Chapter 27

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"Jai?" I opened the door.

"*sniffle* uh, erm, Y-Yeah." His voice became deep as if he wasn't crying like a baby. I saw a hole through the wall, and his CDs on the floor everywhere.

What a mess. I saw his eyes red and he was in the corner of the bed knees to his chest, and playing with his fingers.

"You know the first time we kissed." he scrunched his eyes. "and- and I said it meant nothing."

I closed my eyes and chill my head. "please don't say it." I whispered.

"That was probably the most enchanting thing ever to me." Jai put his hands over his mouth waiting for me to respond.

Shit. What am I going to say! The kiss did mean something to me a little.

"Well, I did feel it, the spark. But-"

"HEYYY!" Luke sang. "Babe get dressed, we have to leave in a bit. I just, ahhh I just can't wait." Luke squealed.

He looked so happy, I can't crush him. Fucking Jai! He had to tell me on this one special day!

"I guess you have to go." Jai looked at his phone acting as if nothing has happened.

"Yeah, bye Jai." I looked at him, and he looked back. I saw the sadness in his eyes. I got up and closed the door behind me feeling so bad.

I went in Luke's room and started to change into his green Dirty Pig sweatshirt with my leggings and the pink Uggs.

"Ready?" Luke came in and kissing me on the cheek. He lead me to his bed and sat me down on his lap.

"I can't wait Luke. I mean me and you And Italy!" I kissed him. That little kiss broke out to a make out session. He but my lip that caused me to moan a bit and he laid us down him on top of me with hands on my face and mine messing up his hair.

We heard a honk from the taxi meaning we have to go. Things were getting pretty hot. "We will be back here in the hotel." he winked at me out of breathe. I kissed him one last time and we left.

"BYE BOYS I LOVE YOU ALL!" I said before going outside.

"Love you Lauren! Have Fun!" they all shouted back. I closed the door. Italy here we come!

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