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BJ😍: Hey beautiful, you free today

Hey handsome, what do you have in mind?

BJ😍: it's a jazz concert tonight, you down

I'm there just come through to pick me up💋

I've finally made the decision to give BJ try and not just to be petty. In the past I've had my doubts about him but he's proved me wrong the last few weeks. He's really sweet, considerate, and every date amazes me more and more. Guess what? He even knows how to make decisions by himself and not based off his mother.

I'm aware that this relationship could all just be temporary, I'm just living in the moment. It might not be a future written in the stars for us, but I'm content with life. The drama dealing with Lamar had been the furthest thing on my mind. It surprised him and the rest of my followers when I started posting BJ as my MCM.

That really opened his eyes that I'm over Lamar's bullshit, if were meant to be together, God will put out obvious signs. It's summer , I'm just living life until my college career starts to take over.

Throwing my phone on the bed, it landed on a random spot. Hearing a faint knock on my bedroom door , I opened it seeing Miracle. She invited herself in, getting comfortable on my purple themed sheets.

    "What's up chica" I asked sitting in my rolling chair. Being the child that I am, I spun around and around making myself dizzy.

    "It's been something I've been meaning to talk to you about. I need an opinion on this because maybe I'm wrong" I nodded gesturing for her to continue. "When Amber and I were arguing she inquired that either she sucked or fucked Leon's dick. I'm not a fan of looking stupid , Javon , you know that. I couldn't even let him fix his mouth to say that was months ago or I was gonna snap" Milan shook her head. "I felt so embarrassed in front of Amber, that's a big L"

     "Am I wrong for keeping my distance" Milan asked sitting up, placing her back against the wall.

    "Yes and no, y'all have a kid on the way so regardless of the problems you have to keep in touch. As far as the Amber situation that's something you should discuss when your ready , your pregnant so you don't need added stress, it's unhealthy" I said honestly somethings you have to put on the back burner when pregnant. I'm not saying for her to run back in his arms and forgive him, of course not. Even in the process of ignoring their relationship she's still will have to communicate for the sake of the baby.

   "Should I talk to him soon or not. Best friend, HELP ME" Milan whined throwing her head back in frustration.

   "If your dying to talk to him , I say go for it. If your not ready just hold off on the unneeded stress, leave the conversation alone if your not ready to discuss it" I repeated while attempting to style my hair in the meantime.

"Hon, just stop seeing you struggle is killing my vibe" Milan held a tight grip on my hands placing by my sides. She plugged up my curling iron humming the beat to Everything Nice x Dream Doll.

"If you a bum ass bitch, then fuck your life" I rapped trying to sound like she did in the song.


    I hugged her quickly, before getting the energy to push out the chair

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    I hugged her quickly, before getting the energy to push out the chair. I massaged my sore butt, looking in the mirror at how bomb my hair is. Milan flashed the camera in my face, taking pictures.

     "You never told me why you getting all dressed up" Milan smirked posing in the mirror. "You going on a date with Lamar"

   "Ha Ha very funny but if you must know, BJ. He's taking me to a jazz concert" I said uploading the pictures to my page and story.

  "Your really over Lamar"she asked sipping from her melted milkshake. "I can't wait around forever , BJ is pursuing me so I'm doing the same. Lamar can date Luna, I don't care"

   "Speaking of Luna, you need to tell me about that wack ass double date"

      Interrupting our conversation, a knock sounded at the door. Opening the door, BJ leaned in kissing my cheek, looking me up and down to see my outfit. "You look beautiful as always" I blushed taking his hand.

"Thank you, I'm loving the new haircut" my hand easily went through the curly fro on top of his head. Seeing a flash on, I rolled my eyes shooing Milan away. She was worst than my mother when it came to having dates, always wanting to make memories.

"Can you stop recording, never mind we're leaving" I waved to Milan bye.

"Whatever I will be posting the new love birds" I laughed at her remaining the task of closing the door.

BJ opened my side of the car waiting for me to get in, I sat in the passenger seat, smiling. He got in on his side, hooking his phone up to his Bluetooth radio. Let Me Hit That x August Alsina

"Baby let me hit that, super loud, super strong" BJ sung in his low husky voice slowly turning me on. I never saw his freaky side but I'm loving it.

     On the way there, I took plenty of videos and pictures with the two of us. I posted two pictures of us and video of us singing some lyrics.

     Walking around he came to open the door for me, I got out holding his hand. From the outside you could hear the jazz music loud and clear. The dim lighting matched the mood of slow beat.

     "What's your worst date ever" I asked sparking up a conversation.

    "On senior year, I asked this girl on the date to Ruby Tuesday. I told her I would pay and she ordered the most expensive thing on the date. Then she kept talking about her ex and how he fucked around on her. Randomly he walked in the restaurant and she tackled him , they started fighting. Fighting turned into kissing , dry humping turned into humping each other's clothes off" , we laughed. I had been on some bad dates but never that bad.

  "You have a bad date"

   "One of my exes took me to this expensive ass French restaurant all the way downtown, miles from home. We take the orders , eat the food and everything, the bill comes back and I'm expecting him to pull out his wallet. Instead he pulled the I left my wallet at home excuse , leaving me to pay for it. My meal alone was almost a solid hundred so I paid for my meal and left him stranded. To be even more petty I brought desert and added it to his tab" I playfully stuck my tongue out, joining him in his fit of laughter.

"You don't have to worry about that with me, I gotchu" he took my hand leading me to the dance floor.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, he wrapped his around my waist. We swung from side to side doing the two step on the dance floor. I tried to let him lead but it's clear that he has two left feet.

Seems like she's moving better with BJ, forget Lamar 🤷🏽‍♀️

Moving in Book twoWhere stories live. Discover now