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I'm not sure how many readers are going to specifically come back and read each chapter as I edit them. But if you do, give me some feedback? That would be great.
I'm offended.

After all the time that I've spent with Mliodas and Ban. I feel like we've grown so much closer. So why?


Was I thrown?

I yell while still in mid air. I looked down to see I was at least twenty feet up. Oh Lordy this is gonna hurt. I close my eyes and brace for impact. But the only thing that really hurt was me falling into Ban's arms and luckily not into the water.

"Hey there princess."he says with a smirk on his face. Though I pay no mind to him.

"What the hell Meliodas! you can't jus go and thro-" but before I could finish. I was once again up in the air. "Again? Really?" I cry. this time I really brace for impact. But yet again I was caught by Meliodas. I try escaping his graspe but his fingers only tighten, causing me to blush extremely. He chuckles and then throws me again.

"I'm not a ball!" I scream once again twenty feet in the air.

"We know! But you're a better one!" Meliodas yells at me while I land back in bans arms to be thrown yet again.

"Are you calling me fat, you midget?!"

"Who are you calling midget? Your smaller than I am!" He says as I swiftly land back in his arms. The throwing kept going on and on. So I decided to make some fun of it. As I was thrown in the air I made poses. Making everyone look at me and laugh. I did the thinker pose. And I did a pose there I pretended to lay down and put my hands behind my head. In the middle of it all king woke up because of all the laughter.

" (Y-Y/n)?" He questioned while I made another pose. But with this pose, It made kings nose bleed. It was a cat pose. Simple but it could say some other things. it made Ban laugh so hard that he fell into the pond leaving me to fall.

I was so close to falling into the water, it wasn't funny. I was scared. But before I could even act I felt too strong arms wrap around my torso and underneath my knees as Meliodas and I safely land in the water.

" I owe you, don't I? " I asked

"Nah. But I would like you to do somthing for me." He replied. He then somehow slivered his hands onto my body and started to *ehem* grope me.

"Meliodas!" I yelp while my face was going up and over the limits of the natural color red should be. He then went up to my ear like the last time.

"I need you to somehow get behind the boar Hat without being suspicious. I'll be there a couple of minutes after you arrive. Can you do that for me?" He whispers. His breath on my ear send shivers down my spine and my stomach is doing somthing weird as well as my heart. It's beating at a inconsiderable rate! I then quickly nod my head up and down. And then he finally let go. What did he want back there?

A shirtless Meliodas,

With fabulous abs I might add,

Just groped me.

I think this blush will never dissapear. I talk to Elizabeth and Diane for a couple of minutes before I called for a bathroom break and walked into the bar and out the back door. like he said I waited a couple of minutes while I sat down on the deck. He showed up out of no where.

"Holy shit!" I whisper, frightened. I mean who wouldn't be?

"Keep your voice down will ya?" He whispered. "I'm playing hide and seek with Ban." His arms cross infront of his chest as he stands over my sitting figure.

"Oh goodie." I say sarcastically.

"Anyway. About that manic power of yours, what is it?" Meliodas was persistent and stubborn on this particular subject.

"What? why?" I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time.

"Because I need to know if you'll be an asset to our team during missions. If not, I'll just keep you here at the bar." I get up and place my hand against the dirt on the ground, sending small waves of my manic through before removing my hand.

"What did you just do?" He asked with a look of confusion. He felt the power, he just didn't know what it was.

"You'll see." I say with a giggle. "Patience is a virtue" We wait a while and then I feel a bunch of little vibrations coming our way from the ground. More like boards of footsteps.Then a bunch of small bunnies come out from the forest and start to run to me. I crouch back down on the ground as they jump on my gently and rest on my body. I giggle and snuggle up with the bunnies.

"Woah....." meliodas says. He then steps towards me and reaches out his hand the pet the one on my head. I giggle and look up at him cautious not to let the bunny on my head fall. And then I give him a smile. I could've sworn I saw red on his cheeks. My eyes don't mistake me. Yet again, his cheeks have always been rosy. He then returns the smile. Now it's my turn to blush. I look away hoping he doesnt see it.
This was an easier edit, but I still think it's a bit cringy.
Edited release date: April 10
Word count: 960

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