Chapter 1

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My body leaned heavily on the chair that was my current safe zone. I was utterly exhausted with the amount of looking I had done.

King. Of the seven deadly sins. Past betrayers whose name knows no bounds. I was looking for him.

I hadn't any qualms with the man. I just simply wanted a chat. To regroup and maybe be close once more. I wouldn't want anything more than that.

Sighing, I looked to the side with no intention in mind when I spotted him. A sudden realization spread across my features he was there. Actually there.

I made sure to blink and rub my eyes once or twice to clarify. My body immediately jumped up from its place on the seat and sprinted over to the man.

He seemed to be preoccupied with a certain brunette girl. She wore a cherry smile with an unusual outfit. They looked at eachother with fondness and were practically yelling at each other to follow the other.


His once cool and composed posture, turned alarmed at his old name. His eyes adjusted to my small scrunched up figure who was nervous and desperate. I wanted him to know. I wanted him to remember me.

"Harlequin?" I question. He stayed silent for a minute or two and the girl behind him did not look amused at my sudden appearance.

"What happened to you, (Y/n)?" He cried. His place stayed next to the pigtailed girl as it seemed he himself was nervous to approach me.

I couldn't help the tears That streamed down my face. But. Paid no mind to them. "Remember that man. The one with the green hair?" My hand rose up to my hair and pointed to it for emphasis.

His head nodded slowly in remembrance. "Yeah of course. How could I forget?"

"Well..." I wanted to begin. But the girl interrupted our conversation.

"It looks like this is about to get serious. Why don't we go to the tavern and talk there?" She pointed up towards a tall mountain. The terrain seemed a bit off as I realized it was the silhouette of the tavern she talked about.

I smiled and nodded at the girl's proposal.
"Yes, that would be really appreciated. My name is (Y/n) (L/n). I'm an old friend of Harlequin. Sort of like a sister perhaps?"

Her hands clapped together as she smiled and we began walking with Harlequin in tow. "Oh now that makes sense! I was thinking you were someone who wanted something from us and I was about to run away!" She joked.

We were consistent with small chat on the way to the tavern. When we got there, it was busy. Two waitresses covered the tables and a small blonde man cleaned the mugs with a cloth in his hand.

Harlequin and I sat down on one of the vacant tables so that we could finish our conversation from earlier

I took a sip of the juice they handed me. "That man. He sold a few of the fairy's and I was stashed with them."

"But you're not a fairy?" He questioned.

I giggled a bit before propping my head on my hands. "Well we both know that but they didn't. They were really mad that I wasn't, so they did a little zip zap to make me into one. I don't think it worked. So they threw me out."

"Just like that?" He sat up from his slouch in surprise.

"Just like that. And all because I wasn't a fairy!" I huffed out.

We continued to chat and get to know each other after the years. Soon enough the bar was empty and I was the only customer left. Many of the employees gathered around to spectate our conversation. I hadn't even noticed them.

As soon as I did, Heat rushed to my cheeks and I looked up to meet their eyes respectfully. "Um... ah.... hello?" I said. studying the faces in the room.

"So, What do you think of her?" I could see Diane jumping in her place with excitement.

"She's shy," The man with white hair said. He slicked it back to move the bangs from his eyes to get a better look.

"She's just nervous, that's all. She's meeting Kings new friends!" Diane stoked her foot on the ground causing it to shake slightly.

"She's really fun once everyone gets to know her." A voice behind me said. I turned around and it was king. What did he mean once they get to know me? I didn't plan to stay long.

A creature caught my attention from the corner of the room. "Oh! Who's this?"

The man with white hair scoffed. "Now she talked, but to the pig?"

"Hia!" It said. "I'm Hawk."

"You remind me of someone I met. I used to be able to talk to animals."

King noticed my choice of words. "You used to? Oh. Was it that thing?" He mentioned the previous conversation we had about what they gave me to make me a fairy.

"Yes yes the 'thing'" I rolled my eyes and continued to chat away with the pink pig.

"Hmmmmm." The blonde man hummed to himself while staring at me. "What's your name?"

"(Y/n) (L/n). Yours?" I didn't even spare him a glance. He seemed peculiar but I wasn't that interested until I heard his name.

"Meliodas." He shrugged at my question.

I immediately stood up from my crouched position with widened eyes. "What?! You're Meliodas? I thought-"

"You thought it was him?" King flew over to the man with white hair. "This is Ban."

" I thought Meliodas wasn't here." I started to fiddle with my hands in embarrassment.

Meliodas tilted his head in confusion. "Is it a bad thing that I am?"

"No! Of course not! I just wasn't expecting to see someone that well known." I sat back down on one of the bar stools so ease my uncomfort.

"Well it's a little too late for that don't you think?" Ban chucked. "You're in the residence of the seven deadly sins."
Rewritten release date: January 22, 2021
Word count: 1030

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