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Oh my gosh guys! Almost to 1k views! I feel like a proud mother. (Wipes non- existent tear away) anyway. I didn't post yesterday because I had to go to a funeral sadly. So I'm just one day held back. Who's going to watcon?!?! I can't but once I'm old enough to go alone to NY I definitely will! (If I have enough readers!!!!)
We stopped at visel about a hour before I woke up and right now I'm showering. I sit down with the running water sliding down my back. and I just think.

You know. Normal people would run away from a situation like this. But you know what? I'm not gonna be those people. I'm gonna face my problems head on! HELL YEAH! I pump my fist into the air and accidentally punch a shampoo bottle causing it to fall on my head. 

"Ow." I say with 0 expression. 

I finish up my shower and make my way downstairs with the now clean uniform and a towel around my neck keeping my hair from wetting my clothes. I see Elizabeth cleaning some tables and I also see some movement through the window. I was going to go see what was happening but ban came out of no where. 

"Hey. Wouldn't do that if I were you. Cap'ns focused right now so don't break it." He says while putting a hand on my shoulder and drifting me away into the kitchen.

"Umm. Okay. On what?"

"Getting the tavern set up for the new comstomers. diane and king are outside doing orders from him." He then pulls out some frozen meet from the freezer to thaw.  I start cleaning the kitchen and wiping down everything. You know. To get ready for the customers. Until I hear my name being called from the front.

"(Y/n)!" The cheery voice calls out. I peak my hear around the corner.

"Yes?"I scan the area and find meliodas with his normal smile on his face and a notepad in his hands with a pencil on his ear and his hand on his hip.

"The bars kinda broke from the vacation so do you think you, Elizabeth and Diane could gather some stuff form the forest? The only thing that we are able to buy is the Boose and bans always got that freezer filled with some kind of meat." 

"Oh! Of course!" I say a little too quickly for my liking. Meliodas then looks at Elizabeth for confirmation and she nods. 

We throw our rags on the table and walk outside. Then meliodas and king go in the direction of the town and we go in the back of the bar to go to the woods. 

As we approach the field of trees we see centurion emerge from the shaded forest

"Where are you going?" He asks 

"Gathering some resources!" Elizabeth enthusiastically replies. I look at her a smile. Then I turn back to my loyal and trustworthy familiar.

"Where were you?" I asked and I cough slightly. 

"I got hungry. " I make a look of understanding as the now four of us make our way to the forest.

~~~time skip brought to you by that tasty breakfast centurion just had ~~~

"MY FEET HURT!" I complain. My basket is halfway full with berrys and fruit from the trees that centurion retrieved for me. I jump onto my bears back and hang my basket in his mouth. He mumbles under his breath but I pay no mind to it. I sigh and cough a bit.

"(Y/n) you've been coughing a lot lately. Are you okay?" Diane asks. Elizabeth just looks at me and shakes her head in agreement. 

"I'm fine. it's just a little difficult to breath is all."

" do you have asthma? Elizabeth asks."


"It's kinda hard for me to breath too now that you mention it." Diane says. And it looks likes it's too dark for this time of day. I slip off of centurion and put my hand up to my chin in a thinking matter. Then an idea popped into my head. 

"You." I point to centurion. He plops down on his but and looks at me waiting for more conversation. " sniff the air." I say. He does as he's told and then his eyes become wide and then they instantly become angered. He jumps up in a fighting position and I just stand there.

"It's smoke." He growls. Less then a second after he said that. I stomp my foot into the ground and poor my magic into the earth. Summoning all the animals I could to keep them safe. My mind clicked and it's like there was a plan already there. 

" Elizabeth! Go back to the tavern and tell ban about it! And then tell hawk to go look for meliodas! Diane! Can you control when you turn back into a giant?!"

"Right!" Elizabeth says as she starts sprinting towards the tavern. Animals and bugs start flooding around me.

"I can! But once I go giant I can't go back until i take the pill!" Diane replies. 

"Can you turn giant and then see where the smoke is coming from?!"

"Yeah!" she pulls this small box from her cleavage and then opens it and the orange clothing expands into a huge swimsuit looking thing with a skirt. As She grew she slipped on the swimsuit looking clothing. Centurion was roaring towards the animals that were gathering around me telling them of our situation.

"Uuuuhhhhh. (Y/n)?" She looks down at me with a confused expression. 

"What?" I say trying not to get piled down from the amount of animals crawling on me. 

"It's coming from the mountain with just rocks. No trees." 

~~~Elizabeth's POV~~~

I burst into the bar out of breath and luckily king and meliodas were there.

"(Y/n)......" I attempt to talk but it isn't working. Meliodas quickly stands up out of his chair and looks me strait in the eye with no smile. 

I catch my breath and told them what happened. Soon after. We departed from the bar on the quest to get everyone to safety. And we ran. 

~~~y/n's POV~~~

Me and Diane ran toward the mountain and we left the animals at the site. We got caught up by a bunch of branches and then we had the struggle of climbing the mountain it's self. By the time we got to the base of it. Elizabeth brought the rest of the group with her. Including Merlin, gowther, and escanor.  We climb our way up the mountain but leave hawk down there. 

As we wander around. We encounter a cave filled with smoke. So king used his chastifol to light up the way and Elizabeth cast some kind of spell to help us breath in normal air and not the smoke. 

The more we went further into the cave. The more engravings we're on the wall.

Was some super ancient tribe down here burning a lot a crap? 

Then suddenly. A wave of warmth overlapped me. 

" stay on guard. We don't know who's down here." Meliodas says.

"Or what." Ban adds in. 

We encounter some sort of door witch it cracked just slightly providing light. 

I grab the right side of the huge doors and so does ban, Diane and escanor. Merlin grabs the left door along with king, Elizabeth and gowther. 

And meliodas stands in the middle waiting for the doors to open. 

We open them 

The beasts teeth are sharper than nails. 

His eyes are bloodshot 

His tail is as quick as a whip

His scales are as red as the red Demond.

"shit" I say and meliodas finishes my sentence. 

"A dragon."



I think this is around one of the longer chapters. But this is the most exciting I think.I've been excited to get to write this because I think dragons are the definition of fantasy witch is this genre. 


don't forget to comment! And follow!

Word count:1338 

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