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        My emotions are all over the place right now and it doesn't help Amber and her minion decided to pull up. To make matters worse it seems that the whole block is snooping outside their windows watching. I looked over at Milan who was already scooping her hair in a ponytail. I shrugged my shoulders deciding to gear up mentally and physically, I'm pretty sure her parents are catching the vibe.

"Is that Amber and Kate bitch y'all be gossiping about" Miracle ask side eyeing the two hoes who were primping. "Who puts on makeup when their getting ready to fight" she asked rolling her eyes.

"Because we wanna look cute when we beat theses bitches ass" we all looked at Amber side ways looking around even the sky wondering who she could be talking about.

"Okay talking to us is one thing but you not gonna talk to me mother sideways" Milan spoke up bouncing her leg.

"Y'all can fight, I'm going to FaceTime your mother and tell her this bullshit. You better beat them hoes, I'm talking pounding they face in. Got me fucked up talking about my babies like that, better FUCKING RECOGNIZE WE AINT NOTHIN' TO BE PLAY WITH" Miracle tapped on my mother's contact name waiting for her to answer the phone. My mom face popped up smiling but it soon frowned at the energy of the atmosphere.

"I'm loving the family reunion but we came to beat some ass" Kate smiled lunging for Milan. Milan stopped her flipping Kate over on her shoulder, she groaned in pain whining. She tried to get back up but Milan straddled her waist punching her in the face.

Amber tried to throw the first punch, but I stopped her arm, twisting. I spun her around and grabbed her by the head punching her in the mouth. I soon elbowed her in the stomach and she managed to push me on the ground. She got on top of putting up a good fight but it wasn't working. I turned us over and now I was on top getting my licks back. "He's mine"

I wrapped my arms tightly around her neck pulling her head towards me. We were so close our lips almost touched. "Get this through your stone cold skull, I don't want him. Ever come around my family's house again trying to start something I'm gonna do worst. Alright?" I threatened.

"O-o-o-ok" she managed to finally get the word out. I let her neck go and she drastically gasped for her holding her neck. Xavier pulled Milan away from Kate still holding on to the end of her leg. Kate was being dragged around the concrete while we were all chanting let her go. Kate had been beaten up so badly you couldn't even tell it was here, her face is full of blood.

         Milan finally let go and Carlos helped her cool down. I went over saying things to make her feel better , while Carlos stood close by. "Y'all sure did show them bitches who boss" Carlos commented but I clearly ignored it. "About what I said earlier-."

     I held my hand up cutting the bullshit off. "That's how you feel I understand. I'm not apologizing for anything I said to you back in the car, I'm tired of you acting like you run shit, your right were not blood related by any means. So after today don't claim me as fam, sister , or anything concerning the word family"

          "Milan I'm gonna head home, call me later" she nodded looking over at Amber and Kate laid out in their front yard. I chuckled getting in the car , I got myself situated before driving towards the house.

      I had taken all my finals so I wasn't missing anything. Since my schedule is free, I texted my manager asking if I could work a earlier shift. I love my simple job, the bound that the co-workers have are endless. Outside of my best friend, I have lifelines who I could see being friends with for a lifetime.

         Instead of going home, went towards the store I worked at. The store is called Beauty Calls, it's a local beauty supply stores that sells hair, accessories and etc. When you go closer to the back of the store it's like a mini snack shop that's sells, chips, candy, drinks. I worked between the snack shop and the beauty section on certain days depending on the motion of people coming in and out.

         Parking my car , I see my close friend, Erica coming out her car. She spots me and runs over spilling the tea about latest events. We walk in the store seeing Mia pop open a fresh bag of chips behind the counter. She smiled when she sees us and join in the conversation.

      "You've been taking a lot of off days ma'am" Mia scowled playfully popping a chip into her mouth. "Wanna explain reasonings."

     "Ya girl graduating and is gonna be off the college soon. I've been saving up my money for a apartment I've been having a close eye on. My parents don't know but I'm making boss moves this summer" I bragged proud that I have the finances to do this. I wanted to prove to my parents that I could do stuff without needing their money, I'm officially an adult.

     "Soooo aside from that, the boy you've been tutoring" I rolled my eyes at how ironic they were to even bring him up. I haven't seen or heard from Lamar in almost a week and I'm not dwelling on it either.

"Nothing happened between us" I lied seeing a unopened package. "I'm gonna go stock these up in the back" I suddenly said carrying the box to the candy aisle.

"Mmm, trying escape out my interrogation. We got all evening baby" Erica spoke sucking on her lollipop.

The doorbell rung signaling someone had walked into the store. I heard movements but I didn't think anything of. I opened the cardboard box stocking the sour patches onto the bottom shelf along with the others.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms on my waist. My defense kicked in instantly and I elbowed his side, kick his nuts not realizing who it was.

"Dang , remind me to never sneak up on you again"

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