Talking Bear?

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"I really need to name you don't I big guy?" My hands rub against his soft fur as he walks. The black bear only roars in response. "I'll decide later...... is it weird that I literally have a slit throat but I can't feel one bit of pain from it? I know it's there, but I can't feel the pain. Adrenaline maybe?" He only roars again. "Your'e the best company ya know that?" I giggle sarcastically. He grunts and then stops walking.

"Hey, why did y-"

"Can you shut the hell up already?" The bear yells before going into a full sprint. I cling onto his fur for dear life. My eye widened at the sudden communication.

"What the hell? You can talk?"

"Oh no. Your just imagining th- of course I can talk. He snarkily replied

"Well sorry! You decided to keep this secret from me! I thought you were an actual bear. You bamboozled me!"

"Dumbass! I am a bear. But I'm speacial."

"No shit." I remark. He just sighs and sniffs around before running off in the same direction. "Where are we going?"

"I smelled your friend with benefits this way." Was he talking about Meliodas? Ban maybe? I giggled a bit. Nah can't be Ban. The bear only met Meliodas.

"My friend with wha-?" He cut me off jumping into a giant tree. He put his giant paw on my face to shut me up. How can this tree support his weight? I look down from the tree. And see a girl with pigtails. Diane.

She ran from my line of sight. Then I spot a familiar blonde headed boy looking man. The bear jumps down from the tree and right on top of Ban.

"What th- (y/n)?" Ban asks, underneath the weight. All I do is smile slightly and wave weakly. Meliodas's head whips around to look at me. At first I saw panic in those pools of green that were his eyes. And then it spread to relief.

"(Y/n)!" he yelled happily. Before he got to me, Diane embraced me.

"Where did you go?" She then shoved my away from the embrace and held me by the shoulders with her hand. I notice the blood on her shoulder and then she starts yelling.

"(Y/n)! You're bleeding? What happened?" She started to bombard me with questions.

"I do have that scratch don't I?" king and Meliodas pull Diane out of the way. King then puts his hand on my chin to lift it up and observe the wound on my neck. Meliodas lifts my arms up to try to find any more injuries. All I do is laugh. People around look at me with confusion. " guys I'm fine! I can't even feel it." I push the boys away.

"You sure as hell will later." Merlin comes from nowhere."Here, let me help you." She says. Merlin levitates herself over to where I was. She touches my head with the tip of her staff and I instantly black out.

~~~ Diane's POV~~~

(Y/n)'s body goes limp and Meliodas catches her.

"King!" He shouts. Meliodas placing her on chastifol and then hops up onto it with her.

"R-Right!" They begin to float away, over to the tavern. As for me? Well, I'm hear with Merlin, Ban and that bear.

"Okay! Ready to get walking?" I ask them.

"You can." And with the snap of Merlins fingers, she's gone. I look over at the two nervously.

"Dude. This bear is like my new best friend. He stubborn like me and won't get off." Ban says. The bear only grunts and throws ban onto his back. Ban shifts into a comfortable position and then looks at me with a serious expression while the bear does the same. "Sorry girly. This is a dude ride only." He says. And then the bear starts walking.

My eyes roll at the stubbornness of the two. Then I follow suite.

~~~ Timeskip To The Tavern~~~

"Hey Merlin? (Y/n) mentioned that she couldn't feel her pain. Why?" King asks. Elizabeth helps her onto one of the tables Meliodas just stands there observing the situation.

"Well, she isn't just any normal magic user. She's a mage." Merlin replies "though she need to give up her current power to embrace the power she was born with."

"So she's like you?" I ask. Merlin is a wizard. She is the smartest person I know. Well, at least I think so.

"No. Mages take their magic by asking first. Wizards steal. She's a life mage. The first I've ever seen. But for some reason. Without (Y/n) noticing, she asked all of the life around while she is in pain, to aid her. So I believe that some plants and animals gave some of their energy to her. It isn't enough to heal it. She isn't strong or trained enough for that yet. But it is enough for it to be like an antibiotic. But not making her sleepy." She finishes her synopsis. Merlin places her hand on (Y/n)'s head.

King puts his hand on his chin and crosses his legs while floating. "(Y/n) said that the scientist from years ago, injected her with something to make her be something else, is it possible for her to be a fairy at one time. But then to turn into something else? Unless she was never a fairy in the first place?"

"Exactly. She's never been a fairy. Merlin says. I just look at king eager for his answer.

"But she was born that way. She told me so herself!" King ends his sentence with his hands covering his face and I rush over to comfort him.

After that I walked my way over to (Y/n), Meliodas, and Elizabeth. Meliodas stayed silent the whole time, and Elizabeth was cleaning the blood off of her now non-existing wound.

Luckily, her face was no longer bruised so she wouldn't complain about being ugly. I wonder if she would've looked any different as a fairy.

I sat down in a chair and watched Elizabeth clean her. Then all of a sudden, Meliodas chuckles. I look at him with confusion. But when I do, it was like he had fire in his eyes.

"You really are a mystery aren't you.......(y/n)."

Honestly this chapter is pretty cheesy. I don't like it too much.
Edited release date:  May 1 2020
Word count: 1078

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