Picture Day

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Picture Day at school was approaching; Anna wanted the boys to look good, so she made appointments to get their hair cut, and planned to take them shopping for new outfits.

Anna and Jake were in the kitchen on Sunday morning making, breakfast the boys were playing in the family room.

Anna: Hey, I made appointments for the boys to get their haircut for tomorrow after school, but I have to go to the dentist can you take them?

Jake: Yeah, I can do that why are you cutting their hair?

Anna: School pictures are on Wednesday, we are getting their outfits today after breakfast.

Jake: Noah doesn't want to cut his hair.

Anna: I don't care he is getting it cut it's too long we're sending these pictures to our parents, I want them to look nice.

Jake: I agree with you, but he is going to fight you on this.

Anna: Well, we are going to win.

Jake just laughed and went to grab something from the fridge. Jake brought the juice over to the table and called the boys for breakfast.

Anna: Just make sure he comes home with a haircut I know you, you will cave you have to be strong on this one.

Jake: Alright, I will make sure he gets it cut.

Anna: Thank you, let's eat.

After breakfast, they got dressed and went to the mall. When they got there, Anna took the boys to find them clothes for picture day.

When they finished shopping they came home, so the boys could clean up their rooms.

Ethan: Why do we have to clean our rooms?

Anna: Because you guys made a big mess there are toys and books and clothes everywhere.

Noah: That's how we like it.

Anna: Well, my house, my rules, go.

Both boys went upstairs to clean their rooms.

Anna: Don't just shove everything in the closet, I will be up to check.

Jake was watching tv in the family room when Anna walked in.

Anna: I wish you would tell the boys to clean their rooms, so I'm not always the bad guy.

Jake: What's the big deal just close the door then you don't have to look at the mess.

Anna: They need to learn to pick up after themselves, not just close doors.

Jake: Ok, next time, I will tell them I promise.

The next day Jake picked the boys up from school, while Anna was at the dentist. Jake drove the boys to the hairdresser, when Noah saw where they were he started freaking out.

Noah: I don't want a haircut, daddy.

Jake: I know, but you have too because school pictures are on Wednesday.

Jake brought the boys inside and waited to be called, Ethan was first he knew exactly, what he wanted. He sat down in the chair and told the lady what he wanted.

When he was done he jumped down from the chair and sat next to Jake. Noah sat in the chair, and the lady asked what he wanted.

Noah: I don't want a haircut.

Jake: I think we should just cut it short so he can spike the front.

The lady cut Noah's hair while Ethan and Jake watched. Once they were done, he took the boys for ice cream.

When they arrived back home, Anna wasn't home yet.

Jake: Boys, sit at the table and start your homework, your mom should be home soon.

When Anna got home, it was 5:30 Jake had just finished dinner and was putting it on the table.

Anna: Hey, sorry; It took so long the dentist was behind today.

Jake: Hey, it's fine, dinner is ready, take a seat.

Anna: Where are the boys?

Jake: Putting their homework away.

The boys came downstairs and sat at the table.

Ethan: Hi, mommy.

Anna: Hey, buddy, your hair looks great.

Ethan: Thanks.

Noah still hadn't come to the table, so Anna thought he didn't get his haircut.

Noah came over to the table and sat down next to Ethan.

Noah: Hi, mommy.

Anna: Hi, Noah, you look so handsome, I love your haircut.

Noah: It's ok.

Anna laughed as everyone started putting food on their plates.

When Wednesday came, the boys got up put on their new clothes; Anna did their hair then they went downstairs for breakfast.

Anna dropped the boys off at school and asked the boys not to get their new clothes dirty until after pictures.

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