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Javon and I sat in the gym waiting for our names be called. In my seat I moved back and forth anxious feeling butterflies building up in my stomach. When your a kid, it's this big rush to be an adult but when the time comes feelings change instantly. I've gotten plenty of scholarships this year and I've steal trying to pick between something.

Hearing my name called I walked across the stage holding in my tears. I shook the principal's hand as she gave me the diploma. Big flashes could be seen in the crowd, loud clapping , and my nickname being called. I did a little dance on my way off the stage because I didn't have to be in this hell hole anymore.

Sitting back in my seat, we waited for the administrators to wrap up the ceremony. We were released outside and my mom took pictures of me with some of my friends. Leon came over to congratulate me and vice versa.

"We out this bitch"Leon whispered-yelled kissing my cheek. I nodded doing the dab along with him, I smiled seeing Javon come through the double doors.

We ran to each other , hugging for the thousandth time today. It still felt weird to say we're not in high school anymore , all those fun and down in the dump days. Next year will be on our home fulfilling our wildest dreams.

"Next week I wanna go out, my treat" I offered already knowing his usual response.

"How many times I gotta tell you this shit, when you with me, you don't pay for anything."

     "Ok, okay" I let the situation go at the moment not in the mood to argue with him.

     We always had this argument about who's paying for month. I like my boyfriend treating me to things but the favor should be reciprocated. Leon kissed my forehead going to join his parents. Walking over the main part of my family, I thanked everyone for coming out. As usual it's always the few family members who only come around just to be nosy or find away to judge you.

       After giving everyone a hug, I grabbed Javon's arm pulling her to the side. When she came over my house that day I still didn't get around to telling her, I didn't have the guts to. I'm going to tell her today because keeping this to my self has to huge weight on my shoulders. It's driving me nuts not having anybody to sit down venting to about it.

         "What's up" Javon asked looking at me weirdly. "Omg we're finally out" she failed trying to do the cabbage patch.

     I nodded slyly following behind her to my car. A few minutes of getting everything settled, I zoomed towards the house. Javon and I held conversation about the present, and future plans.

      Opening the front door, we went straight to my room. Javon was still clueless at my movements but kept her comments to herself. She sat down on the bed while I went to get shoe box out my closet. Sitting the box down in front of her, I gestured for her to open it.

       "Bestie you got these for me- wait these smell like your stank ass feet" she laughed holding the lid in her hand. "Seriously , what's the point of this"

       "Put your hand inside the shoe and pull it out"

     "Whatever your hiding in this shoe must be top secret, I mean how bad can it be" Javon giggling reaching her hand into the shoe. She looked up at the ceiling and managed to finally pull the surprise out the shoe. "What the hell-bitch your pregnant" her eyes widened somewhat starting to form water.

     "You have a human being inside you, how did this happen" Javon fell back onto the bed still in the state of shock.

      "Welll when a female and a male-." I started off.

    "Shut the fuck up but deadass have you told the father of your parents" her facial expression turned serious in a heartbeat. When it came to stuff like this Javon took the situation very situation. She didn't play when it came to another innocent life being played around with. Yeah, she's happy for me but I know I can count on her to keep it a stack.

I shook my head fiddling with my fingers. I'm thinking about chancing it seeing if there really going to notice it and come to the conclusions. Then when they confront me about it and I can pretend that I though I was just getting fat. They'll see right through the bullshit but it's better then wrecking my brain trying to figure out a way to tell them without shitting my pants. "Honestly I'm waiting until I get further into my pregnancy, that way when they find out I'll be moved out the house".

Javon nodded, running her fingers through her braids. "I guess your not coming to party,huh" she asked slightly bummed out.

I tilted my head to the side looking at her crazy. "I'm still going to party just not as hard and no drinking" Javon agreed laying back on my bed. "I'm going in my graduation dress" I shrugged, it looked party worthy.

"Same, I don't have the energy to change. Let's go" we went to her car but we made sure the house was securely locked up. I sent my mom a quick text letting her know that we were going out tonight. I didn't know whether Carlos is coming to the party tonight but I didn't bother asking him. I'm been avoiding Carlos and Javon being by one another because it's awkward since their not communicating anymore. I miss when we would go on sister and brother dates.

Going through the back door Leon's mother gave us nasty looks. For whatever reason she couldn't stand the thoughts of us or being with her children. We've been nothing but respectful towards her but that's her problem. I've met their dad, he has no problem with our relationship but his mother swears up and down I'm a bad influence.

We walked towards Lamar and Leon seeing them occupied by a crowd. Javon and I pushed between the people finally making our way towards them. My eyes furrowed seeing Lamar hugged up with another girl besides Luna. I'm aware their not together but Javon told me they were finally working towards that.

"What's this" Javon asked startling Lamar, he immediately pushed the girl away from. The girl looked her up and down smirking, she smirked crossing her arms over her chest. Javon mugged the both of them bucking at Luna because the bitch started to talk reckless. "Oh hon, Lamar didn't tell you? I'm his new girl , we've been on dates and everything"

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