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I'm now six months and I still haven't made the effort to make things right with Leon. I'm not even upset anymore, I just needed time to myself. If I had of gotten back together right after I forgave him, my trust would've been all the way fucked up.

I didn't want to be one of those insecure girlfriends always checking on their boyfriend or accusing him, so I got myself together. In the process of me, I sincerely hoped Leon had a chance to fix his mindset of things. Maybe him cheating was sign that we needed to slow things down, before we both crashed for the worst.

A few weeks prior to me finding out about that incident , he had been talking about marriage. The subject caught me way off guard but I never told him that, I see a future with him. In a prayer I asked God to send me a sign that being with him is just one big fairytale, and he did.

The only time we talked is if, it's dealing with our babygirl. We recently found out the gender and I'm already planning the perfect baby shower with the help of Javon. Things have been running smoothly at the moment, I'm even dating.

       Instead of getting my own apartment, I stayed with my parents. I'm pregnant and I needed the extra support right now. Renting my own apartment would pointless because my mom would keep calling me nonstop. I'm content at the moment but after the baby, I'm moving out. My makeup line is close to launching and I've been saving up money from my previous job.

      "You good, sis" Carlos asked doing a backflip off my bed.

   "You break my bed, your sorry ass will be paying for it" I laughed playfully pushing him away. "My best friend birthday is today, ahhhh" I danced hopping up and down.

    "My sis, finally nineteen" Javon has always been the youngest because her birthday comes late. She never seize to rub in our faces that we'll be old with wrinkles while she walks the runway. I always laugh because she acts like, she isn't a few months behind me.

I didn't plan on dressing up for the party, they'll be lucky if I come with jeans instead or leggings. Everyone knows I'm pregnant so dressing up isn't in my vocabulary anymore. Combing my hair into a back ponytail, I slayed my edges posing in the mirror.

Carlos blinked his eyes at my outfit surprised. "That's what your wearing, sweatpants and a t-shirt" he asked looking at me surprised.

"Yea, I need to be comfortable"I whined taking my phone off the charger.

I held up the keys, and my purse, heading towards the car. Turning on the radio, I hooked up my Bluetooth.

"Any other day you would've died for even thinking about coming out the house like that. Pregnancy has really changed you for the better" Carlos admitted bobbing his head to the beat of My Shit x A Boogie.

"True, true. This is Javon's day and I have no one to impress. My face is enough to have the guys on their knees" I boosted my own ego, nodding my head to the beat.

Pulling up to the avenue, my eyes widened at the wonderful scenery. The tables were sat up perfectly , flowers and all.

        Lights are hanging from the ceiling and specials tables, made for certain guests

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Lights are hanging from the ceiling and specials tables, made for certain guests. Glasses of wine, I saw a few familiar faces on the outside.

Carlos and I greeted some old classmates , even some close family members. Jayda ran back and forth between the back room. I held up my hands hoping to stop all of her dramatics. "Hey baby, how is my niece doing"

"She's doing fine, moves around a lot. The question is are you okay?"

Jayda shook her head, placing her hand on her hip. "I'm fine but your best friend is working my last nerve. She's upset because her chocolate cake doesn't have her name frosted on it" she rolled her eyes. "I just made Devon go to the store to get some icing"

"I love Javon and her dramatic ways" I joked reading the reserved seats, so I can know where to seat.

Carlos and I followed behind Jayda and she led us to our table. I mentally gagged seeing were seated by Lamar and Leon. Ignoring the stare, I sat down next to him, sighing. I'm going to kill Javon the next time I get my hands on her.

"Ignoring me, really?" Leon asked instead of doing his regular routine, staring me down.

I chuckled. "Hello Leon, feel better" I asked turning my head.

Javon entered the room stopping everyone's conversation. Her hair pinned up into a beautiful bun and a off the shoulder dress. It had a pattern of red roses and at the end it flowed greatly in the wind.

Jayda handed over the microphone to Javon , hugging her. Javon whispered something in her head before facing the audience. "Thank you all for clearing your schedule to celebrate my birthday. Any gifts or cards please send them all on the table by the door. Thanks again mom and dad for throwing my party." Javon pointed towards the Dj, signaling him to turn on the music. "WHOS READY TO PARTTTTYYYY" she creamed twirling around in her dress.

"AAAAYYYYYEEEE" everyone yelled standing out their chairs. Lamar got behind Javon as she twerked to Booty x Black Youngsta.

Leon looked over at me, holding out his hand. I instantly took it putting our issues to side. My main focus right now, is to have fun instead of holding a stupid grudge. I gyrated against him as he hands pulled me closer to his front. He leaned down kissing my shoulder, I tried to hide the growing smile. I missed his touched or the feeling of him in my arms.

I'm glad that our parents were hanging outside because none of this would even be allowed. If my dad even saw me this close to him, I'll be dead. The way Javon was moving , I prayed that Devon didn't do a random pop up.

"Did you invite BJ" I asked Javon , she shook her head no. She told me while back that maybe them dating wasn't a good idea. She never got back on me on whether she specified that to him or not.

"He said he couldn't make it a few weeks ago" she shrugged but looked up. Lamar followed her eyes and he clenched his jaw, drama is bound to go down.

BJ came over reaching out for , Javon. She stepped back, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. Usually they weren't this distance so something happened between them. "Where's your girlfriend" she asked mushing the side of his face.

"We were never in a relationship, why the hell you tripping"

"So eating me out, telling me how beautiful I am, and that in the only girl you wanna be with" my eyes widened at all the tea, she never got the chance to spill.

"Yeah, I love the way you tasted to" BJ spat earning a clean right hook from Lamar.

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