Chapter 28

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We just got on the plane and we sat together.

"Thank you for this amazing adventure." I grinned at him.

"Thank you for letting me explore it with you."

Luke gives me this unexplainable feeling.

Luke's P.O.V

That's it, I can see our future. We will have a son named Oliver and have the best life. I watched her sleep and held her hands knowing she belonged to me and only me.

"Time to wake up." Lauren giggled whilst waking me up.

I tried to open my eyes and see that everyone is up and getting their suitcase. we got up and both of us started to get our suitcases. She got hers first and then I got mine. I held the top of my suit case and yanked the bag so it can all fall down, but it fell down on Lauren.

"OWW!" she held her back and started to laugh.

"Shit! sorry I didn't think it would fall!" I laughed a bit.

"Fuck you! that hurt so much!" she was laughing but at the same time in Pain.

We got out of the plane and walked out of the air port.

I saw a motorcycle with the keys in it and two helmets. Fuck it I'm taking it.

"Let's go." I dragged her and hopped on the bike.

"Luke this is so fucking wrong." she was so scared.

"You worry to much." I smirked at her then we rode off.

Lauren P.O.V

It was so beautiful! Like seriously how perfect is this! Italy+Perfect boyfriend+ALONE=fucking unreal moments!

We rode around everywhere. And heard so many accents, that were so cool. And so many hot foreign boys, but I had my own foreign boy.

Finally we got to our hotel I'm so exhausted! First the plane, then driving around Italy for Like 3 hours! Ugh! We got to our room. I flopped on the bed and didn't want to get up and change. That hotel bed was probably the most comfiest shit.

The room was so big and nice! it looked exactly like the hotel room in the movie Monte Carlo! It had one huge bed with a burgundy suede cover.t

"The rooms nice huh?" Luke looked around and smiled. He put his hands in his hips and stood by the desk. I smiled at the ceiling.

"It-Its so fancy and big. I love it." I was so paralyzed by Luke licking his lips while looking at me. That bought a tingle down my spine.

I got up and started walking towards him, I hugged him and just thinking to myself, this isn't real, I can't believe that Luke did all of this.

He broke up the hug and looked at me with his hands sill around my waist and caressing it with his thumbs. I saw him leaning in and so I followed. Finally our lips finally touched and kissed. The kiss was rough but I'm am NOT complaining.

My hands behind his head feeling his hair. He picked my up without breaking the kiss. He placed my on the desk and hovered on top of me. He bit my lip causing me to moan a little. He's so fucking sexy. He picked my up again and laid me on the burgundy bed. On top of my he left trails of kisses going down my neck. "Let's start where we left off." his husky voice whispered to me.

I flipped him over and smiled a bit just looking at how out of breath he was. I dived in kissing him, and sucking on his neck as he did to me before. His moan was like a sex god! My hands wandering around his lower area, and his on my back. I tugged on his shirt giving him a hint to take it off. I want him. He took his V-neck off and threw it across the room. I saw his body and couldn't help but bite my lip. He chuckled and put his hand in my pants. I moaned and I took off my pants. He grabbed my butt and squeezed it. My hands were still on his lower section. I fell deep asleep before I knew it, he did the same.

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