what are we?

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EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK I'm so excited to write the next chapter! Its gonna be something special that for sure. sorry for the semi-late update. life's been crazy and I've been lazy!


"please." The green boy clutches the bright gold flower on his chest and squeezes hard. "Please kill me! I'm begging you."

"I-I can't! You're asking for the impossible. You're my best friend!" The boy in blue says. The tears on his face reflecting the suns rays as they drip down his cheeks. clearly distraught on what the boy was asking him to do.

" Oh yeah? Then consider us not friends anymore!" his hand slashes o the right of his body with anger and sadness.

Then the other boy wipes his tears away with a new look of determination. Then right before he pierces his friend with his weapon...

~~~end of dream~~~

My body jerks up from my bed and I sprint into the bathroom and close the door. before I knew it, vomit was rushing out of my mouth into the toilet. tears running my face because of the burning sensation in my throat. I wipe m mouth and sit down against the tub. Then I hear a knock.

"y/n? are you okay?"  Diane calls to me but all I can do is cry. That same old dream. Its happened seven times before but it was never this clear. The death of my brother. That's enough to make anyone cry right? 

I heard Diane's footsteps slowly fade until I hear the door click signaling its closing. A few minutes later I hear more voices outside my room.

"y/n please come out. we can't help you if we don't know what's wrong." The sound of my best friends muffled voice comes through the door. He won't help me. If what he wrote in his little journal was true then I can't depend on him anymore. I have to do this by myself.

"Hey y/n its a bit late to cry don't you think? Just come out so we can see what's wrong so I can go back to bed." ban says.

"Ban! you can't say stuff like that!"

"move." the sound of my lover's voice fills the room. I go to open the door for him but instead, I put my back against the door. I'm just this one big hot emotional mess. what can he do?

"y/n? can you let me in?" he asks.

"I-I'm sorry meliodas but I can't." I manage to choke out.

"well, that's an improvement. she can talk now." ban says.

Everyone's right I need to stop. I get up from the floor and I hover my hand over the doorknob and I hesitate. geez, I need to grow up. 

I open the door and as soo, as I did, all I saw was blond hair before I crashed to the ground. when I open my eyes, pure green ones stare basically into my soul. Meliodas jumps off of me and quickly closes the door.

"You guys go on to bed," he says. "I'm gonna have a little chat with Y/n" he looks at me but then a muffle was heard from the door and Meliodas's Eyes widened with excitement. "You know, I wish I could ban buuuuut..." he looks over to me and back at the door. " I don't think now is really the time." 

He waits a couple of minutes for everyone to leave, then he opens the door. Like a gentleman, he guides me out of the tavern. Hand in hand we walk until we stop at the pig's nose and he sits me down before plopping himself right next to me. Before I knew it, Meliodas was lifting me up with little to no strength and places me onto his lap.

"What has you so cut down this fine evening?" He asks me, then he nuzzles his face into my neck.

"I had a dream. But it was so clear I think it's what really happened." I admit to him. I feel embarrassed because it really is a bit childish to be crying over a dream. At least I stopped right? 

"A penny for your thoughts? Or is a kiss better?"

"I think earning a penny isn't enough so the second one would have to do." I say sarcastically.

He smirks ever so slightly but it's enough to drive me insane. Leaning forward, I welcome his lips to mine in a sweet embrace. but he pulls away only after a few seconds and I frown.

"That was too short." I complained.

"I mean I have no issue going further but you promised me your thoughts." Damn it. why did he have to be so smart?

" I felt like I saw the death of my brother. Or what was him? He looked......Bad is all I can really say. But there was blood all over his body and he was asking someone to kill him and I'm pretty sure it was king. It sure sounded like him at least. No one told me what happened."

"I don't think I'm the right person for you to be talking to about this. Why didn't you talk to king?"

"because I don't think I can depend on him anymore."

"oh? what happened?"

" I think another kiss would persuade me." I say. He just chuckles and gives me yet another kiss. I can feel him smirking against my lips.

When he pulls away, I continue.

"Yesterday I found something in kings journal that should have stayed hidden. It was an entry explaining how I kept getting in the way of Diane's and kings relationship."

"well if it helps, I overheard Diane and King talking about this earlier. I figured out it was Diane who put it there. Said something about being jealous and king was all like..." he does a little king impression. "Don't worry about that stuff Diane! I love both of you but in a different way!" The voice he emitted sounded horrendous a king. But I couldn't help but laugh. Little did I know... Meliodas had left out a specific part about Helbram just so he didn't trigger any emotions.

"Well, how about that. I mean...it was expected for her to be jealous, but this soon?" I just laugh. " I think her punishment should be to live with the fact she has to apologize. So she wouldn't  know how we know." I finish. All this trouble just by a little jealousy. But a thought crossed my mind that I have never thought of before. So before the conversation ended I brought it up.

"Hey, I have a question." I state.

"ask away." 

"um......What are we?" e looks at me with a shocked expression, but then he smiles.

"whatever you want us to be. we could be in a relationship, just lovers, friends with benefits." He lists some more and with each one I giggle.

"I think the first choice is just fine."


"yeah." and following that.

A kiss.


 ITS TOO EARFLY!!!!!!!!!!!! but I was inspired. Im gonna go and start writing the next chapter. Hopefully it will be long. bunch of fluff for you guys! cant wait!

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