Chapter 6

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I called Zack right away and told him to come over.

15 mins past and he came.

"Hey!" I hugged him and let him in.

"So tell me what happened!" he sounded so interested.

"Well he told me the kiss meant nothing and he got caught up in the moment. Then he kisses me again, but I pushed him away this time."

"Are fucking with me right now!" I started to laugh.

"No, and then I kicked him out and told him to go tell Luke by yourself!"

"Mhm fierce girl!" He said with a really funny face.

I put on some Ariana Grande "Daydreamin" cause we both love Ariana, and we talked and talked and talked.

We start cracking up cause he did this really weird dance to the song. And I was in tears.

Someone knocked on the door and I was still laughing. I opened the door and it was Luke with flowers in his hand. I stand there and stopped the laughter.

"Who's at the do-" Zack was shocked. he was by my side and couldn't finish his sentence.

Luke's P.O.V

I thought it would be nice to see my girlfriend and give her some sweet flowers. I get there and she opens the door laughing and then this good looking guy going by her side.

I was shaking and couldn't believe that she was cheating on me. I dropped the flowers and ran to my car.

"NO LUKE!" she ran to me.

I got in the car and backed out.

Still running she followed my car all the way at the end of the street screaming, I blasted my radio so I wouldn't hear her.

Lauren's P.O.V

I ran back to the house in tears. Zack comforted me and stroked my back.

"I'm so sorry." he whispered to me.

I kept on sobbing. I got a message from Luke.

Luke: Its Over. Babe.

I couldn't respond. He didn't get it. Zack left and I texted Jai.

Lauren: Did you tell him?

Jai: He's crying and locked himself in the room. What the fuck happened!

Lauren: It's to late to explain.

Jai: ??

I fell asleep, I have school.

I was unfocused the whole day.

My friend Meg was talking to me and I was just dozing off.

"Lauren what's up with you, you've been like this all day."

She snapped her fingers in my face.

"Meg Luke thinks I'm cheating on him with Zack."

"Tell Luke that Zacks gay and you guys are just friends."

"He won't believe me."

"Either way try it and for right now get your mind off it and try out for cheer with me."

"I just got here, I won't be trying out for stuff for a while."

"Your a dancer right? So just see it as more classes and it'll get you busy, and you only have work on the weekends." she did make a point.

"When are tryouts?" she squealed and hugged me.

I got home and tried not to talk to the boys. But Beau called.

"Hey, guess what."

"Ugh, what Beau."

"James is coming back!" he shouted.

"That's Great! When!"

"Tomorrow at 1:15 p.m."

"That's the best news I've heard this week."

"Oh I'm sorry about you and Luke."

"Don't be...but is Luke there?" I tried to keep my eyes from prickling.

"Nah, I don't know where he is actually."

Then it hit me! I know where Luke always thinks.

"I got to go! Love Ya." I hung up and got in the Jeep.

I headed for the Lake. I snuck by the sight and there he was skipping rocks on the water. He stopped and threw one super far while saying, "FUCK!! I GAVE HER EVERYTHING!!and the worst part is... I still love her." he calmed down a bit.

"Luke." He turned around and saw me.

"Luke it was a miss understanding!"

"Save it!" he snapped at me.

"No! That guy was my friend Zack-" he cut me off.

"Who you love! yeah yeah whatever!"

"that's what you do all the time! Let me talk, you always cut me off!"

"Yeah cause I don't want to hear you fucking mouth run!"

"Zacks Gay!" he was silent.

"And don't worry about hearing me run my fucking mouth, you won't anymore!" I ran I my Jeep and left.

I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! he's such a jerk! But I love him.

Is He The One I Want? (Soul Mate Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora