Chapter 29

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THANKS FOR 1K GUYS! On my 1st Story, Soul Mate with Luke Brooks! (First book to this one! if you haven't read it, please read it now!) I'm so Grateful for how many reads I already have! :*D I still remember when I only had bout 200, I thought that was amazing. But now 1K! NEVER FUCKING IMAGINED THIS GUYS! Thank You my people I love you so much. And thank this Amazing, awesome Fandom! The Janoskian Fandom is the best Am I Right? Thank you my lovely birds! Please comment I really want to talk to y'all! And vote!<3


It was like fucking 6:30a.m. and I was woken up by a text from Beau. Of course.

Beau: EYYYY! How's Italy? Missing you Lots Xx.

Lauren: Beau<3 I miss you too boi! And Italy is so wonderful with Luke!

Beau: Oi don't have to much fun, without me-.- but I'm happy for you two.

Lauren: Thank You. and we can't have enough fun without chu Beau!

Beau: Lol. Well I got to go, James and I are going to the gym. I Love you xox.

Lauren: Love ya Xx

I smiled at the messages. He's such a catch! I felt the bed move and see Luke grinning.

"Beauty." he got half way up and started to stretch.

"How did you sleep?" I asked him while already knowing the answer.

"Damn! The best! Because it was with you." He smirked, and gave me a big kiss on the cheek. I smiled and then he took my phone. What the hell?!

"W-what!? Give it back!" I squealed while trying to wrestle him to have it back. Unsuccessful I was. Shiet! I didn't know Luke was that strong.

Luke burst out laughing while reading my texts. "Ah, so I'm a fucking sex god, huh?" He smirked while reading them. Shit. Im so embarrassed. I felt my cheeks get red and got mad looking at him when he was laughing.

"Fuck off!" I pushed his hands with all my might and finally was able to grab my phone.

I pulled his little curly hair because I was so mad. I couldn't help but laugh though, it fucking looked like he had pubes on his head.

"HAHAH At least I'm not the one with pubes on my head Bitch!" I made a big pronunciation with the 'B'.

He started laughing even more. "At least I'm not the one with the Knots in my hair!" Fuck you.

I started to laugh a bit and he grabbed my from the waist and pinned me down. My back lying on the bed while Luke on top.

I gave him a peck on the lips. He made it continue. Lauren you have to stop this before it ends up like last night I thought to myself.

"Hey, hey. Even though this is fun we have to go." I gave him a 'I'm serious we will continue later' look.

"But why." he pouted. I can't stand the pouting.

"Sowwy baby." I acted like I was talking to a baby. We got up and changed so we can go and walk around the beautiful Italy.

Is He The One I Want? (Soul Mate Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now