Date-Part 2 we did

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"so where do you want to eat?" Meliodas asks me.

"Oh! uhhhhhm" I put my finger to my lip. "anywhere with sweets. I've been craving them lately." It's true. I have always been a sweet tooth. but only at certain moments in my life have I done just about anything to get my hands on at least a creme puff.

Meliodas chuckles and squeezes my hand. " so that's where all the swiss rolls went?" he asks me.

I laugh. "hah no! Ban threw them out. Said something about your cooking is a disgrace to the boar hats name!"

"Ban said that?"

I shake my head while laughing.

King was right. He did like what I was wearing. Every few seconds I could see him staring. More than usual of course but its progress! we talk a little more but then he looked a little down.

"what's the matter?"


"its painted all over your face."

He waves his hand over his face and his facial expression changes instantly.

"what are you talking about?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I laugh.

"That's impressive. But really what's up?"

Melidas mumbles.


" you know who I am really?" Ah, so this is what it's about. I just smile warmly.


"and you're okay with that?" he asks. slightly surprised by my reaction.

"yes! If I didn't then we wouldn't be here now would we?" He stares at me blankly. Yes, I know who he is. The prince of the underworld. Elizabeth told me.

"I love you," he says all of a sudden. Who would've thought huh? Basically only one week. Yet it feels all to Surreal. Meliodas. At first that name didn't mean anything to me. But with all these great thing between us happening it's just......Is it real? Quickly, I pinch myself. Yes, it's real. Within a swift motion. Meliodas envelops me in a passionate kiss. It wasn't anything sexual or dirty. It was sweet and......meaningful. We pull away and put our heads together and close our eyes.

"I love you too." I say, just quiet enough so only he can hear. My first love. Hopefully my only love.

"So how about that food huh?"

We managed to find a bakery that was only right across from the ice skating rink it was a nice little place. It's was between a book store and a cloths store.

When we enter, the smells overwhelmed me and I couldn't help but sigh. We were waiting in line and I notice a couple in front it us. A girl with short brown hair with a Golden streak in the front. Wearing a maroon colored jacket, and a boy who had almost jet black hair who was wearing a white jacket with a question mark on it. (Sorry for wasting your time reading the description. It means nothing but these are what my friends dress and kinda look like irl. Couldn't help but add them.!)

meliodas squeezes my hand and I only squeeze back. After a few moments. I grew self conscious. He told me I was pretty but am I? That's just a thing guys have instincts to do right. Now I'm a little nervous. I should trust my friend with his choices in clothing but I can't help it! With out paying attention, the lights around the square dimmed and the music changed into something soft and magical. The music was what caught my attention and I left meliodas in line. He looked back but then noticed the curiosity on my face and just smiled.

My body wandered over to the bakery window and the magic snow that was being provided by Gustav,(one of the holy nights.) it's bright light reflecting on my eyes. It was captivating. Meliodas touches my hand and grabs my attention.

I tear my eyes away from the beautiful sight and notice the new bag he was holding.

"I got us some croissants and some cookies." He searches through the bag and pulls out one of the cookies giving it a big chomp before putting it back in and pulling out a croissant.

"Sounds yummy. Uhm. Actually." I grab the croissant out of his hand and put it back into the bag then put my hand in his as a replacement. "Can we go ice skate first? Just look at it! It's beautiful and I don't know how long it's going to last."

He looks blankly at our hands for a moment and then a soft smile spreads across his face. "Yeah."

I smile myself and turn towards the door. As I do, a smack sound rings throughout the air and my butt has a slightly stinging sensation. I stop in my tracks and turn around very slowly for the emphasis on how agitated I was.

"Any wishes before your death?" I say quietly. With a crazy person smile on my face. His face smirks and then falls blank. With his normal voice he says.

"My hand slipped." And shrugs. I stand there frozen and flushed while watching him walk out of the bakery both hands behind his head while he was holding the bag.

"Like hell it did!"

~~~time slip brought to you by My lazy ass~~~

We literally stuffed our faces so we could have all he time until it closes to ice skate and headed out on the ice. I lost my balance only a little until my body started to get used to the shoes. Meliodas however. Well.

He fell.

I burst out in a fit of laughter but later myself fell as well. We both laughed. Later on we held hands to keep each other steady. Sometimes dragging each other down as we lost balance. I felt a burst of confidence rush through me and I let go and just stood as I glided softly on the ice. I almost tripped when I turned around to look at him but someone caught me.

"You alright there?" A familiar voice asked. I looked up to only meet pure green eyes. But they should belong to meliodas. This boy has raven black hair and the most dashing look on his face.


"Hey your that girl! The one I danced with that the party!" He helps me up and meliodas stumbles to come join me in my conversation. Behind me. I notice the couple in the bakery both on the floor laughing. And I just smile to myself. "I forgot your name though sorry about that." He scratches his head in embarrassment.

"No worries. It's (y/n)" I raise my hand to shake his but meliodas takes my hand in his.

"And I'm meliodas. Pleasure to meet you....."


"Yes pleasured to meet you Teague." I feel like a ping pong ball because my head is going side to side as the two converse.

"The pleasure is all mine. I hear from arthur that you are quite the worthy opponent. Am I wrong?"

"I'm pretty sure I could hold ya down. Maybe another time though." Meliodas exclaimes like he is pretty confident. He gives me a look that says that we both know he could. He's a freaking demon prince what do you expect.

"Yes of course." Teague looks at me. "Do you know the next time you will be in Camelot? I want to spar with him." This feels off. I'm looking at him. But I sense something else than him just wanting to spar.

"No. It's all up to him." I say pointing at meliodas. Teague hmmms And bids us farewell.

We ourselves start to make our way back to the tavern. We talk and laugh. I love him. And know I know he loves me. This is a bond no one can break accept us.

Before we walk into what may be a lot of bombardment, we share a kiss and then he opens the door.

"Did you have fun?" Diane and king asks at the same time.

He smiles and Squeezes my hand

"Yeah we did."

Sorry it took so long for me to write. I had a bit of a writers block. But I have an Helper now! Whenever she helps out with anything I will be sure to give her the credit she deserves for working. She will help me with ideas for things and I like her already. Hope you guys enjoyed!

Word count: 1402

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