Chapter 19

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In the morning I went to school and it was just a regular day. I avoided Meg the entire time, and at cheer I slapped her with my ponytail un purpose.

I got home, took a nap, and went to work. Yes! finally payday was here. I saved up my savings and had over 3,000 dollars in cash. I had to save up again, because my first savings all went to Luke's car, I regret it.

Months have past and I haven't seen Luke. I totally have forgotten about him. Kinda. Not really. No.

"Lauren can you go get groceries, my back is killing me." my mom whined.

"Uh, yeah sure, what do you need?" I put on some leggings and my running nike shoes.

"There's a list in the kitchen drawer." she pointed.

I got the keys and had the list in my hand. Gawd it was like 3 frikin pages. I went to Ralph's and went looking for the needed stuff.

"It's like a maze in here huh?" this weird American accent guy approached me. I was still looking at the list and replied, "tell me about it." I looked up and it was Luke. He did a toothy smile and giggled.

"How's my accent?" He raised his eye brows for a response. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Gotta work on it some more." I returned on searching but he followed me.

"So how have you been?" he grinned.

"I've been better, you?" I looked up at him and those polished eyes were just sparkling like a perfect star.

"Same, but just grocery shopping with Jacob. So how was the Cement Club?" he asked.

" yeah met Zac Efron." It was turning really awkward.

"I heard.. Lauren I haven't been eating or sleeping, you've been on my mind this entire time and I don't know how I can make you forgive me, but please try to. There's no way I can say sorry, I'm sorry." Luke was on his knees saying sorry and I couldn't help but smile.

"Apologizes accepted." I smiled. He got back up so his feet and grabbed the side of my face and kissed me so passionately. After, we both laughed and held hands.

Luke's P.O.V

Thank the heavens that she forgave me. Shes so great, I thought everyone had to know. I got up on one of the ladders in the isle that's only for employees and screamed.

"I LOVE LAUREN SANCHEZ! SHE IS MY GIRLFRIEND AND I LOVE HER WITH ALL MY HEEEAAARRRTTTTT! WHOA!" I climbed off so the manager didn't see me. I went back and saw Lauren with her face red and she was laughing so much. I hugged her so tight because I missed he so much.

I helped her pack everything in the car, and she left.

"Dude you don't deserve a chick like that." Jacob said.

I just laughed it off, and thought to myself, I don't deserve her but she thinks she deserves me.

Lauren's P.O.V

Me and Luke are back together YES! I missed him so much and I know he missed me. But, what about Jai? Do I still like him? Or should I just forget about him and be with Luke.

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