready. Today is officially the day of the most pettiest day ever , I'm not legal to drink but I'm gonna need a few. Out of everyone else I seem to be the only person knowing this is gonna blow up in flames.

     Lamar constantly continues to throw shots on Instagram regarding BJ and I. Sometimes I'll even respond back throwing shots at how he degraded. Don't get me wrong Luna is a beautiful girl but her attitude is more sour than a sour patch. Not to mention when things don't go her way, running to her mother is key.

I curled my freshly new sew-in my mom put in yesterday. I've been trying to stay away from braids but it's maintaining my real hair in the summer. Me being the lazy ass I am, I asked my mom to give me a sew-in , it'll stay in long enough to last until next month.

Unplugging the curling iron, I fluffed our my curls a little adding more volume. Picking up some red matte lipstick, I applied a little not wanting to go over board. My mind had already been made up on the questions and the petty phrases. It's sad the day but this horrific date might be the highlight of my week. 

    My fingertips tugged on my casual t-shirt dress, I smiled in the mirror loving the reflection. Hearing a faint knock on the door, I opened it, seeing mom behind it. I slightly rolled my eyes hoping she didn't come to ask me about Milan again, I refused to sell her out. The way she's been on my back you would've thought I'm the one who's truly pregnant.

    "What's up" I asked searching my room for the new sliver clutch I recently brought. Finding it under the bed, I stuffed my phone along with my wallet. "Have you heard anything from , Milan? Don't lie to me" my mom asked walking to stand in front of me.

      I shook my head , of course lying once again. Milan was gonna have to pop up soon because this is starting to get out of hand. She's been in and out of Leon's house, her house, and my house. She's hasn't got caught in neither because we've been keeping things real low key. "Nope, the last time I heard from her was a few days ago, she didn't mention anything that y'all are worrying about" I lied once again. "Maybe she needs some time alone, she didn't want to tell any of you because y'all would be down her back. When she shows back up , what are y'all gonna do? Grill her and give her the speech about being more careful or how she ruined her life before it started? Milan is a well rounded young adult capable of anything , she's fine, a-okay, she just needs space" I vented sick of hearing my parents constantly bug me about.

      "We'll have to talk about this later, I have a date to attend" her whole demeanor changed when her mother beard date.

  "It's Lamar, right"

     I chuckled. "Nope, someone I went to high school went. Hopefully all goes well" I hugged mother telling her bye. She responded whispering I love you in my ear before walking me towards the door. "Have a nice night"

    "I'll try" I laughed to myself hopping inside the car.

BJ🤦🏽‍♀️: I can't wait to see you tonight 😌
BJ🤦🏽‍♀️: what color are you wearing so we could match

White and red

BJ🤦🏽‍♀️: Oh! I just found a red shirt to match our fly , see you soon. I'm already heading towards the door...

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