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Hearing my phone ding, I hurriedly picked it up hoping to see Javon's contact across my screen. I turned my phone off turning around facing the wall. Leon came in my room smiling from ear to ear, I shot up the middle finger turning over.

"Nigga this ice cream bowl been sitting in her for two days" Leon looked in the empty plastic bowl, he stared at me in disgust. "Why are you on Netflix watching hopeless romances" he asked shaking his head. He grabbed the tv remote out my hand turning the tv back to regular television.

I sat up in the bed smelling my armpit, I drowned at the odor. Picking up the empty bowls and trash in my room, I headed towards the kitchen, putting my dirty dishes in the sink. In the cabinet I grabbed another bowl, filling it with cookie dough ice cream. Turning on the tv downstairs , I wrapped up in my spider man themed blanket. Hearing footsteps coming downstairs, I mentally cursed him out, he's wasn't going to leave me alone.

Leon started to worry about me because I haven't been myself the past two weeks. I've driven myself insane waiting to at least get a text or call saying how much she hates or something. Her not responding to me at all made me worried, she hasn't even posted recently on Instagram , something is definitely wrong.

I've been sulking in my Batman pajamas, laying around. I only get up to reveal my bowl of ice cream or get some more water. Eating all that sugar helps me stay up to wait for a notification I'm really looking for. Netflix has been a comfort zone for me watching movies related to my situation that end in a happy ending , it gave me hope, but knowing how stubborn Javon is I don't know how this is gonna go.

Seconds later a notification popped up that Javon posted. I hurriedly checked seeing odd pictures and messages posted of her venting. I watched reading some of her posts.

Niggas are jokes🤪

They claim this and that and do something totally different😴! Then have the nerve to blow up phone like I'm not laying in my bed using Netflix and YouTube has a distraction😂🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽

I'm forever single💔

Relationships are all glitz and glamour until rough patches come around...

I'm reading my post and I feel like a whole sap out here😂😂😂! Fml😭😭😭😭😭

I laughed at her post debating on whether to respond or not. I'm slid up typing than I typing, why not start off with a joke. Hopefully maybe that would help break the ice between us.

     BigBoy.Lamar:Making post about me, huh ?
If you felt like this you really could've replied  to my text and calls

Fineasss_Ja: Ever came to the realization I don't wanna be bothered with your ass? Speaking of text and calls , can you stop?

   I feel like we need a break from each other, I'm not ignoring you out of spite or hate

BigBoy.Lamar:Need a break? We haven't seen or heard from each other in TWO FUCKING WEEKS!

Do you know how long a week is?????

Fineasss_Ja: I understand that but you can't get mad at the fact that I need space. I'm over the situation I just don't wanna be around you right now. You have to respect that. Periodt.!!!

BigBoy.Lamar: I understand

Sighing , I turned off my phone, upset at my reaction I got back. Maybe two weeks isn't enough time to cool off for women, I don't understand. One minute their happy , one slip up could mess up a good thing.

      Luna has been constantly contacting me , consistently. My mother forces me to reply back when Luna snitches to her mom but I don't. Besides having a pretty face, her spoiled attitude is a major turn off, especially when your use to a girl who even thinks about letting you pay for stuff. Luna just had this thought that everyone is suppose to worship her because her mother has a name around the city. She brags about that every time we step foot out the house.

       On the first date of trying to get to know her, she went on this two hour rant about nothing but herself. Not once did she ask my favorite color, sport, how old I am. Just because I look young doesn't mean I couldn't be years older, she didn't care. I even asked her preference of being in a relationship, her response screamed conceited and gold digger.

        "My mans has to have money and always spoiling in the best brands. Have the best car and always wearing the newest shoes. He wouldn't mind buying anything I want" the response played in my head , shaking my head in disgust. Being around her alone just made the hairs on my skin crawl.

Going in the bathroom, I sat my underwear and sweatpants on the counter. I washed away the shower smell letting thoughts of Javon roam through my mind. After being in there for fifteen minutes swiped my deodorant under my arms.

Opening the bathroom door , I went in my room seeing Leon laying on the bed. I rolled my eyes dumping my clothes in the dirty waste basket. Turning the tv to YouTube , I looked up the artist A Boogie with a Hoodie, picking a random song by him. He's so underrated but his music is fire that I don't feel the need to skip over a million songs listening to his album.

I bobbed my head to the music listening to Leon brag about his relationship. In a sense, I respected Leon and all he did for his girl. At least he was still on talking terms with his dream girl, mind won't even give me the time of time.

"I gotta surprise for you" Leon interrupting my thoughts throwing me a pair of shoes.

I eyed him strangely, wrapping up more in the cover. "I don't wanna go"

"I'll buy you something to eat" I hopped up rushing to put on my shoes.

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