Chapter 12

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"Yes?" he came rushing to me.

"Just to let you know, I'm not going to go over as much."

"What do you mean?" I stared into his polished eyes.

"I'm going to focus on school, since I need to find a 'new' future because you ruined the last one. I should've went to Boston, but no I didn't want leave you, but clearly you wanted to leave me." I saw his eyes in sorrow.

"Please, don't. do. this." his voice cracked. Dang this boy crys a lot.

"This is all your fault! Why did you have to do that Luke!."

"I did it for you!"

I didn't respond because that was probably the stupidest answer ever.

Praise The Lord Daniel and Frank showed up.

"Lauren get in!" Daniel got out of the car.

"You fucking idiot!" Daniel punched Luke to the floor.

I couldn't help but cry, I hate seeing Luke getting hurt.

Daniel left him there to suffer.

"get him when he's fine." he told frank as he was towing my car.

"I can't believe you spent the night with him!" he screamed at me as we drove off.

"Spent the night?! we were just talking about why he cheated on me and then my car was out of gas. He was the last person I wanted to be with!" I started tearing up.

We were in the my drive way and it was silent.

"Thank you for picking me up. I really appreciate it." I broke the silence.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for what Luke did." He kissed me on the cheek.

"No- don't be Daniel, please.. Well thank you for everything." I got out of the car.

"I love you." he told me.

I turned around and said "I love you to." He better of meant that in a friendly way because I did.

"Lauren wait," I was half way in the house, I turn back.

"Read the note that was in your Uggs I bought you from the air port." he gave me a cute smile.

"I will." I grinned back and waved.

I went in the house and started crying. "What did she have that I didn't!" I shouted.

I got a text from Jai.

Jai: I need to see my Best Friend:/

I called him right away and told him to come over. I really needed him.

~~~20 mins later~~~

I jerked to the door and flamed it open.

"Hey." his beautiful smile made me feel better already.

I hugged him so tight and started to cry in his shoulder.

I started to breath heavily, "you were right." Jai picked me up off my feet and carried me like a princess to the couch.

"I'm sorry for not telling you."

He apologized.

"Yeah, it would've been better knowing a month earlier...What did she have that he couldn't get from me!" I felt like dying, I miss him so much!

"I don't understand. He had the most perfect, beautifulest, funniest, Smartest, and loveliest girl. He doesn't deserve you."

"He said that he only Went on a date Olivia because he thought I'd leave him for one of you guys, and that she was just a back up."

"But your not with any of us. So he didn't need her then."

I started getting goosebumps every time Jai looked in my eyes. Do I like jai?

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