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The rest of the day went fine. It was like a normal day.

Near the end of it, Diane and king and I went to go to the big fireworks festival that was happening that night. The town we shopped by wasn't that far away, but far enough to where we couldn't be seen.

When I got there I noticed that all over the place was covered in fairy lights. People were strolling the streets and looking at caravans and other items on display. The one thing that caught my eye was the huge flower garden. I was about to walk my way over when Diane grabbed me harshly.

"(Y/n) lets go to the gift shop. We can get some snacks." She said while looking the other direction. What's wrong with her? Who is she looking at? What is she looking at?

"Oh! Uhm. Okay?" And then she starts dragging me to the shop. When we enter, there are a bunch of blouses near the back wall so I went there first.

Most of the blouses were simple modern style. Frills on the sleeves as if it were for a maid. But it wasn't what I wanted. I started to look at the huge boxes of fireworks they had for sale here. Big and small. In all shapes in sizes.

I could practically distinguish the smell of colbalt with magnesium! Then Diane pushed me into the girls bathroom. And then poked her head out the door to see if anyone was there.

"What's up with you?" I ask. Her eyes widen and then she quickly slips her body inside the bathroom.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" She answers my question with her own question with a nervous tone of voice. I honestly don't care anymore. So I walk out of the bathroom with Diane trying to grab my hand to stop me.

I head out of the shop and into the garden where I wanted to be in the first place. The stench of flowers hits my nose hard. But it would've been stronger without all of the metal smell in the air.

I walk around a bit and notice a small light coming from a direction. I turn back into town square to see Diane and king moving frantically. But before my mind could register what was happening. My legs started walking. I had no control over my body.

I was nearing the light.

I turned the corner and I saw a flower. It was the one generating the light. I stood there for a minute to look and then I see the flowers light falter a little and then go back to its glory.

I gasp suddenly realizing what was happening. I run up to the flower and study it closely. It was of course a rare flower. But, it was dying. I bent down to try to study it more. It was clearly abnormal. Who would've though such a little town held such a prized possession? I don't think they even know it. I'm pretty sure this flower has been here even before the construction of the flower house itself.

Unfortunately the fatal impact to my neck caused me to topple forward in unconsciousness

~~~Diane's POV ~~~

King went to the bar to tell captain about (Y/n)'s absence. I stayed in town to look for her further. I looked everywhere I could. Even the plaza! It was as if she walked into an invisible building. The only unordinary thing was the humongous whole in the ground at the center of the garden. I looked in all the shops. All of the areas for the fireworks. What I need right now is hawk. To sniff her out. Maybe Merlin? Knowing her probably. I think it has to do with that super creepy guy who was staring at her earlier. I was desperate to get her away, she was too oblivious to the fact that there was someone there. I walk out from one of the shops and spot captain. But when he turns to look at me. Fortunately Hawk was there

"Have ya found her yet?" He asks.

"I don't know! I've been looking for her for about an hour! But there was something over this way." I started to run towards the garden where the hole was but when I arrived. It was gone. I mean the whole garden. It looked frantically s the whole place disappeared. People walked by it as if it never even existed.

"She was definitely here. I can smell her." Hawk says.

"Well can you track her?" Meliodas asks. His arms folded and he raised one eyebrow as the suspicion.

"I can try. Her sent is weak because of all the people around." His about moved around with him Ashe moved around the whole area. Until finally, he was able to pic up her sent aside from the faint smell of flowers.

Captain was getting more impatient by the minute. We had to stop a couple of times because Hawk would loose her tracks. By the time we got to the woods, we already knew there was gonna be trouble.

~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~

I was thrown into some weird room along with the glowing flower. Sure I was unconscious, but I did feel the impact. And the man started to pace around the room. As he did, I let out a small quiver of my magic into the floor. To try to locate myself throughout this mess. To summon animals to my aid. Then I was forced up to the wall with a knife at my throat cutting it slightly to make blood drip all the way down to my clothes.

"Do that again and I'll kill you." He said, in a very harsh tone. I glared at him, even though I was terrified. Then, he noticed the blood dripping down my throat. "Ah... Dammit!" He screamed and punched the wall. Then he threw me back on the floor, going to the other room to only return with a cloth and a band-aid.

A band-aid? Seriously? For a cut this size imma need some bandages probably. He used the cloth to tie me to the wall so I wouldn't try anything funny. And he pulled my hair back so I would look up. I yelped in pain. The then slapped the band-aid on like there wasn't even anything there. And he used the cloth he tied me with to clean off the blood. He then used the same cloth to gag me. The taste of iron filled my mouth. Then a sound came from the locked entrance.

The man got up and used the key to unlock the door. When it opened I heard a screach and then he started to run more into the house.
Slowly but surely enough. My black bear came into the room like nothing just happened. I look a the corner to the guy cowering away in fear. All I do is laugh. Though it did hurt.

I wasn't tied up, just lost in the area. I walk up to the bear and put my body on his so that he could carry me to my friends.
Edited release date: April 26 2020
Word count: 1217

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