Sirens call

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Sweat drips off the tip of my nose. The chains around my wrists and ankles cold and rusted, tightly squeezing the skin. I bet you could see scratches underneath them. With the amount of thrashing I've done. Pitch black darkness is what i see. Other wise I'm blind.

You know, I've read these kinds of situations in books but now that I'm in it it's not as cliché. I don't know how long I've been in here. Not at all. The time that had past is hard to tell. Like I said it's pitch black. All I know is that I've been here for a while. All I can do is think. But me being my dumb ass I decide to stand up. Well, crouch since the chains are holding me down.

I do what I can and feel around. Using my legs every so often sink can see how far I reach til I actually hit another wall.

Nothing. I'm in a closed space.

~~~time skip brought to you by Gon and Killua from Hunter x Hunter. ~~~

The sound of a click filled the atmosphere. Lighting up the whole room was a hanging light right above my head.

"Chow time." Teague said. Then he placed a tray of food in front of me.

"I'm not hungry." I say. Telling the truth. All he does is scoff and lifts up my chin forcing me to look up at him.

"You're telling me that after around three days, you're not hungry?" Three days? What the hell? Shouldn't my friends be here by now? "They were. They caused quite the trouble for me. No doubt they will be back though." He answers my thoughts. The bastard. "You know. You're a reincarnation to her to the perfect point. Body type, voice, looks. I name it and you have it all. Maybe I should dress you up too! Like a perfect little doll I can keep forever."

"You're insane." I say. He looks at me with his green eyes blatantly. Then, he smiles.

"Maybe." I go to move but I couldn't. He throws the chair he was sitting on across the room and moves toward me. "I've been studying with demon magic you see." Ahh...." reincarnation was the first kind I came across. And with just loosing a precious one I couldn't help my self. I made you. There you were. In all your glory. But with imperfections. When I had discarded you, I gave up for a bit. Thinking I could never recreate you. But now. My creation. Couple hundreds of years past and each time you had died you became more perfect with each last breath you took. I wonder, if I just killed you one more time you would even act like her. But then I would have to raise you myself just like her mother did and I have no recollection of that whatsoever. So you'll have to do I suppose." He takes out a brush and goes behind me messing with my hair. Brushing out the knots in it. My breathing hitched with ever stoke. This man is dangerous. Out of no where. An idea came to mind.

"Can you tell me more of her? So I can satisfy your needs." I ask. If I can act like this girl long enough, he might trust me enough to let me roam. Fake love. Terrible thing, but it's what I can muster. I can hear the smile in his voice as he speaks.

"She was a beautiful girl. Shy, but strong. She did anything that was asked of even if it made her uncomfortable" uh oh. " like I had asked her to jump across the river with me even though she was scared. She still did it nonetheless." He decided that brushing my hair was enough for now and then allowed himself to roam his hands over my body. "Perfect." I heard him say under his breath.  "(Y/n) if you wish to satisfy my needs then do anything I ask you to. Even if it makes you uncomfortable." The answer to this question is easy.

"No." I say. Simply. Sexual harassment is enough for one day. His hands stopped on my thigh and he sighed. He goes to the front of me and Kneeled down to my height and looks me in the eye.

"Say my name." He orders me.

"No." The only name I want to be saying right now is meliodas's when he rescues me.

"SAY IT (Y/N)!"

"No Teague!" Ah shit. Just said it.

His lips crash into mine and I blink past tears. Fake love (y/n). This is the worst thing that ever happened. He might kiss me but I will never. I mean never kiss back. His tongue slips into my mouth but I sit still. Doing nothing. Keeping tears away. He pulls away and slaps me. I stay quiet. No sound could be heard after the slap. No breath of air was released.

"You will submit to me!" Teague yelled. He stared for a bit before turning and leaving the room. Not bothering to pick up the tray or to pick up his chair or even turn the light off. If I have to deal with that tomorrow I might as well die.

No longer of being restricted of movement I lay down staring at the food. I'm not eating. If he's messing with demon magic I cannot do anything irrational. All hell broke loose up above. Wonder what's happening.

"(Y/n) we're coming. I promise you. Help us out a bit though. We don't know where you are." Tears leak from my eyes. My faithful bear. Who I will cherish. I won't be able to reply due to these chains. Don't know what they could do to me.

I remember something I had been working on for the past couple of weeks with merlin. I had be learning frequency and sound waves. I have no idea what this magic can do to me while I'm in these chains but I hope they're normal. D
I get on my knees and take a deep breath in. Calling the electricity from above it enters my body and I scream.

"Sirens call." I like to call it. Massive amounts of sound waves emit from my mouth at a high frequency. Causing the mere plastic door to fly off its hitch. And I feel bad for that poor guard waiting outside because it seemed to me that he had been crushed. The cellar walls start shaking and dust falls from the top.

Underground huh? Figures. The scream stoops as I'm gasping for breath. A couple of words were said that restores my faith in being free.

"Got you." Centurion has said.

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