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I stared  at the phone rolling my eyes at other text full of foolery. It's Lamar constantly claiming that everything I saw is a complete lie. Even if his mom made them get together , why keep it a secret if it's not true? Me being a outsider on the situation instead of when I ask if he had plans , he would make up the dumbest excuses. Saying stuff like, he gotta clean the yard, freshen up the pool, go to basketball tryouts, really at nine o'clock at night. None of the shit makes sense to me but maybe because I'm not one for straight bullshit. It just seemed kind of suspect for him to keep it a secret instead of being genuine telling me.

    Lamar's Party

        Day of Graduation
      Friday Evening

"Oh hon, Lamar didn't tell you? I'm his new girl,we've been on dates and all" I nodded my head trying my hardest not to cause a scene. Instead of arguing I went over to the snack table grabbing a red cup of Fanta orange soda.

     Milan followed behind me whispering in my ear about being cautious about my action, that went in one ear and out the other. Running over I dumped the soda al over his head watching the substance drip off his tuxedo. Witnesses around the party laughed , flashes shines, sounds of pictures being taken, whispers, but I didn't care. I feel played thinking this fool genuinely changed from being the ignorant asshole he usually is.

      "Really Javon? You didn't have to go that far" Lamar complained using a napkin to wipe his suit off.

      The girl that I soon learned her name is Luna ran over behind me trying to sneak me. I quickly turned around grabbing her body, throwing her against the fence. I punched her continuously as she made it her mission to fight me back. Laughing at her struggle to made a effort to push me back in punch table, I switched us around leading her head into the punch bowl. Picking myself up, I dusted myself up heading towards the nearest exit, I refused to mess up my dress , fighting trash not over Lamar out of all people.

          Milan hugged me giving me her usual grand pep talks to calm me down, her patience are ten times better than mine and that's a great quality to have. "Don't even worry about that bum bitch or that stupid dumbass asshole, we're heading back to your house and stuff our faces with snacks. I'm hungry"





       "JAVON" he yelled I turned around signaling that Milan could do bring the car around. "If he fucks around , I'll be in the car ready to fuck him up"

   "I'll be fine, Milan. I'm good" I lied trying to control my anger. I gave her fake smile and she nodded. "I know your lying but I'm taking your word for it"

       I faced Lamar giving him my full attention, I wanted to know everything from beginning to end, even if it means standing here all night. I shifted my weight onto one leg, placing my hands on my hip. Lamar bit his lip sexually eyeing my curves in this dress, I mentally cursed him out waiting for his next move. "You look beautiful"

      "I know , but I'm not making a big deal because it's clear we're never gonna be anything. Yea I understand we aren't together but don't spit bullshit in my ear and then do something totally different." I waved my fingers in his face, ignoring his facial expressions. He opened his mouth to speak , I quickly cut him off. "Honestly you got me fucked to, like nigga do you know how long it took for me to even give you the time of day? Clearly if you want to pull this stunt , I can't"

    "Lis-" I cut him off once again not standing for it.

      "Nope don't feed me any bullshit"

      "Can-" I put my finger in his face.

    "I don't wanna hear it, your full of shi-" he cut me off backing me up against living room wall. We stood real close that our lips almost touch. His hands traced the sides of my dress, I removed his hands. "Now, it's your turn to listen. My mom set us up but I'm not interested in her. I've been taking her on dates so my mom can get off my back about being with her. Believe me , I don't want anything to do with her dumbass."

      Before I could respond , Luna walked in the house  drenched in punch. She looked around finding her mother in the kitchen, instantly she snitched loudly turning heads. I rolled my eyes getting the hint that this bitch is a spoiled brat. Her mom walked around the room scanning the room looking for the culprit, I pushed past Lamar raising my hand. "I'm the reason she's wearing punch" I spoke proudly not phased by the death stare Luna's mother gave me, she's not the first and damn sure won't be the last.

     "Why would you do some ratchet shit like that" her mother asked getting in my face. I held my hand up gently pushing her back away from my personal space, I would hate to curse out one of the elders.

     "Ma'am your ratchet spoiled bitch of a child was quick to fight over her "boyfriend". I used quotation marks surrounding the word boyfriend. "My argument was and still is with him, I said nothing regarding your daughter, but of course she had to make herself known. Her goal was to put in the punch bowl but clearly her plan turned upside down" I pointed using her attire and wet hair as a example. Her mascara melted down her face her smirked turned into a simple frown.

      Lamar's mom came out glaring at me. "Should've known you ratchet ass always starting something"

    "Mom I get your not a big fan of her but don't disrespect her" Lamar stood up for me annoyed. "Honestly all of this is straight bullshit man"

    "I honestly should slap you for even talking to me like that but sweet heart you need to learn your not needed in my life Luna and Lamar are happy because of me"
    "So I've heard but I bother you that bad you force in him in a relationship. If you really loved him , even if you didn't like his lover, you wouldn't care because that's his decision. But I get it anything to make big momma happy" I faked smiled making my way out the door.

     Luna waltzed over to Lamar giving him a soft kiss on the lips, that turned into her forcing her tongue down his throat. From the way his body was shifting , I could clearly tell that he's uncomfortable. His mother and her mother smirked waving bye, I stuck up the middle finger, running towards the car. Opening the car door , I could hear Lamar running trying to catch up behind me. Rolling down the window I stared at him , the stray tears behind the build up anger showing. "Bye Lamar"

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