Here We Go Again

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When Anna got home from filming Pitch Perfect 3 Ethan got sick Anna was spending so much time with him that she thought she caught whatever he had. Anna woke up one morning feeling terrible she had been feeling this way for a while now, she made a doctors appointment and asked Britt to go with her because she did not want to worry Jake.

Anna: Hey babe I'm going out with Britt for a while I'll be back later.

Jake: Where are you going?

Anna: Dress shopping with Britt.

Jake: Can girls not shop for a dress alone?

Anna: We can shop alone we just choose not to.

Jake: Alright have fun I said as I went back to playing with Ethan.

Britt pulled up as Anna walked out the door she got in the car and hugged Britt.

Anna: Thanks for coming with me.

Britt: No problem are you sure you don't want Jake to go with you I can watch Ethan?

Anna: Jake worries It's probably nothing if he asks we went dress shopping.

Britt: Dress shopping?

Anna: I told him you needed me to help you pick out a dress.

Britt: Alright he's going to think I can't shop alone.

Anna: I told him we can shop alone we choose not to.

Britt: I looked at her and laughed I shook my head as I drove away.

When they got to the doctor's office Anna checked in and waited to be called, when her name was called her and Britt went back to the room together. As they waited for the doctor to come in Anna started to feel really nervous Britt told her everything would be fine and she was here for her.

When the doctor came in he asked Anna what was going on, Anna told him all of her symptoms and how her son was sick and she thought she might have caught it. He told her they would take some blood and do a couple of tests and they should have an answer for her soon.

The doctor returned a little later when he walked in he looked at Anna and smiled.

Dr. Camden: Congratulations Anna, you're pregnant.

Anna: I'm what?

Dr. Camden: You're pregnant.

Anna: That can't be right are you sure?

Dr. Camden: Yep according to this test you are 5 weeks.

Anna: Wow.

Dr. Camden: I'll give you two a minute I said as I walked out the door.

Britt: Are you ok?

Anna: I'm shocked this is fast Ethan is only 14 months I mean we talked about having another baby but not for a while.

Britt: Everything will be ok you and Jake can handle this.

Anna: Yeah. 

Dr. Camden came back into the room and told Anna she should make an appointment with her OBGYN so she could get an ultrasound and check the progress of the baby and ask any questions she might have. Anna and Britt left the office and drove back to Anna's

Anna: Thanks for going with me today.

Britt: Anytime, and Anna don't worry everything will be fine I'll call you later ok?

Anna: Ok thanks Britt I'll talk to you later.

Anna walked into the house and into the kitchen, Jake was feeding Ethan lunch.

Jake: Hey babe how did dress shopping go?

Anna: I lied to you this morning I'm sorry.

Jake: Why did you lie, what's going on? 

Anna: I went to see the doctor and I had Britt go with me.

Jake: Why didn't you tell me that's where you were going?

Anna: I didn't want to worry?

Jake: I always worry about you. Are you ok?

Anna: Yeah I haven't been feeling well so I wanted to make sure everything was ok.

Jake: Is everything ok?

Anna: Yeah he ran some tests and everything is great.

Jake: Thank god I said as I kissed her.

Anna: I do have something I need to tell you?

Jake: Okay.

Anna: I'm pregnant.

Jake: What?

Anna: I'm pregnant we are having another baby.

Jake stood up from his chair picked Anna up and spun her around then put her back on her feet and kissed her. 

Jake: God, babe this is amazing.

Anna: You don't think it's too soon?

Jake: It's soon but I'm so happy aren't you?

Anna: I am I'm just in shock I can't believe this is happening.

Jake: Hey babe everything will be fine we will figure it out I said as I hugged her.

Anna: Yeah, so the doctor said I'm 5 weeks and I should call Dr. Smith so we can check on the baby and ask any questions we have.

Jake: Okay let me know when your appointment is and I'll be there.

Anna: I will, I looked at Ethan and smiled as he put another piece of food in his mouth.

Jake: Hey buddy are you ready to be a big brother?

Ethan just smiled at his dad and shoved more food into his mouth Jake just laughed at his son and shook his head. Anna just stood there and smiled at her boys as she placed her hand on her stomach.

Later on in the night Anna and Jake were lying in bed together when Anna turned to Jake.

Anna: I am happy about the baby I'm just scared.

Jake: Scared of what?

Anna: That this baby will come early like Ethan did.

Jake: Hey don't think like that ok. None of that was your fault.

Anna: I know I just wanted to know what the odds were before thinking about having another baby.

Jake: Hey we see the doctor in a few days we can ask all those questions then ok right now I just want to enjoy this moment together.

Anna: I leaned over and kissed him then rested my head against his. I love you so much you know that?

Jake: I know, and I love you too, and I love this baby I said as I placed my hand on her stomach she placed hers on top of mine.  

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