Chapter 33

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"No before that, when Luke interrupted our conversation." Jai said while looking at me straight in the eye.

I opened my mouth a little, and remembered what he said. That's why he came? just to tell me again?! I still hadn't said anything.

"I can't stop thinking about it." he said in a low deep voice.

"I-" I had no words period. I have so many thoughts but, I-I can't put them in words.

"Since the night we first kissed AKA the day you decided not to leave, I haven't stopped thinking about it..." He was biting his thumb nail and shaking his head by thinking about.

"I remember not, finishing what I was going to say." Those were the best words that summed up my thoughts.

"YES!.. That's why I came, it haunts me not knowing." Jai's face lit up. He held my hand and was waiting for me to say something.

"Let me help you find where we left off. You felt the spark but..." he said helping me continue where I left off.

"But-" after that word I hear, "Lauren why the hell did you leave!?" I got so scared I let out a little jump.

"Jai!" he yelled in surprise, "My dear twin brother why are you here!?" He squealed with delight.

"Fuck off!" jai yanked him off.

Luke gave him a confused look.

Jai's P.O.V


"Luke how did you find me?" Lauren asked.

"Well at first these really loud rude people where walking in the halls and woke me up! And then i saw that your beautiful body wasn't next to me like always, so I got worried and come running down, and I see you with Jai, so, here I am." Luke said while grinning. I rolled my eyes on how annoying he is.

I finally shut him up, "Okay ya! Lauren can I talk to you outside." I snapped.

Luke's eyes shot to her.

"Yeah." she said in a low tone. "Luke you can wait upstairs I'll be there soon."

Luke nodded and kissed her on the cheek.

"Jai, I'll see you later." he waved goodbye and left.

"Finally..." I said under my breathe.

We started heading outside.

Lauren's P.O.V

Jai and I went outside. The lobby soon became so loaded with guests.

We sat on the stairs while it was pouring rain outside...great.

"It's pouring!" I said as we went through the doors.

"It's okay, a little water won't hurt." He gave me his jacket.

I remember this jacket, it was the one he was wearing at the meet and greet, mmm still smells like him. I had felt this feeling in my gut, that made me feel a little weird.

"So lemme get this straight...You came all the way to fucking Italy just for me to finish my sentence." I said.

"Haha yup." he chuckled, "No matter what you say, it'll be worth it." he gave me his smile when his lips are covering the top half if his teeth and only showing the bottom.

He grabbed my wet hand.

I couldn't help but smile.

Do I love Jai?

"So, should I finish, or make you miserable and not say another word?" I cocked my eye brows.

He sighed and laughed.

"Fine I'll tell you." I laughed, "I felt the spark but,-" Before I knew it, Jai's moist lips were on mine. I didn't want to pull away, cause I am feeling the fireworks go off. We stood up, not breaking the kiss, I put my hands around his neck, and his on the sides of my face.

We stopped kissing and just looked at each other in the face.

"So beautiful." he whispered to me.

I blushed and shook my head.

I kissed him again there in the rain.


After that we just sat there in front of the lobby dry cause the rain had stopped.

I seriously don't regret that I kissed Jai.

"I love you." he whispered to me.

Is He The One I Want? (Soul Mate Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now