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Her hand came in contact against my own, our skin pressed together felt weird. We walked down the park trail in straight silence. Luna leaned in pecking my lips trying to deepen it but I pulled away. Our lips touching or even skin to skin contact, I never felt that spark, the firework I've been forcing myself to feel.

Things are still fairly icy between Javon and I , thick tension. This time I really think she's done putting up with my shit. Me asking her to be friends is probably the worst decision I could ever make.

"Babe, why aren't you affectionate towards me" Luna whined swinging our hands back and forth. She unlinked our hands, using my arm to wrap it around her waist. She then laid her head on my shoulder , burying her head in my chest. Seeing someone else besides Javon laying on my chest or kissing me , makes me cringe. We weren't even together and I feel like I'm cheating on her.

"I'm just not good with expressing my feelings" I lied awkwardly patting her back.

"Oh poor baby, we'll have to work on that. In the meantime we need to work on your dick in my pussy" I stopped walking off guard at her sudden statement. Never in a million years would I have ever thought about having sex with her. "Your head has to be A1, your tongue is long and looks like it can eat good" she smirked twirling her bright blue hair around her finger. Luna popped her bubble gum, obnoxiously chewing it back into her mouth.

"Soon" I lied again shaking the thought of any of that very happening.

Unlocking the car doors, I watched her get in the car before me. I turned up the music hoping she would get the message , that I don't want to have a conversation. I slowed down turning the car into the driveway of a corner store.

        Walking along the candy aisle, a girl in red sweat pants caught my eye. I squinted my eyes recognizing the usual butt size. Smirking I put down the bag of candy, finding a excuse to mess with her. Tapping her shoulder, she slowly turned around but rolled her eyes seeing the side of my face.

     I stood closely behind Javon, hugging her. Struggling to get out my hold, she pushed me off her , dusting her shoulder off. Javon eyed me suspiciously looking behind me and the next aisle down. "Where is your girlfriend" she asked tilting her head to the side.

    "Thats not my real girlfriend" I stated simply shrugging my shoulders. Luna and I have been caught out and about by many of my former classmates. Of course it's always that one person who makes the moment awkward when asking about Javon.

"It seems realistic to me and many other people" Javon reminded, poking me in the middle of my forehead.

Reaching for another hug, a voice sounded closely in the distance. Javon silently cursed under her breath pushing me away from her. Plastering on a fake smile , BJ sped walked over to us holding two bags of chips in his hands.

"Should've stayed my ass at home" Javon whispered to herself greeting Bj. She waved reaching out to hug him.

"Have you thought about a good day for our date?" I raised my eyebrows, surprised that I'm just now hearing about this. She faced palmed herself nodding. "Yea I'm thinking sometime next week, I wanna go half on the meal" she offered.

One trait I loved is that Javon is independent , she hated borrowing or even asking for money. If you go on a date with her bad or good, she offers to pay her side of the bill. Unlike being on date with Luna, she buys the most expensive dish on the menu expecting you to come out of pocket for it .

      Bj held up his hand, waving her comment off. "When your with me you never have to pay for a thing" he flirted trying to turn up the charm. She smile but I could tell that didn't charm her.

    "Wassup BJ" I greeted hoping my presence would be known. They were having this grand conversation like I didn't even exist. "Maybe we could have a double date"

      "Yeah, my girl and your girl, sounds cool with me"

       Javon glared at me from behind him, mouthing how bad she wanted to slice me in half. Feeling a presence behind me, Luna popped up grabbing my hand. Seeing Javon standing behind BJ , she stood on her tippy toes reaching to kiss my lips. Luna quickly pecked them looking directly at her. Javon rolled her eyes pulling BJ down to her height, she kissed him on the lips, tongue and all.

     "I heard something about a double date, babe" Luna's hands traveled down the v-line of my shirt. I slowly removed her hands not wanting to make it obviously that I didn't want her touching me. "I'm glad she finally found someone instead of being stuck up your ass, never mind , she still is"

   "N-no I'm not" Javon paused smiling at BJ. "He's my boyfriend", my face cringed hearing her utter the words. Luna smiled up at me and I gripped her hand tighter trying to contain my emotions. You could tell BJ is eating this conversation up because his facial expression turned from a smirk into a whole smile. He quickly changed his face back into a normal expression not wanting to make his excitement obvious.

"Double date sounds fantastic to me" I spoke up once again. "We could all get to know each other better" the same fake smiled plastered on my face towards BJ. He nodded saying his goodbyes to everyone before walking off. Instead of just walking off he made it his mission to give Javon a kiss on the cheek before leaving. She laughed to herself pushing her buggy towards the checkout line.

"See you next week"

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