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My Gucci flip flops shimmered in the light of the kitchen. I texted back and forth between Milan talking about plans for today. School hasn't even been out for a month yet and I'm already dying of boredom. Mother stood in front of the stove whipping up some cheesy eggs and grits.

My dad came downstairs in his all black robe, kissing my mom and I on the forehead. "Hey baby" momma spoke returning the kiss back. I put my finger in my mouth pretending to gag.

"Stop hating, all this good loving is what brought you into this world" dad joked wrapping his arms around her waist.

On the outside I pretended to hate on their relationship like any other child but mentally I wanted what they had. I wanted a different beginning to my love story but even when we grow old , the love never changes. After being with each other for almost fifteen years their love has definitely grown over the years.

         Momma sat my plate on the table and fixed hers. We all sat down saying grace before digging in our food. While they were talking I snuck a strawberry out of dad's plate, hurriedly stuffing it into my mouth. When he turned towards me, I smiled innocently chewing on the fruit.

       "Have you talked to Milan lately" momma asked stuffing a fork full of eggs into her mouth. "Miracle swears up and down she's changing a lot."

         My eyes quickly darted back towards my food, I didn't want my facial expressions to give anything away. "I've talk to her everyday, seems fine to me" I shrugged trying to be nonchalant. If my mom found out that Milan is pregnant, she would flip out just like her parents. If any adult in the his family found out , she would be dead either way. 

     Hell, I'm risking my life keeping this secret for her, if they find out I knew the whole time , I'm gonna die. Every time we would talk I had to make sure my earphones were plugged in. Sometimes she constantly complains about the pain and morning sickness, I try to be supportive but I can't relate to any of these symptoms. To prevent from saying the wrong thing I just kindly give her motivation that everything will be okay.

I'm moving out in about a month or two so if all fails she can move in with me for the time being. It would be fun living together but we never draw the line between privacy, we don't have to be right under each other every minute.

"Mom and dad, so I've been saving up" I trailed off making sure I have their full attention. They slowly nodded waiting for my to continue. "I've been looking at apartments and I've found the perfect complex, the rent is affordable-"

"Who said you could do this though" dad cut me off dropping his spoon on the plate. His voice slowly started raising , I could already tell this idea isn't floating him in the right decision.

I huffed, suppressing the urge to roll my eyes. "I'm eighteen turning nineteen soon, you seriously need to let go. Why should I ask permission for something I'm paying for"

"Devon , before you start going off, she does have point. Although, this is something you should've told us months before putting your plan in action" mom justified placing her dirty plate in the dish water.

     My dad as always been the over protective type in any situation. Yeah, maybe springing this on them last minute is probably a bad decision, but I thought they would understand that I'm old enough to make my own life choices. It took him years to come to the term that when having a job , you can't be home right after school.

"I understand that but this should've been discussed months ago"

     "I agree this is last minute but I'm eighteen. Dad, can you at least have a open mind? If it makes you feel any better you can decided if the neighborhood is trustworthy or not , but I'm going through with this. I love y'all dearly , just support me on this, I'm taking my responsibility of being an adult"

      My smiled winking at me for using key points. Momma loved that I'm taking actions of being a young adult. She's proud to have a daughter that already has the mindset of independence, but dad always had to realize I'm getting older. He just hasn't came to terms that I'm not the little pig tailed girl running around in pull-ups anymore.

           Going outside I texted Milan back telling her that I would meet her for lunch. Opening my car door, my phone dinged again signaling she texted me back. Driving off I blasted I Don't Fuck with You x Big Sean, a common song I listen to in a series of emotions. When I'm genuinely being petty or if I'm pissed off past limits.

I turned into the parking lot , finding a empty spot close to the entrance. Rolling up my windows , I jammed in the car , bouncing in my seat. "I DONT FUCK WITH YOU" I yelled waving my hands in the air. The song later switched and I'll Take Your Man x City Girls. Uptight bitches called them ratchet left and right but I didn't care, their music forever played in my car.

"If you fuck with me I'll take your man, you know I'll take your man, hoe" I rapped pointed at some random girl and her dude. Laughing at myself my phone rung, BestieB💋, flashed across my screen.

"Why the hell are you sitting in the car dancing while I'm waiting on you" I squinted my eyes seeing inside the restaurant. Sure enough Milan and two other figures were staring at me. "Before I hang up who is-"

"Did you bitch just hang up on me" I asked pointing to myself. Walking inside , the receptionist greeted me asking if I'm meeting up with somebody. She lead me to the table and my eyes rolled before I could even say hello.

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