A Trip to The Hospital

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Jake has been gone for a month Anna still refuses to talk to him when he calls the boy's talk to him when he calls later in the night she just sends him to vociemail. Anna was putting away groceries when her phone rang. When she answered it was the boy's school Ethan had been taken to the hospital he fell at recess.

Anna arrived at the hospital, once there she asked where her son was they took her to him. The doctor told her Ethan had broken his arm and they would be taking him to put a cast on. While Anna was waiting she made a few calls, first to Jake she called but there was no answer, so she left a message. 

Anna: Hey it's me just wanted to call to let you know that Ethan is in the hospital he broke his arm call me when you get this.

Anna called Britt next.

Anna: Hey Britt? 

Britt: Hey is everything ok?

Anna: I was wondering if you can pick Noah up from school, Ethan had an accident he broke his arm, I'm at the hospital.

Britt: Are you okay, do you need me to come there?

Anna: I'm alright I just need someone to pick up Noah because I'm going to be here for a while.

Britt: Yeah sure no problem I got Noah don't worry tell Ethan I love him.

Anna: Thank you so much and I will.

Britt: Before I go did you call Jake?

Anna: I left a message he didn't answer.

Britt: Try calling again he needs to know what's going on even if you're mad.

Anna: I know I will try calling again.

While Anna was waiting, she tried to call Jake again.

Anna: Where are you our son is in the hospital call me back.

Anna left three messages for Jake, but he never called her back. Ethan was brought back to his room.

Ethan: Look at my cool cast mommy they, let me pick the colour.

Anna: That's cool buddy are you in pain?

Ethan: I'm, ok mommy.

The doctor told Anna that Ethan would be able to go home soon and that he needed to take it easy for a few days then he said the nurse would be in soon with papers to sign and left the room.

Britt was waiting outside the school for Noah when the bell went off the kids ran out.

Britt: Hey Noah over here.

Noah: Hi Auntie Britt where's my mommy?

Britt: She is at the hospital with Ethan he had an accident and hurt his arm, so I'm picking you up today.

Noah: Are we going to the hospital?

Britt: Your mom wants me to take you home because they might be there a while.

Noah: Will mommy be home for dinner?

Britt: I'm not sure we can call her when we get home ok?

Noah: Ok. 

When Anna arrived home with Ethan Britt was in the kitchen making dinner for Noah.

Ethan: Auntie Britt look at my cool cast will you sign it?

Britt: Hey buddy that is cool of course I will sign it.

Anna: Thank you so much for getting Noah and for making him dinner.

Britt: No problem did you get ahold of Jake?

Anna: Hey boy's can you go watch tv in the family room.

The boys went off to watch tv so the adults could talk.

Anna: I left three messages, but he still hasn't returned any of my calls.

Britt: Do you want me to call.

Anna: Sure you can try.

Britt took out her phone, and tried to call Jake it rang a few times then went to voicemail. Hey, Jake, it's Britt I need you to call me back something happened with Ethan.

Later that night Anna gave Ethan his medicine then Anna and Britt tucked the boys in bed then talked in the family room for a while. 

Britt: Well I should get going if he calls me I will let you know.

Anna: Thanks, for everything today I can always count on you.

Britt: It's what friends are for I love you call me tomorrow.

Anna: I will drive safe.

After Britt left Anna cleaned the kitchen locked all the doors turned off the tv and went upstairs she checked on the boys then went to her room and got ready for bed. Anna lied there for a while before trying Jake again still no answer she gave up and went to sleep.

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