In hiding

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"Oh (y/n)! Thank god you're here!" He yells. Grabbing my by the shoulder he looks me in the eyes. "I need you to hide me." In my Peripheral vision, I see Diane turn around and walk around the corner. I'm assuming, to go get the sins.

"Hide you? What are we hiding from?" I ask. He grabs my hand and just starts running. "Just a second ago I was hiding from my friends. now you're hiding from who?" We continue running past the town center to the housing area. This is quite a bold action of someone who I barely know. I mean, I've seen him like twice and he surprises me every time.

"I kinda pissed off some guys at the bar. Said a couple of words about the booze and they started to go after me." Teague yells back to me through the wind running in my ears. Figures. Only a guy can piss another guy off by booze talk. Such as ban. He's an expert at that.

"H-hey! Is that him!?" One guy yells. I look over to see him pointing at us.

"Shit." I hear Teague say under his breath. You know, looking closer at the guy who was pointing. He looks kinda like a.........I dunno know how to explain it. Clunky? I guess? "Keep running!" He yells to me. I shrug it off and continue


We both sigh in relief as we slouch against a cobblestone wall of the back of a abandoned house in the middle of no where. Back to business. I sit up strait and give Teague a look.

"Care to explain?" I ask. He looks at me from the side and smiles. Pfffft. I've seen better. He's no-doubt attractive though. He stirs up himself and faces me.

"I got here just yesterday and decided to stay at the local inn. Great place. Bad food." He pauses and looked at me expecting me to say something but went on." Well the inn I stayed at also was a bar and so I got a couple of drinks. Got a little tipsy. Said some things. Got me here. The end." Well that was..... fast. But pretty expected. He's a guy. So of course.

I just sigh and shake my head." We should probably find my friends. I bet they could help you with you're little predicament." I say looking away for a second and turning back to see him staring at me

" you remind me of someone." He says.

"Oh yeah? Who?" I ask. He motions for me to take the floor seat next to him and as I do, he begins to talk.

" I met her quite a long time ago. When I first saw her, her first impression wasn't that great. I was with a group of friends walking down the street of my home town. She was new and apparently so nervous that she fell a lot. In a way it was kinda adorable. But I kept it to myself. She grew on to me. I caved in and had grown feeling for her myself l. But I wasn't the only one. One of my friends. Heh.  It was I think..... Marcus. Marcus Lancaster ( if you know who this is I will love you forever and give you a shoutout next chapter.) he had liked her too and did nothing but fight over her. Behind her back because we didn't want her finding out." Listening, his smile never faultered one bit. It's clear that he had enjoyed his memory. "But she ended up finding anyway. She also ended up picking Marcus. Saying that I was pretty awesome to be around but she never really saw me that way. My feeling never went away. Years went by and they got married. Had a couple children.  They were happy." His smile quickly vanished as a storm formed in his eyes. " but an accident happened killing All of them. Every single one. But you wanna know what? I still love her. To this day. My feelings are a strong as ever now." He looked up from his story to see that I was staring back, interested in what he was saying. Who could not listen to that.

"I think I get that feeling a bit. You know that guy you met at the ball and the ice skating rink? He blond one?" I ask hoping to jog his memory

"Yes I remember him vividly. Meliodas." That's a little strange. I don't think he knows his name yet.

"Y-....yes. Well he's my boyfriend. And I love  him very much. I'm most positive he loves me too. He's kind of a perv but ever since he started dating me, I can tell he has stopped touching everybody else and only focused on me. It makes me feel special. But it's kinda sad because I don't get to spend time with him as much as I would like to. And because of that I think that he might fall in love with another girl and throw me away." Truth fell out of my mouth in a tumble of words. " he is so special to me and I don't think he even knows it." It's kinda sad really. I love this man. But does he know that I mean it?

"Heh... look at us living the dream huh? I miss her so freaking much to a point where it hurts." Teague reply's.

"What's her name?" I ask. Common curtesy. It begins to rain but we stay there. Looking at each other until words comes out of his mouth that I could never expect.

"Her name? Well she's you." He says. What is he talking about? I've only met him a couple months ago. Now that I think about it. I've seen him at the rink and now here? Was he following me? I get up and back away. But before I could he grabs my wrist harshly and pulls me forward, slamming his hand to my neck causing me to black out.

This will be a ride.

What do you guys's think! Tell me in the comments! I have so much planned! I'm excited to write it all!

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