Babysitting Part 2

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While Ramona was watching a movie Jake was getting dinner read. Anna had just finished making a bottle for Gloria and started to feed her when Jake just stared at her.

Anna: Why are you staring at me it's creepy.

Jake: I'm sorry you just look so comfortable with her.

Anna: I know I can't believe how fast we have bonded.

Jake: You're a natural you look good holding a baby.

Anna: Whatever thoughts you are having stop now. We are not ready to have a baby.

Jake: Don't freak out I wasn't implying anything.

Anna: I'm sorry I know you didn't mean anything by that, it was just a compliment.  

Jake: It was, Well dinner is ready I'll go get Romana.

Anna: Ok I'm just going to finish feeding Gloria.

Jake got Ramona then they all settled at the table to eat. When dinner was finished Anna put Gloria back in the playpen Ramona finished watching her movie and Anna and Jake cleaned up the kitchen.

Anna: Is everything ok?

Jake: Yeah why?

Anna: You seem angry about something.

Jake: I'm fine.

Anna: You're a bad liar I can read you whats up?

Jake: Ok it's about earlier when you were holding the baby you freaked out when I said you looked good holding a baby. 

Anna: Oh, I'm sorry about that. I know you want kids one day so when you started saying those things I got nervous that you were ready for a baby and I'm not.

Jake: I know I'm not either just seeing you holding her made me think about what it will be like when we have a family one day and what a great mom you will be when the time comes.

Anna: Ok I'm sorry I freaked out on you, I didn't mean to. Thank you for the sweet compliment I'm really glad we did this tonight.

Jake: I'm glad we did this too, I leaned in and gave her a passionate kiss.

Anna: Ok I would love to keep doing this but we have kids in the next room let's get back in there and watch the movie.

After the movie finished Jake took Ramona upstairs to get her ready for bed. Anna was getting Gloria changed into her pajamas and making her a bottle. Jake came down after reading Ramona a story and tucking her into bed. He walked into the family room and saw Anna rocking Gloria to sleep, Jake walked up behind her and put his arms around her waist and they swayed back and forth together.

Anna: She's out I'm going to put her down.

Jake: I'm going to pick up all the toys and put away the game.

Anna: So this is what it is like to have kids toys everywhere?

Jake: I guess so, at least I didn't have to play Barbies.

Anna: When we have kids one-day you'll have to play with dolls.

Jake: Nope.

Anna: If you have a daughter you will. Would you really refuse to play dolls with your daughter?

Jake: Of course not I just won't have to, because we are going to have boys so it will be trucks and dinosaurs.

Anna: Really well I'll be laughing when we have girls and your stuck playing with dolls.

Jake: We'll see.

Later that night Jake and Anna got ready for bed. Jake brought the playpen upstairs to there room so that Gloria was close by if she woke up. It was 1 in the morning when Ramona came into their room, she stood by Anna's side of the bed and shook her. Anna opened her eyes and saw Ramona it looked like she had been crying.

Anna: What's wrong sweetheart?

Ramona: I had a bad dream and I cant go back to sleep.

Anna: Do you want me to tuck you back in?

Ramona: Yes, please.

Anna: Ok let's go back to bed.

Anna took Ramona back across the hall to the guest room and tucked the little girl back into bed. Anna was about to leave when Ramona asked Anna if she could stay until she fell asleep. Anna stayed with her until she was asleep then went back to bed.

When Anna got back in bed Jake rolled over and asked where she was Anna told Jake about Ramona. Jake asked why she didn't wake him up to help her, she told him she had everything under control, and that Ramona wanted her. It took Anna a while to go back to sleep.

The next morning Jake was chasing Ramona around the house while Anna was feeding Gloria and getting breakfast ready. All Anna could hear was Romana laughing everytime Jake caught her. They were having breakfast when there was a knock at the door. Jake got up from the table and answered it. When Jake opened the door Maggie and Peter were standing there.

Jake: We weren't expecting you guys this early? 

Maggie: I know I just really missed the girls.

Jake: They are in the kitchen having breakfast come in.

Jake walked into the kitchen with Maggie and Peter. Ramona look who's here Jake said, Ramona turned around and saw her parents she got off the chair and ran to give them a hug.

Maggie: Were you good for Uncle Jake and Auntie Anna?

Ramona: Yep we had a lot of fun. 

Maggie: Great I''m glad you had fun.

Anna stood up with Gloria in her arms and walked over to them she handed the baby to Peter. Peter noticed that once Gloria was back in his arms she was still looking at Anna the whole time.

Peter: I think you have a new friend she can't stop looking at you.

Anna: I know the whole time I was holding her she kept looking at me.

Peter: I think its sweet she is so comfortable with you.

Anna: She's a great baby.

Jake and Maggie packed everything up, Ramona made sure she had all of her stuff. Anna packed up Gloria's stuff in the kitchen and brought it to the door. They all said goodbye Maggie and Peter thanked them again for babysitting. 

Jake: Well that was a fun night.

Anna: It really was they are such great kids. 

Jake: I'm going to clean up from breakfast.

Anna: I'll give you a hand.

They went back into the kitchen and cleaned up breakfast then they sat on the couch.

Jake: I didn't realize kids had so much energy Romona never wanted to sit still.

Anna: I didn't know that either. I do know that Gloria is a great baby, so calm I was expecting her to cry a lot.

Jake: You were great with her I figured she would wake up last night but she slept right through.

Anna: Thanks, I have to admit it was nice holding a baby I'm not saying I'm ready for my own yet but in a few years I could see us with our own kid.

Jake just smiled and rested his head on the back of the couch he felt Anna curl up next to him and next thing they knew they were both asleep.        

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