First Day of School

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Today was Ethan's first day of school Jake was making breakfast while Anna was helping Ethan get ready.

Ethan: Mommy how come Noah can't come?

Anna: He's not old enough yet buddy he will get to go next year. Which shirt do you want to wear blue or green?

Ethan: Green mommy.

Anna: Okay green it is I said as I took it off the hanger. Let's get dressed because daddy is making your favorite for breakfast.

Ethan: Pancakes?

Anna: Yep pancakes so let's get dressed.

Anna helped Ethan get ready made sure he had everything he would need for school, then went to the kitchen for breakfast.

Jake: There's my big guy are you ready for your first day of school?

Ethan didn't say anything he just sat down in his chair and started to eat.

Anna: Babe I think he's a little nervous I said as I grabbed a plate.

Jake: He was so excited last night what happened?

Anna: It's setting in now that he is going to school and Noah isn't going with him.

Jake: Oh should I talk to him about it?

Anna: You can try if you want.

Jake walked over to the table where the boys were he sat down beside him, and Anna sat down next to Noah.

Jake: Hey buddy how are the pancakes?

Ethan: They're good daddy. 

Jake: Do you have everything you need for school?

Ethan: I don't want to go anymore, daddy.

Jake: Why not buddy you were so excited yesterday you couldn't stop talking about it.

Ethan: Noah doesn't have to go, so I don't want to either I want to stay with mommy.   

Ethan got off the chair and ran to the family room.

Jake and Anna just looked at each other.

Jake: Should I go after him?

Anna: I'll go I said as I got up from the table.

Anna followed after Ethan when she walked into the family room she found him sitting on the couch. 

Anna: What's going on buddy why don't you want to go to school?

Ethan: I'm scared, mommy.

Anna: Scared of what?

Ethan: I just shrugged my shoulders and didn't look at her. 

Anna: Baby tell me what's wrong what can I do to make you feel better. Do you want to talk to Auntie Hailee before you go?

Ethan: Yes, please.

Anna: Ok let me get my phone then we will Face-time her ok?

Ethan: Ok.

Anna walked back into the kitchen and grabbed her phone off the counter.

Jake: Is he ok?

Anna: He wants to talk to Hailee before we go.

Jake: Isn't she on tour?

Anna: She is, but I'm hoping she will answer.

Jake: Good luck.

Anna opened her phone and called Hailee it rang a few times before she answered.

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