Fake Cranberry Juice

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I woke up from all the yelling I heard from down stairs. I look to the clock to see what time it was. "3:50?!" I quickly put on the uniform given to me by Diane, and rush downstairs to yell at her for not waking me up. On a normal day, I would wake up around 9:00-10:00am. 3:50 was ridiculous. When I was in sight by the men at the tables, they whistled at me. Like a cat call. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. I passed by... Elizabeth, was her name, at the bar, and went into the kitchen to find a little fox. He looks at me with his dead nonchalant eyes,  then he goes back to cooking.

"Hey there lazy, king told me to make you breakfast. It's overe there," Ban points to the small table in the corner of the kitchen. "But it's cold." . It had eggs a biscuit and a bowl of rice.

"Why didnt anybody wake me up?" I ask

"Cap'n told us not to. He said that you collapsed due to exahstion? I know I was there but it's all a bit fuzzy. If I remember, you looked like you were a little to pop off like a Cork on a wine bottle."

"Shut up!" I yell. My face flushed. The food was delicious! With how much of a bad attitude he has, this doesn't fit at all. Ban gave me the directions on what my job was and what to do while I ate.

"Seems easy enough." I say with a face full of rice.

"You should've seen Elizabeth on her first day. She was a mess! Tumbling all over the place, spilling the drinks on customers... I could go on and on." I turn my head to the door on where the voice came from. It was Meliodas. Remembering the events from the previous night. My cheeks flush with a red color and I basically force down the rest of bans food and rush out of the door on the opposite side of the kitchen.

"Oh good evening (y/n)!" Elizabeth says. Her uniform was tightly on and she diverted her attention form the man she was taking the order from to me.

"Good evening Elizabeth. Which tables are mine?"

"12-18. Diane and I numbered them for you." she replies with a smile.

"Okay thanks!"

~~~Time skip to the end of working.~~~

I sigh and pull out all of the tips I've earned, and start counting. 280 dollars. Thats the money I've earned. hopefully I can buy some nice clothes. I served 16 tables today. I think I did a pretty good job. Right? I rest my head on the table and drift off a bit. Bars don't close until it gets late in the night.

"(Y/n) are you ok?" I look at king who floats over to me on his chastefol from upstairs.

"Yes I'm fine, just a little tired that's all."

"Maybe you should sleep. So you don't wake up late in the afternoon tomorrow." Hawk suggest. I place my finger to my chin in contemplation. I need to start getting used to the amount of work I need to do a day and quick. If I'm going to live like this for a while, I need to get good at it quick to receive the full pay.

"Not a bad idea Hawk. I'll do that. Goodnight." I receive quick good nights for people I pass by as I head upstairs to change into the nightgown that was there before. I slip under the sheets and fall asleep. This scedual last for about two weeks. Some of the nights,I had dinner. Some night's I went to sleep without it. King and I's relationship grew more solid. Diane and Elizabeth and I, are the best of friends. Ban is like a brother to me. Though he's kind of a dick. And meliodas well... I guess we are friends. He's clearly a pervert, but I've learned to get used to it. But I can't help but get flustered when he touches me like that. Wouldn't anyone? And with who he is, I doubt anyone would mess with him. Merlin and Escanor are always out so I've barley got to talk to them.

I finish a hard day of work and count my tips. The total money I have right now is around 1,352 dollars ( I don't know how their money system works so I'm using my money system) today was the last day of work before the bar closes. I heard the sins say that we were moving locations.

I wait at the table with the others for some of Bans food. I swear every night that he cooks, it's like a buffet. His food is delicious, and I can't stop eating it! He finally comes with multiple platters in his hands and sets them on the table and all of us quickly scarf it down.

King and I are the only ones who have some decency. All the others inhale their food, while we use our actual manners. Every so often I would lightly stab Gowther's hand so that he doesn't steal the food off of my own plate. While eating, I noticed an extreme amount of exchanged glances between the sins. Most of them were directed at me. "What?" I questioned. Most of them just shrugged. Others said a simple, 'Nothing.' I knew something was up though. After dinner, Elizabeth began to clean up and the other sins walked to the other side of the dining area. I decided to ignore what they were doing. So I just traced my finger across the designs on the wooden table.

~~~Ban's POV~~~

"How are we gonna do this?" I ask

"(Y/n) has never been drunk before. So she only needs a little." King whispers

"Sir Meliodas can serve her a mug and say it's juice! (Y/n) says that she loves juice. Especially cranberry. without the sugar. So it's sweet and tart." Elizabeth suggest.

"I have a cranberry based alchohol, so I'll go grab it. My goal is that everyone except Merlin, Escanor and gowther get drunk tonight. We gotta have some adults sober." Meliodas laughs quietly. Then we split up in the bar, putting our plan into action.

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~

Everybody goes there separate ways. Ban and Meliodas go into the bar, Diane and Elizabeth come and talk with me, Merlin and Escanor go outside, and Hawk takes a nap.

"What happened?" I asked clearly hinting at their show during dinner. Propping my arm up and using it as a head rest to get a more open view of the girls.

"Oh nothing!" Elizabeth smiles. Elizabeth, Diane, and I, continue to chat, until Meliodas and Ban comes out from the back with a bunch of mugs in their hands. They slide some to king, Diane, Elizabeth, and to me. I look over to Meliodas with a shocked expression.

He chuckles at me "Don't worry, it's just cranberry juice."I sniff at it to make sure. I then take a sip. It taste a little bitter, but I shrug it off.

~3 bottles later~

I play patty cake with Ban, the toxicatipn was clear on our faces. Meliodas is chugging down his 10th drink. But doesn't look that affected. I can tell he's still drunk. It's in those trapping green eyes of his. Elizabeth is sleeping on the table, king is playing with Diane's hair while Diane is messing with kings chastefol like it's a cats toy. It bounces in the air as she uses both legs and arms to make it roll around.

Ban then spills his drink onto himself, and then stands up to give me a hug.

"Sorry Ba-n I would, but I do-n't wanna ruin these clothes.

"C'mon!" He says while slowly Inching his way towards me with his eyes stretched.

"Noooo." I say backing up. I trip over Hawks sleeping form, and land on Meliodas's lap. We look at each other until I drift slowly to sleep. But before I was officially asleep I heard Meliodas talk to Ban.

"Shouldn't you put her to bed cap'n?" Ban asked

"Nah, she's fine here. Looks like it's comfy for her. Plus it's a mission accomplished! I don't wanna wake her up by moving to much." He say as I feel someone move the hair out of my face.

"Don't go doing that when Elizabeth is awake. She would be jealous." Ban claims, taking yet another sip from his booze

"Elizabeth? Jealous? Never. We're just best friends, that's all. But ban?" Meliodas asked


"You feel it don't you? Her magic power. It's light but it's there." He says before I snuggled into his shoulder to shut him up, and sleep the rest of the night away.
I reworded this a bit to make it sound more descriptive. If you see any errors, please tell me!
Edited release date: April 2 2020
Word count:1511

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