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Hey Guys! This is the last chapter for this book and it will take me a while to get the new one started. But Make sure to bear with me alright? (haha, get it? to all those pun people) I want to get the first couple of chapters started with a draft before I actually post anything. Next, I'm going to focus on my Midoriya X reader fanfic. so make sure to check that out. Make sure to leave a comment on the book saying you've come from this one and I'll give the first ten people a shout out. I'm not gonna get sentimental cause I know this is long. so I'm just gonna leave you to it for reading.


"Hey you," I say. Walking out of the anxiety-driven room. wiping the sweat off of my head I walk closer to king. He looks at me with sheer fear (It rhymes!). I think he was sweating more than I was. Instead of his normal clothes, he was wearing a mere peasant boy shirt with simple pants. We had made our way to Camelot afterward and made it our safe haven before we set out again. But meliodas didn't want the new profound king to know we were here so he didn't have t do anything. But, I would gladly give little chastise a visit. (If you remember her leave it in the comments!) A silence fills the air as he waits for me to say something. But I feel like if I keep it waiting longer, the more I would bug him on wanting to hear the news. "She's okay," I say first. He sigs in relief but awaits to hear something else. "It's a boy. He's okay too." I break it t him. Kings feet fail on him and he starts to cry. "get up you big baby! even your child is more mature than you!"

"c'mon (y/n) don't say that. What kind of man doesn't cry when his kid is born?" Meliodas approaches us from the bottom of the stairs. Carrying blankets he gives me a kiss and quickly leaves me to deliver the blankets to the newborn. Inside you can hear him chatting with Elizabeth and a very airy voiced Diane. Girls are awesome. what else can I say? King stands up and opens the door. The scene unfolds right before our eyes and the rest of them leave the new family alone.

It would be nice to have a family like that someday, But Meliodas doesn't need to know my thoughts right now. Everyone Makes there way downstairs and Meliodas pours himself a drink. "That was exhausting," I say, trying to start up a conversation.

"Yeah. I was panicking the whole time, but Merlin knew what to do. I wonder, has she done this before?" Elizabeth asks.

"I'm sure she has. She was in Camelot for quite a while so I would assume so." Meliodas jumps into the conversation. After the whole situation, Meliodas and I apparently passed out together on the couch when we got back. I don't remember probably because I was way too exhausted to even function.

I don't like it. It's too quiet and I feel like something should be happening. Well. Something just did. But it's done now.

"Hey. Let's open up the bar" I suggest

"How about we don't?" Ban says.

"Then what are we gonna do?"

"Get drunk. Obviously." He reaches over the bar and grabs ahold of something and throws it at me. I look down at the label. "Cranberry based ale" it read. I opened it and sniffed it. I just shrugged and started drinking.

"Now that we have a kid here we need to expand the bar." Meliodas quietly mutters to himself and I giggle. he's so precise with everything but when it comes to him planning he gets so focused he doesn't care on what around him unless it's important. 

"what are you laughing at (y/n)?" Elizabeth asks. poking my cheek slightly. she appeared out of nowhere and it kind of startled me. But I just shooed her hand away.

"It's nothing really. It's funny how one horrible thing can happen then the problem disappears and there's no more adrenaline. So now I feel like there's nothing to do." I say, resting my head on my hands.

"Better get used to it. with these guys, Its always trouble. so bask in this time before something else happens. and trust me, something will happen." Hawk comes from behind Elizabeth and joins our little conversation.

"I got it!" Meliodas Yells, startling all of us. "why don't we buy some houses in Camelot and in lioness? and then use the bar for some traveling as well as an escape and to bring in some money. as we travel we can switch the houses, but we are all gonna have to contribute to the bar." this piques my interest. what he offers is not a bad idea at all. but... 

"can't we just stay in the castle in Camelot? The new king is getting a little fond of our Elizabeth so I'm sure he wouldn't mind." I bring it up. I mean, It's free. And we all know that us girls take beautiful free things when it's offered. Elizabeth blushes a bit and looks away avoiding the conversation. 

"Ya see, I thought of that, But the whole privacy thing is an issue. I don't want the sins staying in a place where they can't act themselves. And I thought that Arthur could give us some houses next to each other for a fair price. as well as the king in Lioness. because of all the missions they're gonna put us through." within such little time he got this all thought through. 

"How are we gonna get the money for it? And how many houses are we gonna buy?" giving into his reasoning, I walk over to him so I could get a clearer picture. 

"we have the money now to buy Three small houses in Camelot. so let's do that soon. then we can save up and work for two houses in lioness since Elizabeth won't be there staying with us. Cause you know, princess and all." I nod in realization and contemplate.

"you sure about that cap'n?  that's a lot of responsibility to take care of." ban soon joins in the conversation. Everyone here is listening in but isn't saying anything.

"yeah but it's worth it. basically a safe point. don't you wanna stop sharing a room with king?" Meliodas asks.

"I couldn't care less on where I sleep."

" Then I guess you can sleep outside with centurion then." I jump In, smiling mischievously.

"YEAH HELL MAN!!!! BUDDDDYYYY CMERE!!!!" ah the alcohol kicked in. Ban walks out of the room to go outside and I can hear distant yelling. 

I go into the kitchen and grab some grapes. Arms snake around me and I lean into them.

"so how are we gonna distribute the housing?" I ask

"well, a house for king, Diane, and their kid. A house for Ban, Gowther, Escanor, and Merlin, and one for you and me?" I gasp and turn around He's asking me to move in with him? well technically speaking I already lived together but this is by ourselves with the exception of Centurion. I smile and nod with tears in my eyes and hug him tightly. 



IT'S MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soon to be the one-year anniversary of this fic. I want to say thank you- not getting emotional today. 

SEE YOU LATER! I will give updates for part two don't worry! just follow me to get the notifications!


word count: 1271

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