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    Summer is almost coming to an end and I wanted to spend it on positive vibes. Everything has been going well for me , besides Lamar blowing me up. Things between BJ and I have been running extra smoothly, we're chilling. We both share the mutual feeling that a relationship just isn't the future right now.

   Milan had moved back in with her parents, so it's slick been lonely. We still see each other daily though, so I really can't complain. I'm well aware on the talk that her and Leon , I'm happy they hashed out their problems. It made me happy that Milan stopped calling me telling me she's sad that their not communicating. Taking a small break from him is something she really needed to help her cope, instead of talking to him and immediately falling back into his arms.

       Carlos eventually came clean that he indeed almost fucked Kate and Amber. He apologized using the excuse, that he didn't know our beef is that serious. Nigga please, all of us fought in your front yard for crying out loud. I never added my two cents, I just kept them to myself.

    Amber and Kate are pretty girls , just hoes. When we first met on the cheer team, I thought we would get along well. That was until it got around that they were sucking and fucking the whole football team. The rumor made boys think that all cheerleaders did that and I checked multiple boys for even trying me.

Turning I swiped the answer icon, pressing the speaker button. Lamar's deep raspy sleeping voice sounded through the phone. "We really need to talk later on, can I come over"

"I guess, but no funny shit Lamar. I'm serious"

The last thing I needed for him is to try to play his mind games. For some reason they always seem to work but not this time. I would have suggested to meet up, I'm not in the mood nor dressed to even go out in public. I'm perfectly fine sporting the red PINK sports bra and some plain black PINK leggings. My shivering feet are covered in the new bunny slippers I recently purchased from Wally World.

"No funny shit. If you looking delicious imma have to taste"

He voice alone, had me clenching my thighs together. Hearing his voice, it's obvious he had just woken up from a small nap. "You already started your shenanigans" I playfully rolled my eyes at my effort to sound annoyed.

"You love it when I talk nasty"

    "Whatever, what's so important that you have to tell me in person"

   "I'm coming over now, send me your address"


   Ending the phone call, I forwarded the address to his phone. Opening up my laptop, I finished researching party themes. Everyone had been suggesting a costume party but I personally think it's lame. A few years ago I threw a costume party, it was a success because everyone was young. All women and men now would come half naked, looking like the professional strippers role playing. I hated when girls came to a party dressing like the slutty nurse or the naughty police officer. It reminded me on something you would see on porn somewhere.

      I clicked on Google images seeing beautiful party themes. Even if I find a theme, finding a spot would be even more complicated. Throwing at this small space is out of the question. "OPEN UP" I heard coming from behind the door. Rolling my eyes, I got up unlocking the door.

   After I opened it, I already started walking back towards the sofa. Lamar sat closely beside me, laying his head on my thigh. I could've swore I said no funny shit, he never listens to anything I say.

    "I finally stood up to my mom" that sentence alone perked up my interest. Lamar soon went into telling me what exactly happened, I'm happy, but confused.

    "So let me get this straight, it took for your brother to tell your mother about herself for you to grow the balls to tell her how you really feel." I broke down the situation closing my laptop. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you had the courage. It's growth for in the future" I smiled looking down at him.

    I'm happy he finally had the courage to say something but in the back of my mind, something told me otherwise. After him giving this big speech to his mom about him not being interested in Luna, he'll still be with her. Why? Because the guilt of making his mother angry will eat him alive.

     "I told her that I'm in love with you" Lamar turned his head staring directly at me. My movements stopped and my main focus was him.

"In love? Don't lie like that"

I'm in love with Lamar , I know I am. I've never thought about a guy as much. Even when he pissed me off, I always found myself wondering what's on his mind or if he's thinking of me. Sometimes I wondered if he's crazy about me like I am about him.

I'm not okay at expressing my feelings but with him it's different. I had no problem cursing him out or being a emotional wreck around him. I've never verbally expressed it but my actions speak volumes.

"Don't down play my feelings, Javon" be sternly said grabbing my shoulder. "We've been playing around for years, I'm tired of it"

"You don't understand how draining it is not hearing from you or not receiving a text back. I know I sound like a bitch, but anything to show I really care about your stubborn ass."

I moved my eyes around the room trying my hardest not to cry. "You could have anyone else, why me?"

"Out of all the girls I've been with, your the only one who never hesitated to put me in my place. Those late night phone calls , spilling my problems, you listening to stories about my crazy mom" Lamar tucked a stray hair behind my head. He turned my head making me look him directly in the eyes.

"Your the only girl, who truly understands my dumbass ways. I can see a future with you forever and ever. I'm willing to continue the path to our happy ending if you are"

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