Chapter 37

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Lauren's P.O.V

We finally arrived at LAX. I got up and Luke grabbed my hand. We walked out; I grabbed Luke's arm and put my face down. My face down, I did not want to face Jai- AT ALL!

I don't even know what the hell I was thinking, telling Jai ' I love him' HA.

We soon saw Beau holding a sign for us saying 'CUNTS'. I started to laugh at his for shame language.

My butterflies began again as Luke held my hand. I hate this feeling, but I love it at the same time. We started walking through some fans, not a chirp came out of Jai's mouth. Not even to his admirers, he would just smile and keep on walking.

Luke's tension swelled through the jawlines on his face. I don't know why he got so nervous.

"What's wrong" I asked his casually.

"I don't know, maybe just a bit jet-lagged." His stare stood in front of him.

What's going on with Luke? I've never seen him sick before. Even Beau was silent, I learned to just go with it and keep walking.

Once we got into the car beau finally spoke.

"So you guys hungry?" He asked.

I politely shook my head no and the boys didn't even bother to answer.

"I said are you guys -"

"WERE NOT FUCKING HUNGRY!" Jai screamed at the question.

I saw Luke roll his eyes and didn't make a sudden action.

What's going on?

Luke put his head on my shoulder and took a nap. On the other hand, Jai was already sleeping with his head rested on the seatbelt.

"Shit boys, I try to be a good older brother and they are so ungrateful." Beau tells me.

"This isn't like them, I don't know what happened on the plane but something went down." I said while caressing Luke's curly hair.

We pulled in to their home. I was going to pee in my pants! I jerked out of the car and ran to the door. Daniel welcomed me in and of course picks me up and twirls me like a young child.

"Skipp!!!" I kiss his cheek. "God I missed you!"

Daniel just hugged me tightly and started to laugh.

I hear a pleasant but young voice come from behind.

"Hello." I witnessed a beautiful British girl with the most insane cheek bones I've ever seen in front of me.

"Oh Hi!" I giggle a little from Daniel tickles.

"This is my beautiful girlfriend Lucy." Daniel smiled.

"BABY DANIEL!!! You bitch!! Your my best friend and you never told me!!" I laughed.

"Well hey! I'm Lau-"

"I know. I've heard a -ton- about you." Lucy cut me off. I thought that was really rude.

"Cool." awkward silence filled the air.

"I have to use the uh Bathroom so yeah, nice meeting you." I jog over to the toilet and pee, ugh I love to pee.

"She's totally cool!....uhu....yea she just came back from Italy with Luke...They've been together for like 2 and Luke have been best friends since the tour...i think he might...go out with him tonight!!!....okay bye love you."

Through the door I heard Lucy's conversation on the phone. Who is Luke's bestfriend? And going out...TONIGHT?!?!

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