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Guys.... I feel so special 🤩 3k views?!?

No way!

Just by one chapter too! Anyway....... THAAANNNNXXXXXX


Ever since that full on dance spree with king, meliodas has been a little weird. Like, he still smiles and all but he isn't as chipper. You know what I mean?

He was smiling normally at me but when Teague would even approach me he would send death glares that looked like they mean war.

I was sitting next to gowther trying to have a legit conversation with him since I don't talk to him all that much. I'm basically having a math conversation because that's what he's good at. But I'm a little tipsy so anything he says makes me laugh.

"Okay so. If some dude has like fifty slices of pound cake what does he have?" I ask.

"Diabetes." He replies simply. I collapsed right then and there on the floor in a fit of laughter. Teague comes over to see what's up but then I see he looked somewhere else and then he scurried away before I could say a word.

By now I'm done laughing and I decide to take a stroll. I walk out of town and through the palace gardens.

"This hurts me. I'm standing right infront of you and you walk away?" A voice says.

I whip my head around to the voice and I see a all too familiar blond headed man/ boy (moy?) white his back to me.

"I'm sorry I wa-" I begin but he cuts in.

"Was thinking. What were you thinking about."

"I don't know exactly. I don't remember." He just hums in response he turns around to see me.

"Wanna go somewhere?" He asks me with his cocky grin.

"Depends?" I day. And then he grabs my hand and start to run catching me off guard. Did he forget I was in a dress? So it seems.

We run past multiple doors in the castle until we stop at one double door in particular.

He holds my hand tighter and opens the door revealing the children I sang to sleep still sleeping. He let's go of my hand and walks over to one of the kids gently putting his hand on the child's head.

"You know..." meliodas says "these kids were all sick with the flu today. And when you arrived, the room just kind of..." He put his hand to his chin in a thinking matter. "Glowed." He finished. He crossed his arm and looked at me smiling. The moon is hitting the room directly with its brilliant blueish light.

I Avert my eyes to the moon and gasp. The moon is just like it was when o was with helbrem!

"Stars are small here, but you need to look a little closer to see just how big they are." I say on instinct remembering the words that he said that night.

I move past meliodas and towards the window. And tears started to poor out of my eyes. I could feel meliodas's eyes follow me as I reach to a close proximity to the glass. So close that my breath made it foggy.

I touch the window trying to reach the moon so I could remember better but unfortunately I had forgotten long ago. All I remember now was those words.

I look at meliodas and smile while crying.

"You helped me remember something I have forgotten long ago." I start. Then I move towards him and envelope him in a hug.

"Thank you." (Like that scene in fairy tail where Lucy hugs natsu after they fight the dragons during the grand magic games. Accepts meliodas is facing forward)

He warps his arms around me and starts to stoke my hair."You helped me more and you don't even realize it." We stayed silence.

Then I hear glass break.

I panic and instantly think of the kids. But as I turn my head I see a shield surrounding them.

"The hell merlin!" Meliodas shouts.

Off the the side I see the wizard pointing her finger toward the cribs then she swings her finger in a circular motion and recites

"Backward time." Then all the shattered glass turns Back to normal as it was before. "Sorry to ruin the moment captured but I need to speak to (y/n) here."

I blush but give her a glare because lord knows she's my enemy. Meliodas looks at me and then at merlin and sighs.

"Come meet me when you done okay(y/n)?" He says as a demand. I nod and he leaves the room with his hands in his pockets.

Merlin comes close to me and then touches me and we teleport to town square then I slap her hand away to throw up slightly in my mouth. Ew.

Merlin sighs and starts taking.

"We had to move here because it's less suspicious than if we were alone."

I spit on the ground and look at her. " for what?"

"We are gonna start moving soon because meliodas is almost done with his jobs around the kingdom. And when we do, I'm gonna train you. But mostly in healing so that Elizabeth can somewhat help as well."

"Wha- what? Why?"

"You always say you want to do something, well. Here's You opportunity. I'm not asking you to like me. I'm telling you to follow my directions."

Damn I thought. This is gonna be one hell of a tough month.

"Fine." I say.

I leave merlin and wonder around trying to find meliodas. It's near the end of the so people are going back into their homes. Is meliodas at the tavern? I make my way there and meet everybody else on the way.

When we get to the tavern everything is squeaky clean and meliodas holds a towel in his hand and whipes the non-existent sweat oof hi forehead.

"Took you guys long enough


Whelp I haven't updated in a while but you know. School and stuffs.

Hope you all like it!

Let's hope that I can situate myself soon so I can give you allllll the chapters you want

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