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    Months have passed and my pregnancy is finally over. I have a beautiful babygirl by the name of , Mulan. My makeup line has been launched, officially and my money is coming in successfully.

      "Hey babygirl" I giggled tickling her,I never talked to my child in gibberish. I always speak to Mulan like I'm talking to a regular person. "Your daddy is coming over today" she smiled at the mention of her father. I loved their interaction it reminded me of my father and I, when I was younger.

Unlocking my phone, I responded to a text my boyfriend Reggie sent me. I smile seeing that we had another date tonight, we planned on going to the arcade.

Going through my contacts, I pressed the recent one, Javon. "HELLO BEST FRIEND, I MISS YOU" she screamed into the phone sitting up on her nightstand.

"I still can't believe your all the way in Savannah" I spoke. "Have you met anyone special up there" I smirked winking my eyes.

Javon laughed, shaking her head. "Nah, just cooling. Where is my niece?"

I turned the camera to her, showing Mulan dancing in her crib. "Ja Ja" Mulan said her nickname reaching for the camera.

After a hour, a knock sounded on my door. I opened it seeing Leon standing there. His curly hair grown all over his head, the same curls I once loved.

"What's up" he smirked giving me a side-hug.

"Hey, hows Alexis"

"She's good, what about you and Reggie"

Alexis is his new girlfriend, he recent met a few months ago. We decided to cut things off and move on, the trust wasn't there anymore. At first it felt weird dating again but soon I got the hang of it with the help of Javon. Months later, I ended up dating Reggie, I'm content right now.

"We're amazing" I beamed picking Mulan up out her crib, passing her to Leon.

"Hey my sweet baby" he kissed all over her face, causing her to giggle. "You ready to come with me tonight"

It's not much happening with me here. I'm just updating y'all on my life , for the happy ending. Mulan is the best thing in my life right now besides my girlfriend Alexis.

At first breaking up with Milan had really picked at my brain, until I decided to stop sulking. Relationships can change you for better or worse , and I'm better. Milan being my first love had taught a lot about loyalty and how your suppose to treat a lady.

I'm happy that Milan moved onto Reggie and living her best life.

"Hey baby" Alexis spoke as I walked in with Mulan.

"Hey sweetie, how's your day" I asked taking Mulan out her car seat. I picked her up, spinning her around in the sky.

"Everything's going okay, just happy to see your face" she smiled kissing me on the cheek. Mulan used her hand to wipe the kiss off my cheek, smiling.

Listening to H.E.R, I sat in the library studying for my final exams coming up. The end of the semester is coming close and I wanna be prepared to ace it. Being in Savannah away from everyone, has it pros and cons. The drama is rare and my problems are left back there, in Atlanta.

Lamar😉❤️: Good Luck on your finals, call me later!!!

Good luck to you to, will do..

We're both off to college, miles apart from each other. I came to the conclusion that we should cut each other off, long distance isn't my favorite. Lamar was against it but it made perfect sense, we're close friends. Temptation is the one thing that could fuck everything up, so I let the idea of us go.

Mentally, I didn't want to have to think about reporting back everything I'm doing someone miles away. Dealing with the heartbreak wasn't something I wanted to start college dealing with.

Seeing a chair pull out in front of me, I looked up meeting the face of a beautiful chocolate bar. I gave a friendly smile, returning back to my studying.

"Umm, hey." The boy spoke nervously, I lowly chuckled.

"Hey" I closed my book, giving him my full attention. Pausing my music, I took out one of the earphones letting them fall on the table.

He gave a innocent smile, before speaking. "I'm Keenan, we take English together and I think your beautiful. I've been meaning to ask you on a date, a long time ago, but I always get tongue tied"

I nodded. "Well Keenan, I would love to go on a date with you"

I partnered up with him a few times on projects, I've secretly always found him the cutest. I loved how innocent he is and not fucking everyone that moved along. He had a good head on his shoulders , maintaining a important goal to be something in life,
I fucked with that.

"What are you i-i-interested in"

"I like dancing, there's couple classes would could take" I offered touching my hand against his hand to see his reaction. Keenan closed his eyes, his breathing sped up and a nearly died of laughter.

"T-t-t-that would be great" he stuttered looking at my hand touching his.

"I know I can't wait to dance up against you. Call me later" I flicked a sticky note to him before grabbing my books leaving. He stared in disbelief, looking up at me. I winked , turning around making my dramatic exit.

I'm single, living the college life. Being away from home had been the best thing ever. Not having the deal with my controlling mother and not having to answer her every time calls. I'm glad I finally had the guts to speak up to her when I did.

Things have been looking up for the better, I have a internship at a lawyer company. I've helped in some light cases in receiving evidence to help defend a few clients.

I'm not completely over Javon but I'm following her advice. She's been encouraging me to talk to others, mingle, fuck a few people. It's hard when you don't spark the connection instantly but I should gives things a chance. Sometimes I wonder how she handled being single so well, she could spark a conversation with anybody.

Headphanie👅: wanna get sucked up tonight?
Kiesha: So you can call me over for sex but can't respond to a simple text message?

"Hello" a girl I fucked awhile back waved her hands in my face.

I sighed wondering if I was either drunk or high when I messed around with her. "What you want lisha"

"Nigga, I'm three months pregnant. That's when we fucked" she threw the pregnancy test in my face before walking out. "I'll only contact you regarding our child"

Javon😭❤️: How you've been?🙃

"Really man" I threw the pregnancy text on the floor running my hands over my face.

The end guys, I'm sorry that Leon's point of view is so short, it wasn't much to say. I've had fun writing this book

Thanks to all who read, comment and vote. Much love❤️!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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