Chapter 4

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I felt like I murdered someone. How can I cheat on Luke like that, especially with his twin brother. I'm such a horrible girlfriend.

I called Jai over 15 times.

And left him voice messages.

"Jai it's me and I really want to talk about it. so please call when you hear this." I said in the voice mail.

Jai's P.O.V

"How could she be mad at me! She's the one who let me kiss her! " I told myself.

But still I get why she's mad. She's madly in love with my brother, and I betrayed him.

But why didn't she stop me? It was way longer than a minute, and she kept on going! Does she feel the same way about me?

When I got home listened to her voice mails.

"Shit I have to call her back." I told myself.

"Call who back?" Luke walked in.

I didn't answer his question.

Luke's P.O.V

Jai was acting weird, and it looked like he was going to be sick. I tried talking to him but he never responded so I decided to leave it alone.

"shh I'm going to call Lauren."

I quieted jai down.


"Luke I'm sorry but I just don't want to talk right now." she sounded dreaded.

"Lauren what's wrong?!" I started to panic a little.

"Nothing- Wait is Jai there!"

"Yeah. Why."

"I want to talk to him."

"Uh jai Lauren's on the phone." I told Jai.

He rolled his eyes and took the phone.

"Yeah?" jai sounded annoyed.

Jai's P.O.V

Lauren wanted to talk, I really didn't right now. So many feelings!

"You didn't answer my messages or calls!"

"That's because I don't want to talk about it Lauren!"

"Well I Do!" She shouted in the phone.

"Well not everything is about you, Or what you want!"

"What about the packed! no-no you know what forget that, forget everything! And the time I need you most!" She hung up and I burst into tears and gave Luke his phone.

"What the fuck happened?!" Luke asked me.

"Answer me!"

I shook my head. "just a really big mistake." I walked out of the room and went outside.

Lauren's P.O.V

Why isn't Jai here with me right now. I need him the most during these situations and he's being a little bitch.

I decide to go to bed because It was late and I have school.

Is He The One I Want? (Soul Mate Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now