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      My mom and I roamed the store looking for a nice graduation dress. Graduation is in two days and time is slowly running out. Shopping with mom has been distracting me from thinking about drama outside of school , Lamar. The night we shared together was magical but I don't know how to feel about it. Apart of me feels glee that we're moving past our differences , the other part just feels weird about letting him back in my life. Maybe because I'm so use to being this asshole towards him or pushing him away.

            Shaking away my thoughts, I ran my hand across the silk fabric of a beautiful white off the shoulder dress. I took it off the hanger checking the tag inside to see if it's my size. Smiling I held the dress to my body, picturing how it would look on me. Momma held her thumbs up giving her approval, she held up some four-inch heels that look similar to the color of the dress. I nodded my head confirming that I liked it, I love spending quality time with my mother. It's a time to genuinely talk to her about stuff and not having to worry about someone interrupting or cutting me off.

After paying for my stuff, momma and I walked towards the food court. I sat down while she went to Chick-fil-a to order our meals. Typing in my passcode I swiped down on my screen, seeing my Instagram notifications. I answered back to one of Milan's messages saying she had something to tell me. It had me curious because it has to be serious if she couldn't tell me in person.

Momma came back sitting down, she sat our food bags on the table. The scent of chicken sandwiches filled my nostrils. My mouth watered as I fished in the bag for my chicken sandwich. I stuffed a fry in mouth, moaning at the warmth and a perfect amount of salt. Opening my sandwich my mother looked at me oddly, studying my movements.

"What's up with you" my mom asked biting into her sandwich.

I tilted my head. "What do you mean" I asked trying to mimic Justin Bieber. Momma side-eyed me rolling her eyes.

     "Don't be acting stupid, you've been acting off since the other day"

         Instead of giving a direct answer, I decided to ask a question. "Is it okay to give second chances if you feel like the person has changed for the better?"

      "Of course it's okay to give second changes , only if you feel the person deserves it. Giving out second chances isn't a bad thing unless you feel otherwise. But don't let giving second chances let people take your kindness for weakness" she sternly gave advice waving her finger around in my face.

     "Ok mom, I understand. How did you and dad first meet" I asked popping a fry into my mouth.

    She put her hand under chin, rolling her eyes. "When we first met I slapped the shit out of him. Thought it was okay to disrespect me , but it turned out that he wasn't the asshole , he showed the first time. If I sit here and tell you the ups and down, we'll be sitting here forever child" we shared a laugh, throwing our trash away.

On the ride home, I rapped to the music on the radio. My phone kept constantly beeping full of text messages but I hated texting or talking to my friends in front of my parents. They would always ask random questions and then stick their head in the camera starting a whole conversation. The only friend I talk to when I'm around them is Milan, and we consider her family.

I opened the front door , rushing up to my room, I read the unread messages sent to my phone. I groaned seeing a million messages from Carlos, he's been blowing up my phone nonstop the past few days. He keeps apologizing saying he wants us to talk it over but I'm not ready. Some might agree that I'm being over dramatic but I took what he said to heart. We've always been there for each other to thick and thin, his family is like my family and vice versa. For him to even pull the we're not related by DNA card was low blow.

FUCKER🖕🏽: Pick up the fuckin' phone!

FUCKER🖕🏽: I'll just keep blowing your shit up🙃

FUCKER🖕🏽: C'mon sis...

Oh I'm sis now? Sorry were not blood related🤷🏽‍♀️



BestieB💋: I'm dying of loneliness...

I'm here now? What's up Bestie? Your low key starting to worry me...

Lamar😉: you've been avoiding the kid?
Lamar😉: we should talk about the other night..
Lamar😉: Your making me feel like a side nigga that you only hit up when you need some dick...
Lamar😉: soooo... your gonna continue to ignore me.???????!?!?!

Lamar😉: just call me on your freetime😔
Lamar😉: if it's a chance your laying with someone else right now, I hope it's worse sex ever
Lamar😉: you get mad and don't talk to me baby, shit be driving me crazy
Lamar😉: you got a nigga at home and one on the side... excuse my French but I'm a long kisser.

I screen shot all his messages saving them to my camera roll. I crossed out his contact name using the digital marker and posted them , Be having him feenin'🤷🏽‍♀️🙄.

The comments started rolling in of people from school trying to guess who sent them. Some hit it right on the head, others had me offended for even thinking their number would be in my phone. I never responded to the comments unless it's someone I'm cool with , I wanted to keep them guessing.

Lamar😉: you can post my messages but can't respond?!?! BET👌🏽

Read at 6:45 pm

I laughed turning on my red receipts purposely, for him to even get more aggravated. I'm surprised Lamar kept texting me since I'm clearly not responding yet. My fun interrupted when I got a call from Milan. I instantly answered hearing her voice yell through the phone.

"Get your keys, I need you" Milan cried into the phone. "I gotta tell you something"

"I-I-I-I'm on my w-w-way" I stuttered hurriedly putting on my shoes and trying to hear what she's saying at the same time. Sitting my phone down I counted everything in my head making sure I have everything.

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