Chapter 20

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I asked Beau if we could come over.

"Hey! Gosh haven't seen you in about 3 months!" he hugged me.

"Yeah I know, time flys." we sat in the kitchen drinking some Cokes.

"So believe it or not, me and Luke are back together." I closed my eyes and was scared to to hear his response.

He got up and stood behind his chair. He smiled and said, "FINALLY! I'm so happy for you guys!"

I was so confused. "wait-wait, your 'happy' that we are back?"

"A little bummed that HE has you, but I'm happy for him because he was so fucking annoying talking about how he misses you you." He took a breath.

I smiled and hugged Beau. "You are probably going to be the only one that's happy we are back together...Daniel, Jai..God their going to hate me." I started to tear up on his shoulder. He stroked my back to comfort me.

"They won't hate you. If anything they will be happy that your happy, and that's all that matters." His words made me think, am I happy?

"Thanks Beau."

"No problem. But Shiiit have you seen Megan and Jai? They can't get enough of each other, it's sick!" He laughed. I got so pissed off, like seriously is Meg always going to haunt me!?

"Sicker than you think." I smirked. We went in the living room and watched "21 Jump Street" that movie is hilarious.

And Dave Franco! (am I right ladies?)

Beau left a couple minutes after the movie. I texted Zack right away so I can tell him everything.

Lauren: Me and Luke are back.

Zack: That's Great! OMG what about Jai.


Zack: Yeah you can't have a boyfriend and have a huge crush on your best friend AKA Luke's fucking brother!

Lauren: what do I do?

Zack: Sweetie I'm sorry, I can't tell you what to feel for one guy and for the other. Trust your instincts, that's your answer.

He was right.

Jai's P.O.V

I like Meg a lot but I'm still in love with Lauren. But remember she said "We will only be best friends and that's it."

I called her 3 times and she didn't answer. I was starting to get worried a bit. I called Luke and asked if he's talked to Lauren. Then, the terrible 4 words came out of his mouth, and into my phone, then into my head. "we are back together" he said. I felt like my heart was on fire, and I don't know how but tears were coming out of my eyes. How could she forgive him! No, and I finally thought she had feelings for me!

Luke's P.O.V

"WE ARE BACK! ME AND MY FUTURE WIFE ARE UNITED ONCE AGAIN!!" I screamed as I woke up from my nap. I had the best dream of me and Lauren.

"Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot." Daniel laughed and bugged my head.

"Baby Daniel! Me and Lauren are back!" I shouted to him. His reaction was from happy baby Daniel, to mad baby Daniel.

"What! How could she be so stupid!" He shouted and ran to his room like a gremlin that he his.

Daniels P.O.V

How could she do this to ME! I thought we had something at the Cement Club that was very special. That was the first time Lauren and I had an amazing time alone, and she just forgot about all of that?!?

I rang her right away. But she didn't answer. I called her 4 times and she never answered. I decided to go to her house and show her how much she was missing.

Lauren's P.O.V

I noticed that the boys called. But I turned off my phone because I had my grandparents come all the way from Argentina. They are the cutest old couple in the world, and I want me and Luke to be that way.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" My grandma asked while taking a sip of her tea.

"Yes, his name is Luke. Him and his brothers and friends are famous because they make internet videos." I explained.

"Ohh! So your dating someone famous! How exciting! Is he cute?" She cupped her hands together.

"Yes, very! He has a twin brother, Jai and an older brother Beau. And James and Daniel are their best friends. All of them are Australian. They are my best friends as well, those boys are the most important things in my life right now." I smiled and so did she.

"Harry get in here!" she called my grandfather.

"Lauren has a celebrity boyfriend that's Australian." she told him.

"That's great! does he take you on his tours?" he asked.

"There not in tour yet."

My grandparents always say the funniest story's about my mom when she was little. I was peeing my pants when they said that she got chased by a bull because she was wearing an orange shirt.

I heard a knock on the door but I ignored it because I was listening to another one of nonnas hilarious stories.

"Lauren go get the door."

"But I'm-" my dad cut me off.

"Now." he snapped. I went to open the door and it was Daniel and he barged in screaming, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!? ARE YOU FUCKING MENTAL? WHY WOULD YOU GET BACK WITH LUKE WHEN YOU COULD OF HAD ME?!!!" I didn't know what to do, it was all happening so fast. Daniel didn't realize that my grandparents were over.

"Dani-" he cut me off by grabbing the side of my face with both his hands and starts kissing me in front of everyone.

I pushed him away and started hitting him. I was so embarrassed I started crying, he saw everyone staring with their mouth open in shock. He ran out and I was standing there crying in front of my parents, and grandparents. I ran up the stairs and slammed the door to my room.

Are you fucking kidding me! This has to happen NOW! My life is a big ball of suck! And now my grandma and grandpa are probably thinking "wow that was the boy that is her everything." I laid on my bed and tried to forget about everything.

A while after I went back down stairs. I was standing in front of everyone, took a deep breathe and said, "I'm sorry for that big disturbing disruption. And I'm sorry you guys had to see that." I apologized.

"Was that Luke?" my grandpa asked.

I wiped my eyes and shook my head.

I kissed my grandparents goodbye, I love them so much.

I grabbed my phone and called Daniel.

"I'm sorry!" he answered right away.

"My grandparents now think I get abused by my friends!" I shouted in the phone.

"I'm sorry, I really fucked up!"

"Yeah you did! Daniel do you know hOw embarrassing that was! You made out with me in front of my elegant grandparents!" I felt like choking him.

"I know I'm sorry! but why the hell did you get back with LUKE?!?" He got fired up.

I stayed silent for a sec then replied, "because I Love Him." I hung up after I that.

Is He The One I Want? (Soul Mate Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now